~~~~Two Lives, One Heart~~~~

Chapter Nine

"So how was your date with jailbait?" Jeff asked Elisha when she walked into the gym.

"He's not jailbait!" she pouted comically.

"Okay, what do you call seeing someone that much younger than you?"

She made a face at Jeff and then said seriously. "We're just getting to know each other, we weren't on a date, and besides, age is all in the mind!"

Jeff nodded knowingly. "Uh huh. Let's get to work and get your mind off loverboy!"


Mandy didn't stick around for the concert. After Kevin's outburst she was too upset to stick around and be abused by Nick's fans. When she returned to the hotel she inquired at the front desk about the dance troupe. "Why yes, ma'am. They are rehearsing right now, actually." Mandy threw the clerk a brilliant smile and marched toward the gym.


As the guys were changing, Nick was trying to tell Brian about Elisha.

"She's what!?" Brian exclaimed. "Nick, you be careful where you're treading, I think Mandy is enough of a handful for you!"

Nick shook his head vigourously. "No, she's not like that! We talked, we had a great time. She doesn't care that I'm a Backstreet Boy. She doesn't want to dance in the show, her dancing is totally different."

Brian patted him on the back and looked at him sternly. "Nick, snap out of it. You've got Mandy, first of all, and, we are out of here in two days. You can't establish a relationship in that time."

Their bodyguards arrived to escort them back to the stage for the next part of the show.

Nick said quietly to himself. "I'm sure gonna try Rok, she's too special to leave behind."


Jeff and Elisha were engrossed in working out the steps of their new routine. Neither one of them noticed Mandy come in and coolly start asking the other dancers which one Nick had been talking to yesterday. None of them had seemed to notice, but when she came over to Jeff she hit the jackpot.

"Oh, that was Elisha here."

Elisha turned at hearing her name.

"Oh great." she thought. "Miss Temper herself."

Smiling, she went over to Mandy and stuck out her hand.

"Can I help you?" she asked politely.

"Listen bitch, stay away from Nick, do you hear me?" Mandy hissed.

"Well, hello to you too!" Elisha stood her ground. "I don't know what your name is, but Nick and I had a very nice lunch together, and from what I've seen of you, I think he needed to get away for a bit!"

Mandy clenched her fists and screamed. "Just keep away from him, I'm warning you! He belongs to me!"

With that she stormed out of the gym slamming the door behind her.

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