Chapter 8
Tracy found Nick's house easily by the directions he had given her. As she turned onto the street he'd issued as the last turn, she had to take a second to gain her breath. These were not houses, they were incredibly huge mansions. Regaining her composure, she followed the numbers until at last she reached his driveway. He'd given her the directions leading her into the back of the house, avoiding the big gated entry that kept fans out of the front. She drove the Camero up the small paved driveway and stopped next to his Durango. She was momentarily mesmerized by the view in front of her. The sun was bouncing off the soft waves of Tampa Bay that lined the back of the house. Gathering up her courage, she turned off the engine, grabbed her bags and made her way to the stair case before her, leading up to the pool. She'd never seen anything like it before.  The pool edge looked as if it dropped right off into the Bay. She had to admit it was amazing. Nick's arms slid around her waist startling her.  "Hi baby," he whispered against her ear.

She turned around facing him.  "Hey you," she answered before his lips made contact with hers. His hands running through her hair and his tongue exploring her mouth put her senses on over load.

Carefully Nick pulled back, taking the time to look at her. "Damn girl, I'm glad you're here," he said, taking her hand and leading her inside. Tracy nearly gasped when she walked into the house. The ceiling towered over her and suddenly she felt uneasy. Somehow she hadn't expected it to be this big. She felt 5 years old again. She could still remember going to her grandmother's and always being afraid she'd break something. Sensing her uneasiness, Nick led her to the couch taking her bag from her. Tracy sat down on the edge of the couch almost scared to relax, hating the way it felt. Nick on the other hand plopped down beside her. Pulling her back against him, he held her for a second. "I still can't believe you came," he said, smiling at her.

"Nick your house is amazing," she said, trying to relax.

"Thanks.  Oh you haven't met my puppies," he said, whistling for them.  Suddenly 3 little pugs appeared jumping into his lap and sniffing at Tracy's hand.

"Okay, this is Mikey for Michael Jordan," he said patting the little dog's head and then picking up the next.  "And this is Houston, cause, well, I bought him there," he added smiling.  "And last but not least, this is Willy."

"Let me guess," Tracy began.  "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?" she questioned. 

"Exactly," he answered, laughing as the dogs began making their way into her lap.  "They like you," he said, stroking her face.

"They have good taste," she teased, beginning to relax some.

Nick pushed the dogs from the couch and slid over closer to her. He took her hand in his.  "I asked Laura to make up the guest room for you," he started.

A look of confusion crossed her face.  "Oh okay, thanks," she said, looking down

"Tracy wait, I asked her to make up the guest room because I wasn't sure you would be comfortable sleeping with me," he finished.

"Nick, the guest room is fine," she answered, losing all sense of ease with him.

"Tracy, I want you with me," he answered before licking his lips and leaning in to kiss her. His hands running over her cheek and the feeling of his arms wrapped around her became intoxicating. She completely lost herself in him. When the kiss broke, it felt as if the temperature had risen 100 degrees.
Her eyes locked on him but suddenly she heard someone walking into the room. She was a bit surprised, she'd assumed they would be alone.

"Can I get you and your friend something to drink Mr. Carter?" the lady, dressed in a light blue uniform, asked.

"Yeah, I'll have a Mountain Dew.  Tracy, what would you like?" he questioned.

She shook her head. "Nothing Nick, I'm fine thanks," she said, still a little stunned. He had a maid? God, she'd been so ridiculous to assume this would be a normal guy.

The woman returned with his drink and asked if there was anything they needed before she left. Nick told her no and quietly, she slipped out of the room leaving them alone once again. Nick could sense something was wrong with Tracy but thought maybe it could be just nerves.

"That was Laura," he said, trying to break the silence. She simply nodded saying nothing.  "Tracy,
what's wrong?" he asked gently.

"Nick, I don't belong here. This house, the maid, all of it. It's a little overwhelming. I live in a one bedroom apartment and you live in a house the size of Trump plaza," she said, standing up and walking towards the glass doors overlooking the pool.

He slowly walked up behind her.  "Tracy it's just a house. It's just one small part of who I am," he said softly. Carefully he turned her to face him, pulling her chin up making her look at him.  "I'm still me, baby, same guy, just Nick Carter," he answered, looking into her eyes.

Something came over Tracy and before she knew it, she had her tongue in his mouth, her hands roaming over his body. She had to have him and now. Nick was taken by surprise but then, loving where this was headed, soon joined in, his hands roaming over her body, lingering on her breasts.
The kiss broke off leaving them both short of breath. "Bedroom is where?" she questioned.

Nick didn't answer.  He quickly scooped her up and started up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Reaching the bedroom door, Tracy scrambled to turn the knob, allowing them entry. Within seconds, she was in the middle of the bed and Nick's body had covered hers.

Their tongues met in a heated battle, both wanting to feel the other, hungering to be touched. He broke the kiss only long enough to tug the t shirt she was wearing over her head and then his lips crashed back down onto her's. Tracy's hands tugged furiously at the hem of his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against her's. Taking the hint, Nick sat up taking it off, pulling her up to him, adding her bra to their pile of thrown clothing. His mouth trailed over her neck down to her breasts, making her moan when his tongue snaked across her nipple.

"Jesus Nick. Fuck me," she panted.

"Patience baby," he whispered, lavishing attention to the other breast and then traveling down her tummy to her jeans. She drew in a breath when his tongue made contact with the skin above the waistband of her jeans. Slowly he unbuttoned them and began sliding them down her legs. He smiled when he noticed her green silk panties.

"My favorite color," he said softly, hooking his fingers into them and taking them down as well.

"I know.  I've been doing my Nicky homework," she said, smirking back at him.

"And for that, you need to be rewarded," he said, his voice dropping lower. Looking down at him, Tracy became lost in his eyes. So damn blue and full of lust, she thought to herself.

Nick brought her back quickly when his tongue began caressing her center. Loud moans began escaping her mouth, begging him not to stop. When his fingers slid into her moist folds, she nearly came off the bed. Quickening his pace, Nick felt her tighten and was soon lapping at her juices, now flowing freely onto his tongue.  Tracy surprised him.  Not bothering to regain her breathing, she sat up quickly and, in one swift move, had him pinned to the bed.

"Time for repayment Nicky," she breathed, lightly licking at his ear lobe.

"Any time baby," he managed between a moan as her teeth lightly bit at his nipple.

Trailing kisses over his chest, she made her way to the other nipple giving it the same soft torture. Nick was now grinding into her, wanting out of the restrictive jeans he was still wearing.  Tracy could sense his eagerness and traveled down his body, leaving feather light kiss's inch by inch. She wasted no time in taking off his jeans making Nick sigh in relief. His sighs were soon replaced by low moans as Tracy took him into her mouth, varying the pressure, never allowing him to become used to a solid rhythm.
"Damn Tracy, you keep that up and I'm gonna cum right now," he managed between strangled breaths.
Tracy lifted her head looking up at him and quickly snaked her tongue over his tip, making him draw in a sharp breath.  "Damn girl," he growled.

She began climbing her way back up his body.  "We can't have Nicky cuming before his time, can we?" she questioned teasingly as she positioned his tip at her opening. Slowly she slid down on him, making both of them moan at the sensation. Over and over, she moved up off of his length only to plunge back down on him, making him moan with approval.

"Jesus Tracy, you feel so good," he said, his voice dripping with lust.

Surprising her, he sat up pulling her to him, leaving her on his lap. His thrusts now pushing into her at such a deep level, it took her breath away momentarily.

"Oh God Nick! Don't fucking stop!" she nearly screamed.

"My baby like that?" he questioned teasingly, slowing the pace.

"Yes Nicky. Nicky please," she began begging with him in such a sexy tone he nearly emptied himself into her then and there.

Gaining control again, he pushed her back onto the bed, never leaving her, his body now covering hers. Her legs instantly wrapped around his waist allowing him to continue the deep thrusting he'd damn near addicted her to. Nick felt her nails dig into his back and increased the speed of his thrusts. Tracy was moaning his name loudly, begging him to fuck her harder and the sound of her voice coupled with the tightening of her walls around him signaling her orgasm, sent him over the edge.

"Fuck baby, I'm there," he growled against her lips, capturing them in a heated kiss as her orgasm hit, leaving her screaming his name into his mouth. Neither spoke or moved for minutes. The only sounds coming from either of them being the heavy breathing and the light sound of his lips on her throat. At last they regained a normal breathing rate and climbed into the bed. Nick instinctively pulled her into his arms, snuggling her close.

"Ya know Nick, this house isn't bad after all," Tracy said, giggling against his chest.

"Not now that your here," he answered, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Let's get some sleep.  There's someone I want you to meet tomorrow," he said, reaching to turn out the lights.

"Okay. Night Nicky," she whispered, her eyes already beginning to close.

Wrapping the covers around him, he brushed a finger over her cheek. "Night baby," he whispered, loving the way she felt in his arms. Tracy didn't hear the words that escaped his lips as he drifted off to sleep.
"I love you Tracy," was quietly muffled into the night by the sound of the crashing water below.
Chapter 9

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