Chapter 4

I finished moving all my stuff into Nick's house. I had my own room. It was beautiful, with its queen size bed with a light blue comforter and lots of pillows. It had an oak desk and dresser. A walk in closet that could fit four time the amount of stuff I owned. My room had its own bathroom. I think I would never leave this room, if I didn't have to.

I could smell something cooking. It smelled delicious. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. "What smells so good?" I leaned against the counter. Nick was standing at the stove, stirring something in a pot.

"Chicken and butter noodles." He smiled at me.

"Where's Brian?" I asked. It was kind of awkward being alone with Nick.

"He went to visit Kevin and his wife Monica. Go sit down, dinner is ready." I went and sat at the table. This was going to be a long night. Nick brought over two plates with the most delicious food I have ever smelled.

"So Rachel..."

"What Nick?"

"Why is it so hard for us to talk to each other? We used to be such good friends.

"Nick when I met you in Jamaica, I thought I was dreaming. Who would have thought I would become friends with a Backstreet Boy. I got to know you as more than just a Backstreet Boys after that. You were the best friend I ever had. You know why you can't talk to me."

"I am so sorry. How can I make things right?"

"I don't know if you can."

Let me try, Rachey. I never wanted it to be like this."

"Nick right now I need to think about it. It's not something I can decide at this moment."

"Then, why did you take this job?" Nick raised his voice.

"Nick, I deeply care for you. I never stopped caring about you. Just because you hurt me, doesn't mean that my true feelings have changed. This job has nothing to do with our relationship. I'm here to help take care of a little boy who need a mother figure in his life. I'm doing this for Jackson."


"Nick you have no reason to thank me. Jackson is a great child. I remember seeing him in the airport playing with Kevin and his wife that day three months ago." Nick looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Rachel please let me make things right. I'll do anything."

"Please stop begging. You sound like your five. Nick it's just going to take time."

"I will wait for eternity to make things right. You mean the world to me Rachey."

"Nick don't do this. Don't make me feel guilty because of your actions in the past. If this is to hard for you, I can quit."

"No Rachel. I need you in my life more than you will ever know."

"Ok Nick. Let's just try to be friends."

"That is fine with me." We ate the rest of dinner in silence. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't look at him, if I did I would take back everything I said. I loved Nick with my heart and soul.

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