Flavor Text


Updated 4/11/07




Forget subtlety I'm giving you names along with quotes!


I’m planning on including all the set’s Flavor Text on this page. All Flavor Text is in alphabetical order.




Army of Kings

We broke open the tomb in the morning and lost twenty slaves before we were able to seal it again." - Bab Venture, Spinery crew boss


Claim Artifact

"To get ahead, many apprentice artificers will steal the design work of rivals. After they are made masters all that's left is to destroy the evidence." - Kiffite, Toma constable


Coal Porter

"All you eat, you eat for me. Half I get, I give to thee."  - Poet of the Grand Mind, Petel Fortunan


Defender of Hearths

"If you would advocate the expression of ideas; if you would fight to unshackle the oppressed and free their minds; if you would stand, stand with us!" - Order Proclamation


Demon’s Moon

"When the moon looks like a grin, devilishness is afoot."  - Swain, first mate


Doom Harvester

These voiceless minions of the crew bosses patrol the harbor of Rom, culling the weak and taking them away to unknown areas of the colony.


Drop the Veil

"The subjects of our experiments do not disappear. They are still there for anyone who possesses Secret Sight to see." - Dr. Fantelli, A.O.C.


Dustform Boon

As an impotent breeze, you strike insignificantly.


Dustform Boon

As a sudden storm, I strike unrelenting.


Endless Armies

"Before battle, the gates between the towers close. As they open again, extraplanar forces from every 'when' and 'where' pour out, ready to fight." -  Bemin Forecastle, historian of planar magic


Flash Weld

Just don't read any priceless tomes afterwards.


Gravedigger Imp

Imps find work everywhere - from crows nests to mine work. But there favorite job is desecration.



"Close your eyes. Feel each pinprick of life around you. Reach out to the tiny feelings until you find the one you seek. And then squeeze that life until it disappears." - Sim Freely, Rom slayer


Kinetic Armor

Leave it to a gnome to design armor that dresses you itself.


Leaf Cutter Ants

"Like locusts in their consuming ferocity, they are also mobile mana batteries for the resourceful wizard." - Bemin Forecastle, historian of planar magic


Ley Hydra

"It is Twingates personified - One being with many minds." - Loreen Stanron


Life Bubble

“The more worthless it appears, the better.” - Bemin Forecastle, historian of planar magic


Lost Archipelago

Each is a world of its own, and the chain an entire galaxy of knowledge and forbidden arts.


Magical Kiln

"Someone discovered that burning the sod surrounding Twingates provides not only heat, but near-limitless magical power." - Bemin Forecastle, historian of planar magic


Mentalist’s Boon

Rom mentalists have abilities that will blow your mind.


Net Caster

There's a real satisfaction found in throwing the net back at the fisher.


Nursing Boar

“It’s a piglet, Run!!!”


Piston Fire

"Magic makes the machine's parts. Whole, it makes magic. Wonder is all around us." - Poet of the Grand Mind, Petel Fortunan


Potent Meadow

Twingates is tall to allow its wizards an unspoiled view of the plains that surround it. As a result the tower is a very powerful magical foci.



It doesn't matter from where they hail, once they come thru the gates, all loyalty is to the plains.


Rom Outcast

Rom is a diseased harbor where society's outcasts seek asylum. Merchants no longer come here.


Sacrificial Ceremony

Plantigor was exacting in her worship rituals, though less so in whom she invited to them.


Salty Swab

"Pirates have adopted the methods of the Chronal Observatory. And the results are discouraging." - Parcival, Rom commodore


Seal of Retribution

"The guilty soul seeks punishment as certainly as the thirsty man seeks water." - Elder Rabban


Spontaneous Last Rites

"Okay, now let's dig him back up!" - Snarly-Fang, slayer groveling



"A small taste of our research is enough to quell most objections." - Trell, observer


Summer Palisade

The place is a living thing, each plank a vein, and flowing throughout is power unimagined.


Unexplored Wilderness

The Academy Relicas saw endless resources; the Chronal Observatory saw secrets to be harvested; Twingates, an unwelcoming wild; and the slayers, future subjects.


Wealth of Ideas

Rom's harbor used to be home to the wealthiest ships on the sea. But now wealth of plots, betrayals and lies is all it could boast.


Weaponized Thug

“It’s not bad. It sort of hurts on cold nights.”



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