Chapter 10
After becoming wrinkly, Annie raised herself out of the tub and threw on her fluffy green terry cloth robe.  She walked into her bedroom, and started packing a bag for her trip.  "Annie?" Nick called out.
"In my room," she yelled back.
Nick walked into the room, leaning on the door frame.  "Everything's set.  Our plane leaves at 11:30am."
"Thank you so much Nick.  You have been such an enormous help."
"Don't mention it Annie.  I really should get home and get packed.  I need to tell the guys too."
"Oh Nick, I totally forgot about your company.  You should stay here with them.  It's only right." 
"Nonsense Annie.  I see those guys all the time.  They'll understand.  I think this is just a bit more important.  Don't worry about it, ok?" he asked, walking over to her and giving her a reassuring hug. 
"Alright Nick, whatever you say," she said, breaking from the hug and returned to her packing.
Nick walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.  "Are you gonna be ok tonight, or do you want me to stay here?"
"I dunno Nick, I really don't know."  She stood there for a moment, lost in though.  "I don't care Nick.  Whatever you want to do is fine."  Nick could sense the apprehension in her voice.
"Now stop that right now Annie.  Right now it doesn't matter what I want," Nick said in mock anger.
Annie giggled, then turned around and hugged him.  "I'll leave the patio door unlocked.  Go do what you need to do, then come over after your done."
"Alright Annie.  I'll be back in a bit."  He quickly kissed her on the cheek then bolted out the door, leaving an amused Annie to return to her packing.

Nick quickly walked down the stretch of beach to his own house.  He walked through the patio door waving to the guys, who were engrossed in a ball game, then continued his way to his room.  The guys noticed his rushed greeting and shrugged in confusion.  Brian rose from the couch to see what was up.  Brian found Nick in his room, throwing clothes in a bag.  "Going somewhere Nick?" Brian asked.
Pulling his suit bag out of the closet, he threw it on the bed, next to his bag.  "Yeah, I'm going to Annie's," he said, before walking into this bathroom to grab his toiletries.  Returning, he picked up his bags, and headed out of the room, leaving a confused and somewhat angry Brian standing alone in the room.
Brian quickly followed Nick out of the room, catching Nick before he walked out the front door.  "Nick wait.  What the hell is going on?"
"Brian, Annie needs me," he expained quickly.
By this time, the rest of the guys joined him in the foyer.  "Where are you going now Nick?" Kevin asked.
"I'm going to Annie's alright.  Is that ok with you guys?"  Nick slightly rose his voice to the guys in a sarcastic manner.
"Damn Nick.  You've known the girl for only a little over a week.  Don't you think you're acting a bit irrational?" Howie asked.
"Look guys, it's nothing like that."  Letting out a huge sigh, he dropped his bags.  Walking into the living room, with the guys following him, he said, "There's some shit going on guys.  First off, I'm falling so hard for her.  I can't explain how I feel when I'm around her."  He paused, trying to find the right words, then he continued.  "It's like nothings wrong when I'm with her.  Do you guys know what I'm saying?"  Four heads nodded in return.  "But anyway, I called and called her earlier, but she never answered.  I started getting worried, so I went down there to see if she was ok.  She was asleep on the couch.  She had obviously been crying.  She told me that her grandma just passed away during the night."  Four jaws dropped.  "Her uncle called her and told her about it.  It seems like her and her grandma were really close.  So she's obviously very upset over that.  And to top things off, she doesn't think she can handle seeing her sister and her ex boyfriend together."
"Shit Nick," AJ replied.  "That sounds like that's the last thing she needs right now."
"Yeah, so I'm going with her.  I couldn't let her face them alone.  I just couldn't do it.  I'm sorry for bailing on you guys."
"It's alright Nick.  We understand," Brian said, walking up to him and giving him a brotherly hug.  "I'm proud of you Frack.  You've grown up to be a wonderful man." 
AJ, ever the crazy one, yelled, "Group hug!"  Instantly, six more arms wrapped around the pair. 
The five of them separated.  "Well, after that Hallmark moment, I must be going.  Our flight to Cincinatti leaves in the morning."
"Ok bro.  Hug Annie for us and give her our sympathies," Kevin said.
"Will do," Nick said, then headed out to his Durango, and drove off to her house.
Chapter 11

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