Chapter 10
Tracy had enjoyed meeting Aj but was also glad to be back at Nick's alone with him. Well almost alone, the maid fluttering around the house, anticipating their every need, drove her insane. She had to leave the next morning and trying hard to suppress her growing annoyance, she didn't want to end this with him in a fight.

They spent the day lounging out by the pool and touching each other in the subtle ways that two people new to a relationship do.  Tracy rolled over onto her stomach, looking down at the pool and watching Nick swim laps through the water. She had become so relaxed and so intent on him and the water, she never noticed that he'd left the pool and snuck up behind her, not until the cold water drops coming from his body splashed onto her back.  "Oh shit. Jesus you're cold," she screamed, sitting up.

He pulled her to him.  "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, the laughter and his intent still playing in his eyes.

"Yeah, uh huh, sure," she said faking anger.

He smiled at her and then kissed her delicately, making her moan softly against his lips. He pulled back and smirked at her.  "Guess that means I am forgiven," he said playing with her hair.

"You're forgiven," she said smiling. He was just so damn cute.  "Nick, what are we having for dinner and if you say pizza, I swear I will scream."

He laughed. "No pizza baby, I'll have Laura make you something," he said turning to go inside.

Tracy stopped him.  "No Nick I will just make a quick sandwich," she said grabbing a towel.

"Tracy that is her job. It's what I pay her to do," Nick said, walking back over to her.

"I just don't feel comfortable with it Nick. I can make a sandwich really," she said, starting for the kitchen.

He stopped her.  "Tracy you're going to have to get used to this. It's the way I live," he said a little heatedly.

Tracy shook of his hand.  "Excuse me? Get used to it? Well in that case, I have nothing to get used to.  I can just leave," she answered.

"Tracy, this is childish.  She's just an employee," he said throwing his towel down.

"No Nick, she's a human who is doing some spoiled little rich boys bidding because he's too fucking lazy to do it himself!" she yelled.

"God damn it Tracy, I can not keep apologizing because I have money. I am not the only one who has a maid. Damn, most girls would love that aspect of my life but all you have been able to do is bitch about it," he answered, totally frustrated.

Tracy looked at him completely pissed now. "Ya know what baby boy, I am out of here!" she yelled shocking him with her intensity. She turned quickly and began heading for the stairs.

Laura passed her as she made her way through the living room.  "Ma'am can I get you something for dinner?" she asked.

Tracy looked at her noticing Nick in the doorway. "No Laura, that's okay and by the way, I am simply Tracy," she added, climbing the stairs. Nick stayed behind a moment to speak with Laura who was looking a bit puzzled.

When he climbed the stairs, he found her throwing things into her bag.  "Tracy, baby, can we talk?" he asked slowly making his presence know in the room. 

"There is nothing for us to talk about," she answered, determined not to give into him.

"Yes Tracy, there is. Look I'm sorry. I take for granted that everyone lives like I do. I haven't been in a house without a staff for over 3 years. And you on the other hand, have never been in a house with a staff."  He paused and then covered his mouth when he noticed her starring daggers at him.  "Fuck baby, that isn't what I meant to say. I just meant that your not used to this way of life. Tracy," He stopped in mid sentence as she began walking past him to the door. He grabbed her arm stopping her.  "Damn it Tracy, please wait," he said, making her look at him. It was the first time he had noticed the tears forming in her eyes.

"Nick this just isn't me. I should go," she said whispering, scared of her own voice.

He brushed a finger over her face softly. "Babygirl please, don't leave, stay with me tonight. I don't want you to go," he added looking into her eyes.

"Nick," she began. He silenced her with his finger, taking the bag from her shoulder.

"We've done way too much talking today and everybody knows I am not good with words," he said smiling at her.  He pulled her to him allowing him to close the door.  "I'm much better at showing someone how I feel with actions," he said, lowering his voice and tickling her lips with his breath.  "Tracy," he began.

This time he was silenced by her finger running over his bottom lip.  "Nicky enough talking already, you're bound to fuck it up, just show me," she managed in a whisper.

No more words were spoken between them as he led her to the bed and slowly removed her swimsuit. There was something entirely different about the way he touched her. It was slow, and gentle and so damn amazing, it nearly drove her out of her mind. There was no need for foreplay, no need for anything more than the way he felt against her, to send her mind spiraling into a world of desire built solely around him. And when he finally entered her, it was exquisite pleasure for them both. His gentle slow movements bringing Tracy over the edge time and time again. Their love making lasted for what seemed like hours. But when all was over and Nick was sleeping peacefully beside her, Tracy was left with the immense pain of knowing she could no longer deny it.  She loved him and that terrified her more than anything in her life ever had.
Chapter 11

Chapter Index


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