~~~~Love Above All~~~~

Chapter 21

The sound of the gunfire blasted through the house. "What the hell!" Nick shouted, jumping off the couch. Rebecca had already awoken and was watching cartoons on the floor. Looking around and not seeing anyone else, Nick went over to her. "Stay right here, okay? I'm going to go see what that noise was. Stay right here!" He ran out the front door and saw the van, so he knew Elisha was still home. Trotting around to the backyard, his breath caught when he saw the scene before him. Mandy had still not moved from the bloody spot where she had fallen. Nick didn't even look as he ran past her to Elisha, crumpled in a heap a few feet away. He knelt down beside her and stroked her face as he searched for injuries. "Elisha! Oh my God, Lish, what happened?" Elisha stirred in his arms, her eyes fluttered open and closed again. "Nicky?" "I'm right here, honey, are you alright?" Elisha moaned and slowly opened her eyes again. "I shot her...the barn... oh God...the barn...I killed her Nick..." With a sigh, her eyes slid closed again. Nick gently set her down and walked warily to the barn. What was she trying to tell him?

The barn door was standing open and the sun was shining inside. It didn't look like there was anyone else in there. He entered, pushing the door open as wide as it could go. Searching every corner, he was satisfied that he was the only one there. He noticed the ropes weaved around the post and fingered them absent-mindly while he glanced around. There was a plate resting on the bale of hay, and a rag beside it. "One of the kids could have brought it in here." he told himself. Some internal instinct told him to untie the ropes and toss them in the corner with the others. Doing so, he ran back out to his wife, still lying on the ground. He picked up her limp form and carried her into the house.

"Daddy!" Rebecca met him at the back door. "Close the door, don't look out there!" Nick admonished. "What's wrong with mommy?" "She had a scare, honey. She'll be okay." Nick stood for a moment, thinking of how to go about everything. The police and an ambulance needed to be called. Something just bothered him about the whole thing. Something was off and he couldn't put finger on it. He dialed 911 and requested help, he was assured it would arrive shortly. It was then that he noticed the note from Elisha on the table. Glancing over it, he shoved it in his pocket. A check on the twins and Brian revealed that everyone was still sleeping peacefully. Rebecca was sitting beside Elisha, holding her hand and rubbing her arm. Nick hugged her tightly and kissed her. "I love you, Becca." Nick heard the sirens coming down the road. "Stay with your mom, hun. I'll be right back."

Nick ushered the police and ambulance into the back yard. The ambulance attendants busied themselves with Mandy, Nick turned his eyes away. "What happened here, sir?" "I'm not really sure." Nick gave the officer a background of their history with Mandy. "I'm pretty sure that's her, but I haven't checked." He pointed to where he found Elisha and photos were snapped. "I took her into the house, I couldn't find any injuries and I think she was going into shock." The officer nodded. "Any idea how she got here?" Nick shook his head no. "She seems to be able to find us no matter what and harrass us. She should never have been released from prison." The officer summoned one of the EMTs to enter the house with them for Elisha. "Let's go see what your wife has to say about all this, shall we?"

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