Chapter 11
Nick pulled up to Annie's house.  Seeing the door was open, he went ahead and walked in.  He noticed her sitting on the couch.  She didn't even flinch when he walked in.  "Annie?" 
She slowly raised her head, revealing her red eyes and pink, tearstained cheeks.  "I can't do this Nick.  It hurts too much," she said, before bursting into tears once again.
Nick rushed over to her, and comfortingly wrapped his arms around her.  "Annie-bear, I know it's gonna be rough, but that's why I'm here.  I didn't want you being alone.  I promise you if things get too awful for you, then we'll come home.  How does that sound?" he asked, looking down at her.
"Thank you Nick," Annie simply said.
"Well hun, we need to get going if we're gonna catch the flight," Nick said reluctantly.  He wanted nothing more than to hold her forever, but that would have to wait.  His feelings for Annie were building so fiercely, they were out of control.  He would walk to the ends of the earth for this woman. 
Annie stood up, breathed deeply, composing herself.  "Ok, Nick, let's go."  Nick grabbed her bags, Annie locked the doors, and they piled in the Durango, heading for the airport.

About an hour later, they were on a plane to Cincinnati.  Annie had fallen asleep on Nick's shoulder, leaving Nick to deal with his numerous thoughts.  He sincerely felt for Annie.  He couldn't imagine what she was going through right now.  He was seriously going to have to keep himself in check.  Whenever he thought about what Cory and Alex did to her, he found himself boiling with anger. 

Two and a half hours later, they were landing in Cincinnati.  Nick noticed Annie was still asleep, and gently shook her awake.  "Annie.  Annie, hun, wake up.  We're here." 
She sleepily opened her eyes and rubbed them into focus.  Sighing deeply, she said, "I can't believe this is happening.  I don't know how I'm gonna face them."  She silently started weeping into her hands.
"Annie, I'm here for you.  Anytime things get out of hand, we heading for the nearest hotel, ok?"
She sniffled, nodding her head.  They collected their bags from overhead and deboarded the plane.  They went to baggage to get their luggage and then went to rent a car.  She gave him directions to her grandmother's house before she slipped off into her own world.  The familiar scenery brought her from her thoughts.  "Take this next exit," Annie said, after seeing the one mile sign for the off-ramp.  She continued to ramble off directions until they pulled up in the driveway.  She noticed her uncle's van and Cory's blue Dodge Dakota.  She started trembling, remembering all the times they had in that truck.  Their first date, moving into their apartment, watching the sunrise from the beach in the bed of his truck. 
Nick gathered her up in his arms, trying to soothe her the best he could.  "You can do this Annie.  You're stronger than that.  It's gonna be tough, I'll give you that, but you can do it," he said, rubbing her back comfortingly.
Sighing deeply, she mentally gathered herself.  "Well, I guess this is it," she said, getting out of the car, waiting for him, and walking to the front door.
Chapter 12


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