Chapter 48
After spending a couple of days with the Latham?s, Gwen and Nick made hopped yet another plane out to LA to tell his parents.  Although Gwen?s father was upset, he was quieted because they had already talked about a church wedding and Caroline Latham was starting to make the plans.  The wedding would be at St. Francis Catholic Church in Dallas with a reception to follow at Latham Landing.  Gwen and Nick were trying to decide on a date. 
****In Los Angeles****
The Carter?s were ecstatic at the news of their wedding.  Jane Carter decided that she wanted to take Gwen for a ?girls day out?, which was to include shopping and a day a the spa followed by lunch.  Nick had decided to spend the day out on the boat with his father.
After finishing all of their activities, Jane and Gwen were settled into a quiet booth in the back of La Voultier, a trendy restaurant in the shopping district of Beverly Hills.
?You have made Nick very happy,? Jane stated after the two had made their order.  They were sipping on margaritas.
?He has made me happy.  You know, I didn?t know if we would ever make it.  After I lost the baby,? Gwen paused as a wave of sadness washed over her face.
Jane reached her hand across the table and placed it over Gwen?s, ?Honey, its alright to talk about it.?
?I know Jane, its still really hard.?
?Its ok that you are still dealing with it, it is a hard thing to get through.  And, when you add that onto everything else you guys were dealing with...I know what it feels like...?
?You know what it feels like??
?No one knows this, not even Nick or Bob...but before Bob and I met, I was engaged to another man.  After we had been engaged for about 6 months, I found out that I was pregnant.  We were so happy.  After about 6 weeks of being pregnant, I miscarried.?
?You did??
?Uh really put the strain on my relationship with Tim, that was my fiance?s name.  In the end, he couldn?t handle my emotions.  And honey, that isn?t the only miscarriage that I had.  Before I was pregnant with Aaron and Angel, Bob and I lost one.  I just want you  to know that just because you have a miscarriage it doesn?t mean that you will never be able to have children.  I mean look at me, I have 4.?
?Wow, I never knew...?
?I just want you to know that there is someone that understands how you are feeling.  If you ever want to talk about it I am here for you.?
Gwen smiled and squeezed Jane?s hand.  ?Thank you for confiding that in me, it means a lot.  I just....I don?t know...I just feel like something is missing.  And I know that there is another chance, but it is just hard to think that there will always be another child that didn?t make it.?
?That is how I felt too, but the first time I looked at Nick it changed everything.  In him, I saw the other child, even though it wasn?t from Bob.  I think that it also made the fact that I had Nick more special, because I knew that he was a gift from God.  I thank God everyday for Nick and I thank God for bringing you into his life.?
?That is so sweet Jane,? Gwen said with tears in her eyes, ?I hope that we get another chance.?
?You will, when the time is right.  Until then, I want you to focus on each other and not give up hope.  I think you and Nick are going to be wonderful parents and you will get your shot, I believe that.  But, this baby did do something wonderful for you.?
?I know, it brought us back together and made us realize how much we love and need each other,? Gwen said smiling thru her tears, ?I guess I should be thanking God for giving me a blessing...Nick.?
Chapter 49
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