Chapter 3
During the next week, she had her larger things shipped down to her, and she was almost settled in. She found herself falling in love with her rented Durango so she decided to buy one. After a day of running around, she plopped down on her couch and watched the sunset from her new home.

Why am I just sitting here? Get your ass up and get out there. Annie felt herself being pulled up off the couch by some unknown force and out to the beach. She walked for maybe 10 minutes when she saw someone running, then fall down. She quickly hopped into nurse mode, and went to see what was wrong. As she got closer, she quickly realized how in pain this person was. The cursing alone was enough to give her that impression. Well, the cursing and the man clutching his ankle. She ran up to him. "What's the matter? I'm a nurse. Lemme help you. Tell me what happened." Annie talked in a very soothing tone, while rubbing the man's back, helping him calm down.

"Well, I was taking a jog, and I dunno what happened, but I twisted my ankle and fell. It really hurts," the man explained.

"Ok, what's your name?" Annie asked.


"Alright Kevin, where do you live?"

"In Orlando, but I'm staying right up the beach." He pointed to a beach house, which was technically her neighbor, just one mile down.

"Ok, lemme help you up and we'll get you back there and get a look at that ankle." She helped him up and draped his arm around her shoulders and helped him limp back to the house.

"What's your name?"


"Thanks for helping me out Annie. Did you just move into the tiny beach house?" He pointed to her newly acquired house.

"Yeah, I just bought it maybe a week ago. I just moved down here from Boston."

"Well, I guess that makes you my guardian angel, huh?" He chuckled softly, which made Annie loosen up as well.

"Yeah, I guess so." The rest of the trip was made in silence. "Well, I guess we're here." As soon as we got to the deck, a bunch of guys came running out.

"Train! What the hell happened? You've been gone forever," one of them said.

"Geez Rok, since when did you turn into my mother. I was jogging and fell and twisted my ankle. This lady was nice enough to help me back here. Oh guys, this is Annie. Those idiots are AJ, Howie, and Brian, but we call him Rok." She couldn't help but fainly recognize the last one. "Oh, and Nick is around here somewhere."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all, but we need to get him sat down and elevate that ankle." She examined Kevin's ankle, and on her best knowledge, she said it was just sprained. "It shouldn't be too bad. If you take some Tylenol, the swelling should go down within a few days. Keep it propped up, k?" Kevin nodded, and thanked her for everything. "Well, I suppose I should be going. If you need anything just come on down. I should be home. I think I'm gonna wait for awhile to find a job. I need a vacation!" The guys just laughed.

"Believe me, we know how that is!" Howie said.

Annie waved and walked out the patio door. "Who was that?" Nick asked as he walked back in the room. "I heard a female voice."

"I sprained my ankle jogging on the beach and she helped me back here," Kevin explained.

"Oh, cool," Nick replied, and things were left there as the guys started chatting the night away.
Chapter 4

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