Chapter Six

As the next few months progressed, things were good for both Gwen and Nick.  Collin had come to San Francisco a couple of times and Gwen had met Nick in Los Angeles while they were there doing a concert.  Nick and Gwen had developed a wonderful friendship.  Sometimes, Gwen caught herself looking at Nick as more, but she always stopped herself because of Collin, the wedding was now six months away.  Nick and they guys were coming to San Francisco on Thursday to do a concert on Friday and were planning to stay through the weekend.  Gwen was really looking forward to seeing Nick again.

The week had flown by, and before Gwen knew it, it was Thursday.  She had made plans to meet Nick and the guys downtown and they were going to go barhopping.  She had taken Friday off as a recovery day, knowing from her trip to LA that the night would be a wild one.  Gwen left work and went home and jumped into the shower after she called Collin.  She put on a hot pink satin dress with silver strappy shoes.  Her make up was flawless, with glitter accenting her face and body, she had left her hair down straight.  After her friend Kendyl arrived, they headed downtown to meet the guys at Cherry Bomb.


Nick and the guys sat around the bar drinking, enjoying an infrequent and well-deserved night off. 

"Hey Nick, what is going on with you and Gwen?  We know you have been talking to her non-stop for the past four months." AJ asked.

"Yeah, there is somthing going on," Howie agreed.

"No, for real, we are just friends.  She is one of the coolest girls I have known in a long time." Nick said.

"Not that he doesn't want more, but that is what he is stuck with so he is making the most of it, he doesn't have much choice," Brian added.

"I just don't see how you can be so cool about this.  You know this girl is perfect for you, I mean look at her, she is beautiful, intelligent, sucessful, not to mention great with kids - you have seen the way Cree falls all over her," Kevin stated.

"Don't remind me," Nick said as his attention was diverted toward the door.  There she was, she looked incredible.  He caught himself, along with the other guys staring at her.  He snapped out of it as she began to move towards him.  Trying to gain his composure, he stood up and walked towards her and the other girl.

"Hey Nick!" Gwen said as she pulled him in for a hug. 

The smell of her perfume was like poision to Nick.  He pulled himself back and looked at her and said, "You look great." 

Gwen thought to herself, 'You don't look so bad yourself.'  Nick was wearing black slacks and a tight gray shirt.  Gwen waved to the others as they made their way over to them and said hello, introducing Kendyl.

They all assumed their positions at the bar and began drinking, taking turns buying rounds.  They began discussing their next destination.  AJ said, "All I know is that I want to dance, but before we leave, I believe another shot is in order."

A shot was the last thing any of them needed.  They were all pretty loaded, but that decided there was no point in arguing with AJ. 

"7 Tawaka Lemon Drops," Brian yelled to the bartender.

They all took their final shots, toasting to the night ahead of them and made their way out.  The destination was STOMP, an exclusive new dance club.  They piled into the chaffuered Suburban and began heading down the city streets.  Gwen and Nick were sitting in the back together with Brian.  He noticed that they were beginning to get a little touchy, Brian didn't have the heart to say anything to Nick because he was beaming.  He could bring him self to remind Nick that he was getting close to crossing the line between them.  Although, it was apparent that neither Nick nor Gwen seemed to mind.

Chapter Seven
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