I met Everclear at a show they did back in 2001. They have always been a favorite of mine, and I really appreciate what they do. Their lyrics have touched my soul, and their music has moved my feet. I mean, it makes me want to dance everytime it comes on. I enjoy their really hard-core songs like "Father Of Mine", "Sunflowers", "Fire Maple Song", and most of the tracks on their latest cd, Slowmotion Daydream. Though the three are now broken-up,their legacy wil live forever in my heart.

  I was constanly ever aware of the fact that Everclear was coming to my town that April, and it broke my spirit to know I could not afford to go. I had almost forgotten all about it when, just a few days before the concert, I happened to be listening to the radio. I heard an announcement that the station was holing a poster contest just before the concert outside the place it was to be held. I AM ONE ^&*% GOOD ARTIST, and this was my greatest opportunity to use my talents well. I had to draw the members of Everclear along with the station's logo. Unfortunately, I had no clue what either of them looked-like. I mean, I had some idea but not clear enough. all i knew was that "the lead singer" had white hair, and "the bassist" had dyed-red dark hair, and "the drummer" was blonde, and that the symbol was a purple planet for the station. So I went to the library and downloaded some photos. Well, when I put them up on my PC, Craig's pic didn't come-through. I went purely by what I remembered.

here to see the winning poster(mine of course!)

So the day finnally came and I was soo uptight. I needed everything to run smoothly, but at the last minute there was a fire drill at school. When I got home, I was like a herd-driving cowboy with a bullwhip trying to get everyone to hurry up. We got there on time (about three hours early), I frantically searched for the Planet's Coca-Cola, boom box shaped
van. It was nowhere to be found! Then, when it was the last ten minutes possible, it came. Well, there was only one other contestant, who had a grey-scale drawing of just Art A., and me. The DJ complimented us both on our efforts, and even asked if he could take my poster to place in station! I had a plan for this poster though, so I kindly said "no way", and got in line. My whole family got go, and we all waited impatiently in line. While waiting, i quickly wrote on the back "Hey Art! Sign me!", or something like that, and finally got my yellow handband to go in. The plan for this poster was to wave it as high as possible to get Art's attention and have him sign it. Well, this was also the first time I'd ever been to a REAL rock concert, and boy was I soo unprepared. When the testers struck the first hard chord, I thought I went deaf! Also, my choice of seating wasn't too good either. The whole front section was a mosh-pit, and I
had to be up front. I did get 2nd row seating in that pit, but when everybody got-up, I couldn't move my fingers without touching someone else's tail end!
But it all came through when it came time for the first act, I was so excited. "Flipp" was their name and they weren't too bad. What I really liked was when this bald guy that played the keyboards jumed up and threw cereal at us. It was Fruit Loops inside a box with their faces on it that read "Flipp Loops"! Then he pulled a plug on his jet pack and sprayed fire works all over us! I really loved it when the lead singer played the guitar and the drums at the same time!  The guy kept pulling some gross moves though (i'm christian, so i didn't like it).
  Then an act called mayfield four hit the stage. i don't know if they are still making music, but they were really awesome! They looked like Creed->minus the drugs. Their lead singer pulled a different stunt and leapt "front first" into the crowd to body surf. I kept thinking "Man! Thats gotta hurt! They must be grabbing things they shouldn't!" It was rockin-mad and tons of people tried to surf, only to find the paramedics if and when they woke up.
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