Chapter 6
"Nick really, it isn't necessary," Tracy said, stopping him. "I doubt we'll ever see each other again, so why should you explain anything to me," she finished.

"Because I don't know. Come on please stay, besides you can't leave, I still have 10 hours," he said, glancing to his watch.

She couldn't help but smile at him. "Alright fine," she relented.

"Look, I didn't mean to piss you off back at the restaurant. Tracy I like you.  You could obviously care less who I am or what I'm worth and that's something that doesn't happen much to me. I guess I wanted to be the big man, so to speak, and I let myself get carried away. You seem to have that affect on me. You make me feel like a little boy and then I go and prove it by doing something like fight you over a lunch bill," he said, running a hand through his hair and sighing.

"Look Nick, I don't mean to make you feel that way, but it just really pissed me off that for some reason, you felt you had to show me up in there. I too have a credit card, it doesn't make Ivanna Trump," she said, smiling at him.

"Forgive me?" he asked pouting.

She couldn't help it. "Yes little one, I guess I do. I know how you little boys get," she added, ruffling his hair.

Nick made a face at her.  "Oh come on Nicky, I'm only teasing. Let's get out of here," she said, standing up and taking his hand.

Nick smiled and stood up.  "Can I drive now?" he asked, wearing his famous smirk.

Tracy shook her head. "Nice try Carter.  Now get your ass in the car."

"Are you ever going to let me drive this thing?" he asked, slinking into the passenger seat.
She looked over at him and smiled,

"NO man has ever driven my car.  What makes you think you should be any different?"

A sexy little smile began playing on his lips. "Because I'm a little boy and you know what they say about boys and their toys," he added before falling into laughter.

"Yes Nicky I know exactly what they say and that's exactly why you're not driving," she finished, laughing as well.

"Where are we gonna go tonight?" he asked.

"I don't know Nick, you live here," she answered.

"Well we could go out to a club," he suggested.

Tracy shook her head. "I'm not feeling up to that. How about we head back to Lisa's, watch some TV and order a pizza," she said, looking over at him.

"Tracy, I was hoping you'd say that," he said, smiling at her.

Tracy called Lisa once they arrived at the house and let her know that Nick and her would be staying in for the evening if she needed to reach her. Having that settled, she joined Nick on the couch.
"Anything on?" she asked as he flipped through channels.

"Not really, unless you want to watch Aliens," he said, watching her face for her reaction.

"That's cool with me. I'll go order the pizza, what do you want on it?" she asked, walking across the room.

"Nothing just cheese," he answered.

"Cheese?" she asked, grabbing the phone.


"Okay if you say so. Oh and Nick, before you move for that wallet, this one's on me," she said smiling.
Nick settled back into the couch. You had to love a girl who just wouldn't let him have things his way.

After watching a movie and eating way too much pizza, Tracy found herself comfortably snuggled against Nick on the couch. He glanced down at her and smiled.

"Gettin' sleepy?" he asked running his finger over her cheek.

"Um hum," she answered lazily.

"Well get some sleep baby," he whispered, sliding down on the couch and pulling her back into his arms, her head now resting on his chest.

"Okay night Nicky," she managed in a soft delicate voice.

"Night Tracy. Sweet dreams," he said, kissing the top of her head. He knew she was leaving tomorrow and wondered if tonight would be the last time he spent with her. 

Nick stirred only when he heard Lisa and Frank unlocking the door. He opened his eyes looking down at Tracy. Slowly he ran his hands over her back. "Tracy, come on baby, wake up," he whispered, still caressing her.

She looked up at him trying to focus on him.  "Morning Nicky," she said smiling.

Just then Lisa walked into the room dragging Krystal behind.  "Awww how cute," she said, looking down at Nick and Tracy.

"Morning to you too Lisa," Tracy said, sitting up.

"Tell me you guys cleaned up afterward," Lisa said gigging. Tracy shot her a dirty look and walked out of the room.

"Yeah Lisa, we put the pizza box in the trash," Nick answered, following Tracy.

He stopped at her door seeing it closed. Carefully, he knocked, calling her name.  "Tracy, can I come in?" he asked.  She opened the door letting him in and then closed it behind them.  "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah Nick I am fine. Just not in the mood for Lisa's morning bitchiness," she said, throwing things in her bag. "I sure hope Krystal is packing because I'm out of here in 20 minutes."

Nick walked over to her, putting his arms around her waist.  "Tracy calm down. It's okay," he said, starting to move his hand over her back.

"Nick it's not you okay. I have a business to run. I have to be back tonight."  She stopped packing and walked over to the bed.

Nick followed and sat beside her.  "You never told me, what do you do?"

"I own my own tanning and massage salon," she answered.

"Wow, your own business, that's cool. Hey you give massages and I never got one," he said pouting.

Tracy laughed softly. "Maybe next time."

He looked up at her.  "Are you saying there will be a next time?" he asked.

"I don't know Nick. I'm coming out of a shitty relationship, and I mean you're a Backstreet Boy for God's sake. We'll never see each other," she stopped and stood up.

"Tracy look, I know about shitty relationships.  My ex girlfriend was queen of them. I'm not asking you to marry me, just to say you'll let me call you and maybe when you get the time, come see me," he said smiling at her.

"Okay I think I can agree to those terms.  I really should get going," she said, zipping her bag.

"Not just yet," he said, handing her a pen and paper.

She quickly scribbled down her home number and for some reason, her cell. Could it be she didn't want to miss his call?  "Here ya go," she said, handing it back.

"What, you don't want mine?" he asked, smiling at her.

"I figure you'll give it to me when you call me," she said, smiling back at him.

"I see. Tracy, I just want you to know I had a great time this weekend," he said, playing with the belt loops of her jeans.

"I did too. Its not every day you get to fuck a real life pop star," she said laughing.

Nick laughed softly and the next thing she knew, he was looking into her eyes intently.  His hands came off of her waist and ran through her hair, cradling her neck and bringing her lips to his until they made a secure connection. Slowly, he coaxed her mouth open to him and kissed her passionately. A soft moan escaped her lips, intensifying things between them. Feeling herself on the brink of losing control, Tracy softly pulled back. He ran a hand through his hair and stared at her.

"Nick." She began.

"Don't say anything Tracy, just go. I'll call you soon," he said, his blue eyes sparkling.
She nodded and walked past him out into the living room. The last thing he heard was the sound of her Camero starting up and backing out of the driveway. One thing was clear to him. He had to see her again.
Chapter 7

Chapter Index


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