Chapter 11
Tracy woke up to the sun shining through the open glass sliding doors. She rolled over expecting to find Nick there beside her and was surprised to find his side of the bed empty. Yawning, she climbed out of bed, tossing on his t-shirt that lay thrown on the floor. Throwing her hair into a quick ponytail and lighting a cigarette, she made her way down the stairs wondering where he could be at the ungodly hour of 9 am.

As she entered the living room, she heard sounds coming from the kitchen and assumed that Laura was making breakfast. She turned to go back upstairs but, desperately in need of coffee, changed her mind. Turning back towards the kitchen, she stopped in the doorway and stood quietly watching the sight before her. Nick stood there in basketball shorts staring intently at the label on the Folgers can and holding the scoop in the other hand. Tracy couldn't stifle her giggles any longer when he began counting the lines on the coffee pot, trying to calculate the cup amount. He turned around facing her and smiled.  "What?" he questioned smirking.

"Carter, just what the hell are you doing?" she asked advancing into the kitchen.

"Well, I was trying to make coffee," he answered.

She began laughing.  "Trying?"

"Please tell me you know how to do this," he replied looking at her pleading with his eyes.

"Yes Nicky, I can make coffee," she answered, grabbing the scoop from him, adding a coffee filter and turning on the switch as he watched in amazement.  "There, done," she said sliding up onto the counter top.

She leaned her head back against the cabinet door and took another drag off of her cigarette. When she opened her eyes, Nick was standing in front of her, his eyes dancing and a smirk playing on his lips.  "What would I have done if you weren't here to save me?" he asked lowering his voice.

Tracy laughed. "Oh, I don't know, called the maid?  By the way, what the hell are you doing in the kitchen anyway?" she asked pointing at him.

"Making you breakfast," he answered, opening the cabinet behind her and grabbing a box of captain crunch.  "There, breakfast served," he said handing her a bowl of cereal.

"Oh God, where is Laura?" Tracy groaned.

"What?  You don't like my breakfast?" he questioned once again, settling between her legs.

"I'm not exactly a cereal kinda girl," she replied, liking his tone.

"Maybe that's because you've never eaten it off of me," he answered, popping a piece of cereal into his mouth and kissing her, transferring it onto her tongue.

"Yummy," she purred against his lips.

His hands were now creeping up her thighs. "I wonder what other places I could hide that cereal?" he questioned, when his fingers brushed over her center.

"Uh Nick you're maid, I don't think she'd appreciate finding you tonguing Captain Crunch out of my body on her counter top," Tracy replied, squirming under him.

"Oh you have a point there," he began as his tongue began licking over her thigh. "But I gave her the day off," he finished as his tongue began running over her center, driving her insane.

"Jesus Nick," she panted, leaning back against the cabinet and allowing herself to be taken over by him. He brought her over the edge in no time at all.

Tracy leaned up pulling him to her and kissing him. "You should spend more time in the kitchen," she remarked still breathing erratically.
"Maybe I should," he answered, handing her a cup of coffee now finished.
Tracy took a sip and looked at Nick who was now looking at her with a quizzical look upon his face. "Oh yeah, thanks for the orgasm," she remarked, sliding off the counter and walking into the living room.

Nick ran up behind her.  "Oh I don't think so," he purred, slipping his arms around her waist.

"What?  Nicky feeling left out?" she asked turning to look at him.

"What do you think?" he asked, his eyes looking down to his growing hardness.

"Awww, we have just got to do something about that," she answered turning and heading for the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" he asked whining.

She looked back at him and replied with all seriousness, "To get the Captain Crunch of course."
It was defiantly the most culinary meal she had ever had and that day, cereal became Tracy's favorite breakfast food. 

Tracy has finished packing her things and was sitting out on the balcony when Nick walked into the bedroom.  She couldn't believe the weekend had passed so quickly and knew she was dreading leaving him. She was so lost in thought she didn't hear him approach behind her.
"Hey, what are you doing?" he asked, sliding onto the chair beside her.

"Oh just sitting here looking out at the water. It's so beautiful here Nick," she said still dazed.

"It has its perks. So you going to leave me?" he asked getting to the point.

"I have to go Nick, you know that. I have to get back, though I am not looking forward to the drive," she answered looking up at him.

"I know.  Can we at least have dinner together before you take off on me?" he asked standing up.

"Okay, but then I really do have to go," she added, trying to sound like she meant it.

After an amazing meal of seafood, pasta and salad, Tracy knew she had to get going. It was almost 7 pm and she had a 2 hour drive home yet. The awkward silence that had taken over the room made her a bit edgy as she looked towards the door where her bag now sat.

"I know you need to go," Nick said, breaking the silence.

She nodded. "It's getting late," she added, just to fill the silence.

Slowly, she headed towards the door and picked up her bag.  "I had a wonderful time Nick.  Thank you for inviting me," she began.

"Tracy stop. Neither one of us is saying what is on both our minds," he said, making her sit the bag down.

She looked at him and nodded. "I know," was all she managed.

"Tracy, this past week has been awesome. Shit, I know what I want to say but somehow it always comes out wrong," he growled, running a hand through his hair.

Tracy pulled him closer. "Nick I know what you're getting at. Lets just leave it at we had a great time and see what happens," she finished looking into his eyes.

"It was more than that and you know it," he said, his voice a whisper.

Tracy took in a breath. "Nick I."

He silenced her with a finger and licking his lips slowly brought his lips to hers. The kiss between them spoke volumes. His fingertips caressed the side of her face tenderly, and the soft moans against his lips coming from her signaled that she didn't want it to end here either. The kiss broke off, leaving them both speechless for a moment.

"Tracy I want you to tell me your coming back to see me again," he said, hugging her tightly.

"I am Nick, I promise," she said against his neck.

"Call me tonight when you get home," he added, handing her the bag he'd taken earlier.

"I will dad, I promise," she said making them both laugh.  "I really need to go," she said, turning the door knob.

"Tracy I am going to miss you," he said sincerely as she began walking out to the car.

"Nick, I miss you already," she whispered as she drove out of his driveway and back to her life.

Tracy was good on her word she called Nick as soon as she walked into her apartment.  "Nick I'm home," Tracy said as soon as he picked up.
"Damn, how fast did you drive? It's only been an hour and a half," he said glancing at the clock. 

She began laughing. "Nick, I once told you I liked speed."

He took in a breath. "Yes I remember that. Girl you better stop the teasing," he added, dropping that voice of his.

"Okay. Well Nick I better go.  I have to be up early in the morning. Back to reality for me," she finished sighing.

"Tracy?" he questioned.

"Yeah Nick?"

"Am I a part of that reality?" he asked, his voice barely a

Tracy took a deep breath.  "Yes Nick, you are," she admitted.

"Damn I miss you."

"I miss you too Nick. I really do have to go," she added, knowing she had to get off this phone or lose her mind one.

"I know.  I will call you soon. I promise you that," he added in a very matter of fact tone

"Okay, good night Nick."

"Night baby. Sweet dreams Tracy," he said, making her melt.

"You too and Nicky, it was more than that," she added before putting down the phone and falling onto the bed screaming out loud and letting lose those giggles she had fought so hard on the phone. She laughed out loud to herself.  24 years old and in love with a Backstreet Boy.  Dear God, what was the world coming to?  She grabbed the phone and dialed Krystals number, remembering Krystals nickname she smiled.  Pop Princess? She rather liked the title now.
Chapter 12

Chapter Index


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