This is my art block at school, it is here that I have created all my art work.

I have lived in this building happily for 6 years and counting...
Tour of the Art Block

Starting in the bottom left going clockwise, this is the art block. It has been here for a good many years and is sadly being knocked down after the new one is built in 2002. The room on the bottom left is the Sixth Form Art Room which is used only by Lower and Upper Sixth Formers of the Art Block (mainly the Upper Sixth as we are all very greedy and enjoy crowding the year below! =) ) My desk is on the otherside of the room. Above that is one of my art rooms is use for lessons, my male art teacher lives in this room and often teaches us a lot of art topics some may find baffling or possibly not their thing, but nevertheless, it's all good fun. Adjacent to it on the top right is my other art room I use for lessons. My female art teacher is very modern in her thinking and is always on hand to fish out some Giger or some other modern art. Finally, below is the 3-D Art room where I spent 2 years creating some slightly wacky, off the wall sculptures from clay to chicken wire and tissue paper! The 3-D art teacher is what you might call, the obvious art teacher what with grubby hands and a ponytail!
Atmosphere of Place
Based on the events of "Mean Streets" this piece depicts the evens surrounding a violent nightclub. At first, the siutation is black and white, a man wishes to gain entry to 'The Boss' who waits inside, however, the doorman soon kills him. Meanwhile, inside the club, a brawl breaks out and the composition is styled on the work of Carravagio. After ill spoken words, a man is thrown onto a table and held at knifepoint while his buddies look on in bemusement. Again, my trademark style is used to great effect.
New York, New York
This piece for a project entitled "Cities" was my exploration of the fundamental images I visualise in my own mind when thinking about the subject matter. This piece was also my A/S Level Art Exam and I was proud to receive a 100% mark for it.

In the background we can see the basic shapes of towering New York skyscrapers (unfortunately depicting the WTC in this case, months prior to September 11th.) Over the top of these looming blocks of glass and concrete, the mixed imagery of the city can be seen. Up at the top there is a photograph of the Parisian Millenium Wheel simulating the drudgery of city life, always going around in the same direction. We can also see a crushed drinks can in a blue puddle of murkey rain (achieved through a colour wash and light sensitive photography) with the word "RIOT" emblazended across it. This symbolised the destructive nature that cities can house. Next to that is the effect of the cities, the scummy elements growing on the onlooker's arms, consuming him. (The arms are actually mine, I traced around them.) Next we can see the McDonald's sign, next to which blood red barbed wire can be seen (this was a photograph I took just weeks before the scene changed as it was considered an unwelcome eyesore, I thought it was quite fitting personally. Finally, at the bottom of the painting we can see images of towering buildings from Paris as well as a street scene that is hurtling past a speed and finally, a crushed purple bottle. The effect was also achieved through light-sensitive photography.
The Theory of Saints and Sinners
For a project entitled "Expressive Study" I called upon several of my styles of art. Computer aided imagery, painting, drawing, 3-D Composition and of course, humour mixed with collage. A large variety of mediums were utilised in this project and the work was made from chicken wire, tissue paper and of all things, poles from a child's play tent!

Of the images shown on the box, here's an explanation. On the left hand side at the top we can see the green of envy as a negative-art Sarah Michelle Gellar looks through the bushes of envy. Below we see lust, and this time a range of computer distortions utilise the Andy Warhol style of repeated imagery of Buffy and Angel in a romantic position. On the very top of the piece, we see anger which utilised sheer violent force, a large hammer, broken glass and an axe to create the warped and stabbed look of the metal sheet. Expressive strokes and 'angry' colours were used to cover it. On the right at the top we can see sloth whereby a sufferer is consumed by it as he looks out onto the sea of sin. Below that is greed, basically, Bill Gates plays cards with the devil, they're both cheating. *Not pictured - Pride and Gluttony.*

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