Gonna Get Close To You

~~~~~Chapter 8~~~~

Nick coughed and tried to sit up. His body ached everywhere and his head was pounding with a headache worse than any hangover he had ever had. Not realizing where he was just yet, Nick put his arms out, hoping to grab something to help him pull himself upright. "Jesus Christ!" Nick muttered, as pain surrounded him, the after effects of the drug stubbornly clinging to his system. He wrapped his hands around something solid and, with a groan, got himself sitting up. His eyes focused slowly, he rubbed them and blinked rapidly as he realized where he was. His hands and legs were free and he was in the backseat of the car...alone. "Oh God." Nick almost whimpered. "I'm free." He fumbled his fingers around the door handle, trying to get a secure grip. "C'mon, damn it!" He yelled at himself. "Grab the damn handle and get the hell out of here!" His fingers finally folded around the handle and he smiled at the click as the door opened wide. "Okay. I can do this." Nick's voice wavered. His legs felt like thick pieces of wood. He wondered for a moment how long he had been out here, by himself. He looked around and only saw trees, the sky looked dark, but it was hard for him to tell if it was night or just overcast. Nick got one leg out of the car and secure on the ground. He grasped either side of the door opening and pulled the rest of his body out. Free. Nick took a deep breath of the fresh forest air and smiled. His legs were shaky, if not for his hands clutched tightly to the car frame, he thought he might fall. "Just take a minute." He told himself. "Get it together and get out of here."

Nick settled himself and started walking slowly. "I'll see somebody. I have to." He gritted his teeth and concentrated on just keeping his legs moving. After a few steps, his left leg gave out and Nick tumbled to his knees. "Shit!" he cursed. Using a tree trunk for support he pulled himself upright and balanced by leaning against it. "Take it slow, dummy." He mentally chastised himself. "You'll never get out of here if you collapse." After waiting for a few more minutes, Nick started out again. It seemed to take forever, but finally he found a sign of life. Nick's tired eyes lit up when he saw the small cabin tucked in a clearing. Welcoming lights shone in the front windows, beckoning to him. "I can't believe it." Nick whispered. "I did it!" He willed his legs to carry him the rest of the journey to the cabin. "C'mon, we're so close!" He reached the edge of the clearing and leaned against a tree, drawing in his last bit of energy. "Okay, this is it. God, please have a cell phone." Nick prayed mentally to the owners of the dwelling.

Nick's legs gave out on him just as he reached the leaf strewn porch of the little cabin. He collapsed on the steps, exhausted, and leaned sideways against the railing, determined to stay sitting up and to stay awake. To be rescued. His legs were quivering, the muscles too tired to do any more. "Okay guys, just a little more. I just need to get to the door." He massaged his left thigh with his free hand as he spoke. "Just a few more steps, alright?" Nick was getting himself ready to stand, just as he heard the door open behind him. "Oh thank God." He collapsed on the steps again, this time in relief. "Help me please." He gasped out, surprised at how weak his voice sounded now. "Help me!"


Marianne pulled on a light jacket and set out to check on Nick. She glanced at a photo of him she had placed on the table in their new home. "I'm coming baby." She placed a chocolate bar in her pocket. A little bit of quick energy for him, if he was awake this time. Marianne was starting to get a bit concerned. She had to leave Nick in the car because she couldn't carry him. He had barely changed position since they arrived at their destination. She took care in hiding the car in the woods and checked Nick every so often, before returning to their new house and the task of preparing for a child. She rubbed her still slim tummy and smiled at the thought. Nick's baby. It would be so beautiful, the most gorgeous child ever.

"Let's go check on Daddy, little one, we don't want him hurt just yet."

Marianne pulled open the door and started down the steps. She heard the croaking voice before she saw the slumped, exhausted figure resting below. "Nick?" She hunched down beside him, lifting his head to look into his eyes. "How did you get here?"

Nick stared at her with wide, frightened eyes. "Shit." he mumbled before passing out again.

"Damn!" Marianne removed her hands from his head and stood up, stomping her foot in anger. "How did you get here? Were you trying to get away?" She kicked at his stomach. "Answer me!"

Nick rolled his head and groaned. Damn his luck. Expend all that energy and end up with her. Again. Figures. He sighed and kept his eyes closed as she rained blows on his upper body.

Marianne finally stopped and sat back down, breathing deeply. "Damn it, Nick. Don't leave me. You'll pay!" She glanced at his still unmoving form. "Well, at least you're closer to the house now." She dropped the chocolate bar from her pocket, watching as it landed on his shoulder, then slid off to rest beside him. "I'll get you in the morning." She sneered at him. The nerve. He had to have been trying to get away from her. She'd teach him a lesson. "You deserve to spend the night out here!"

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