Chapter 2
"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts, as we're beginning our descent on sunny Orlando. The time is 1:42 Eastern Standard Time, and the temperature is a mild 78 degrees...." Annie drowned the stewardess out as she went on informing passengers of local tourist areas. I can't believe I'm doing this! Annie thought to herself. She packed up everything she owned, broke her lease on her apartment, sold her car, quit her job and bought a plane ticket to Orlando. She always wanted to live in Florida, and in light of recent events, this was the perfect opportunity to move down there.

Annie deboarded the plane and headed to baggage claim. She grabbed her bags and decided her next destination was somewhere she could rent a car. She began walking to her destination when all of a sudden someone knocked her down. The stranger quickly turned around. "Miss? Are you alright? I'm terribly sorry." She looked right in his eyes and thought she had never seen anything as blue in her life. She didn't trust her voice at that point in time, so she just nodded her head.

"Nick! Are you crazy? C'mon!" another person grabbed Nick, and hurried off to the exit. Nick looked back at Annie, waved and smiled such a gorgeous smile that could melt the coldest person in a second.

Annie finally broke out of her daze. My goodness! I wonder what all that was about. She shook it off and headed to the rental car station. She rented a Durango. Annie was in love with Durangos. She stopped at a cafe for a bite to eat. She sat there thinking about where exactly she wanted to live. The city? Nah, too crowded. The country? Secluded, nice, but too boring. Ah! The beach! Perfect. She paid for her meal and was on her way to Tampa.

She located a real estate agent, and went in to see if there was anything available to her liking. "Well," the agent began, "there is a beautiful beach house right on the edge of Tampa. Totally furnished. It belonged to a young woman, who died in a plane crash. She had no living family, so we decided to keep the furniture. It's pretty secluded. Your nearest neighbor is about a mile down the beach, and it's about 15 miles from the city."

"Wow! Sounds perfect. I'll take it." Annie certainly had enough money. With the inheritance from her grandfather and parents, she had enough money to live comfortably without a job for at least 4 months.

"Wonderful!" The agent got out some papers for Annie to sign, then tucked them away in a file. "Well, let's go see your new home, shall we?" Annie followed the agent for about a half hour, til they came to a modest sized beach house. "Well, here we are." They continued to talk for a few more minutes. "Oh, shoot. I have an appointment scheduled soon, so I have to get back to the office. If you need anything, you have my number."

Annie nodded. "Yeah, and thanks for everything." She waved by to the agent and walked into her new home. She gasped at the amazing beauty of the simple beach house. The first thing she noticed was that the living room, dining room and kitchen weren't separated. It was like one very spacious room. Annie loved that, seeing as she had a slight case of claustraphobia. The kitchen, just to the right of the front door, was rather large, much to her pleasure. The dining room had a lovely chandelier hanging from the ceiling. But the thing she loved most about her new house was the view of the ocean. All along the west wall of the house were windows. It was breathtaking. There was a sliding glass door and thin, white, sheer curtains for privacy. She walked out onto the deck, and breathed the salty ocean air. She instantly knew she would love it here.
Chapter 3

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