Chapter Seven

STOMP was packed and the music was bumping and the drinks were flowing fervently.  Everyone had seemed to go their own way.  Brian, AJ, and Howie were talking to some girls, obviously trying to hook up.  Kevin and Kendyl were dancing and Nick and Gwen were at the bar getting another drink.  Guys kept coming up to Gwen, she dealt with them gracefully.  Nick was impressed, he had never seen a girl so politely brush guys off.  He was completely taken with everything about her.

Gwen noticed Nick staring off, so she grabbed him around the waist and pulled him close.  The alcohol had given her more confidence and inhibitions were gone.  She looked at him and said, "What am I going to do with you Nicky, always staring off into spce, you are always so lost in your thoughts."

Nick looked down at Gwen, her gaze was hypnotising.  She slowly began to lean toward him, when their lips were less than an inch apart, he realized what was about to happen and he knew he couldn't fight it anymore.  As their lips met, they both felt light headed.  They pulled apart slowly as they stared into eachother's eyes, and similtaneously joined lips for a passionate kiss.

Brian saw them kissing from across the club.  He broke away from the girl that was hanging all over him and stared in disbelief.  he mumbled to himself, "Nick, I hope you realize what you are getting into."

Brian returned his attention to the girl and they made plans to leave.  Brian, AJ, and Howie took the girls' hands and went over to Kevin and Kendyl, who were engaged in a liplock, and told them the plan as they all began to make their way towards the door.

About the same time, Gwen and Nick ended their kiss.  They stared into eachother's eyes.  As Nick brushed a hair back from her face she spoke, "Spend the night with me, Nick."

"Are you sure?" he asked, suprised by her request.

"Yes, I want you to make me feel all of those things you told me about at Celestine Gardens."

Brian, AJ, and Howie walked by with their girls for the night as this conversation was going on between Gwen and Nick.  AJ and Howie were so wrapped up in the girls at their sides that they missed the entire thing.  Brian didn't.  He told Howie to go get Kevin and Kendyl as he motioned for Nick to follow him.  Nick walked up to him and Brian asked, "Nick, do you know what you are doing?"

"Honestly, no, but it feels so right.  I have to do this." Nick replied as he retreated back to Gwen and the two headed for the door.  Nick hailed a taxi for them as the others walked out of the club.  Nick waved goodbye as they got into the cab, his friends staring in disbelief.  Kevin finally broke the silence, "I hope Nick realizes what this may start."

"I think its too late, he is already in love with her," Brian said.

Kendyl looked at the guys, knowing she shouldn't say what she was about to say but couldn't stop herself, "He isn't the only one in that taxi that is in love."

The guys gave her an odd look, but deep down they all knew it was true.  They piled back into the Suburban and headed back to the hotel.

Chapter Eight
Story Index

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