Chapter 25

Gwen's plane ride home was depressing.  All she could think about was Nick and how she never wanted to leave him. She knew it was too soon, they had only known eachother for 6 months, but she was sure that they belonged together.

Nick woke up and reached over to touch Gwen, but her warm body was replaced with a cold sheet.  He opened his eyes and found a note:


Thank you for a wonderful week.  You look so peaceful that I don't want to wake you - plus, having to look into your eyes and say good-bye would have been nearly impossible.  I will call you tonight.

Love you, Gwen

He laid in bed, staring at the note, wishing he could have seen her off, but knowing at the same time that it would have been too hard.  His thoughts drifted to the night before on the beach...

"It will be fine baby, I can handle it, I do PR for a living," Gwen said as she leaned in to kiss him.

She slowly pushed Nick down on the blanket, unbuttoning his shirt in the process.  She looked up and him and smiled naughtilly, "What are you doing?" Nick asked in a flirtacious tone.

"Saying good-bye," she replied as she began softly kissing his neck and chest, removing his shirt.  She slowly made her way down to the button on his pants, undoing it and lowering the zipper.  Nick watched her as she began lowering his pants.  She slowly stood and with a single motion her dress was on the sand below her, revealing that she wore nothing under her blue satin dress. 

Nick looked up at her naked body and whispered, "Come here."

"Shhhh," she replied, as she raised a finger over her lips and knelt at the end of his now-naked body.  She slowly began kissing her way up his legs.  When she reached his thigh he sighed, closing his eyes, as her hands began to roam his now hard penis.  She made her way up and slowly took him into her mouth, sucking gently.  As she began moving her mouth with the rythum of his thrusts he began to moan, which turned her on even more, causing her to suck harder and make him fill her mouth with his warm liquid.  She started to make her way up his lips, kissing his chest gently.  Nick finally opened his eyes when she came face to face with him.  She smiled softly as he placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled her to him for a kiss.  Just inches away from eachother's lips, Nick spoke, "Let me please you."

"Sorry, I can't, its my turn to please you," she whispered as she lowered her body onto his.  They both moaned as she did this and stared into eachother's eyes.  As Nick began to speak, she silenced him with a kiss and started moving slowly, fully taking him in with each rise and fall of her body.  Ecstacy poured through both of their bodies, Nick pulled her down to him and gently rolled himself on top of her.

"Let me make love to you," he said as he slowly moved in and out of her, kissing her mouth and chest.  Tears started falling from both of their eyes as passion and love consumed them completely.  Neither one of them could take much more and Nick knew that both of their times were nearly up, he gently placed his hands on her face.

"Gwen, open your eyes, I want you to look at me while we do this together."  She nodded as much as she could as both of their bodies gave into their pleasures.  Nick laid inside of her, placing butterfly kisses all over her neck and chest as she drifted off to sleep.  After she was soundly sleeping, he removed himself from her and quickly dressed before wrapping her naked body in the blanket and carrying her to the car.

RING, RING - Nick's daydream was interrupted by the ringing of the phone, "Yeah."

"Hey Nick, did I wake you up?"

"Its OK Bri, I have been up for a while."

"Is Gwen gone?"

"Unfortunately, I woke up this morning to a note - she said she thought it would be better if we didn't have to say good-bye at the airport."

"She was probably right, so how was your last night together?"

"Amazing, incredible...I can't even begin to describe it."

"As incredible as the other day in the shower?"

"Better...hey, how did you know about the shower?"

Brian went into the story of him and Kevin coming into the house.  "You guys are going to keep that one to yourselves, Gwen would be humiliated if she knew you saw that."

"She has nothing to be embarrassed about, neither do you, we were proud of our little Nicky.  You are a lucky bastard - I understand why you stayed in."

"That isn't even what it is about Bri."

"I know, but you are lucky."

"That I know.  I have this wonderful person to love and I don't know how I got her."

"Neither do I, but don't let her go."

"That is the last thing I would do."

Chapter 26

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