Chapter 7
Tracy found herself missing Nick more than she thought possible. It was nice in one respect and scaring her in the other. He was good on his word.  He called her the Tuesday after she had come home. She loved picking up the phone only to hear his voice on the other end. They talked for hours. Honestly she couldn't wait to hear his reaction when the bill came in. Then again he was worth God only knew how much.

As the weeks passed, there was no doubt she was falling for him. Krystal couldn't help but notice the odd assortment of Backstreet Boys merchandise that could now be found in her apartment and it was even more apparent when Krystal stopped by the salon, only to find Tracy listening to a Backstreet Boys CD.  "Tracy when are you going to admit it?  That boy has gotten to you," Krystal said, sitting down beside her, lighting a cigarette.

"Okay Krys, he's defiantly starting to get to me," she admitted.

"Starting?" Krystal asked, raising her eye brows. "Come on girl, you watch videos, listen to the Cd's, you have a poster of him over you bed for fuck's sake," she said, laughing.

"That is defiantly one of the perks of falling for a famous man," Tracy began laughing.  "You don't have to ask for a picture.  I can just walk into any store in the mall and buy one," she finished.

"Oh dear God, Tracy is becoming a pop princess," Krystal said, taunting her.

"Stop it!  I still love Trent," Tracy said, hopping up and flipping the stereo over to the industrial channel in town.

"Oh forget it Trace, you're gone," Krystal said, smiling at her.  "Funny thing is, it suits you," she added.
"Don't go planning a wedding yet. We haven't seen each other in exactly 3 days."

"Yeah but I know you spend more time talking to him on the phone than you do with actual humans. I haven't seen you in 3 weeks," Krystal said, becoming serious.

"I'm sorry Krys. People always said pop music was addictive.  Who would have thought he was too? I don't know. He has been asking me to come up and stay with him for a week before he starts back on tour," she said, lighting her own cigarette now.

"So what are you waiting for? Go Trace," Krystal encouraged.

"I don't know. I'm scared to. I mean talking to him on the phone is one thing, but I have a feeling that once I drive up there, there will be no turning back," she said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Tracy forget Billy, that's history. Come on girl, call the boy and head up to Tampa. You can get Missy to take care of the customers. Girl, it's Friday afternoon, call him and tell him your leaving in an hour," Krystal said smiling.

"I don't know Krys," she said hesitating.

"I do," Krystal said, grabbing her cell phone. "I know you've got his number stored somewhere on this thing," she said, flipping through her stored numbers. Finding it, she hit the send button and handed it to Tracy.

Nick answered on the first ring. "Nick hi, it's me. Yeah I'm still at work. Anyway about me coming up for a week, how is tonight for you?" she asked.

"Okay great. I'll head home, pack and be there in about 2 hours. I will.  Bye Nicky," she said, lowering her voice.

It was too late Krystal had heard her.  "Nicky huh? That's too cute," she said laughing.

"Oh fuck you Krys," she replied, laughing as well.

"Well girl you better get on it, you're supposed to be there in a few hours," Krystal said, watching

Tracy walk around in a daze. "Oh God Krys, what have I gotten myself into?" she asked, sitting down at her desk.

"Damn it Tracy, you'll never find out if you don't give it a chance."

"I know your right. Oh God, I have to call Missy," she said, starting for the phone.

Krystal stopped her.  "Get the hell out of here and let me take care of it," she said, pushing her towards the door.

"Krys, you can't do this.  You don't know anything about massage therapy," Tracy said.

"Yeah that's exactly why the closed sign is going on this door. Now give me the keys.  I'll call Missy and tell Nicky we said hi," she finished, stressing the Nicky.

"Your a life saver Krys.  Remind me to thank you," Tracy said, handing her the keys and starting down the steps.

"Have fun girl, you deserve it," Krystal called, watching her fly out to her car. Tracy waved at her as she started her car and sped out of the parking lot toward home.

Heading into her apartment, she watched the message light blinking and hit play as she ran through the house, gathering her things. She smiled when she heard Nick's voice fill the house. She'd forgotten to get directions. Thank God he's being smart enough to call and leave them on the machine. She grabbed a pen, writing them down and then started for the door. Quickly she stopped and ran back into her room.  She riffled through her dresser till she found the silk blue thongs she'd worn when she met him. They'd been lucky that night.  She was a firm believer in fate and quickly, she tossed them into her bag.  After all, what was it Lisa said about never knowing when you'd need a pair of thongs? Smiling to herself, she headed out the door and hit the highway. Tampa was exactly 100 miles away and they couldn't fly by quick enough.
Chapter 8

Chapter Index


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