Take the Color Test

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Fill in the bubble by the one word of phrase that best describes what you are like MOST of the time.

Personality Strengths and Limitations

1. opinionated nurturing inventive outgoing

2. power-oriented perfectionist indecisive self-centered

3. dominant sympathetic tolerant enthusiastic

4. self-serving suspicious unsure naive

5. decicisve loyal contented playful

6. arrogant worry prone silently stubborn flighty

7. assertive reliable kind sociable

8. bossy self-critical reluctant a teaser

9. action-oriented analytical easygoing carefree

10. critical of others overly sensitive shy obnoxious

11. determined detail concious a good listener a party person

12. impatient moody unmotivated vain

13. responsible idealistic considerate happy

14. impatient moody passive impulsive

15. strong-willed respectful patient fun-loving

16. argumentative unrealistic directionless an interrupter

17. independent dependable even-tempered trusting

18. aggressive frequently depressed ambivalent forgetful

19. powerful deliberate gentle optimistic

20. insensitive judgemental boring undiciplined

21. logical emotional agreeable popular

22. always right guilt prone unenthusiastic uncommitted

23. pragmatic well-behaved accepting spontaneous

24. merciless thoughtful uninvolved a show off

25. task-oriented sincere diplomatic lively

26. tactless hard to please lazy loud

27. direct creative adaptable a performer

28. calculating self-righteous self-depreciating disorganized

29. confident diciplined pleasant charismatic

30. intimidating careful unproductive afraid to face facts


31. If I Applied for a job, a prospective employer would most likely hire me because i am:
Driven, direct and delegating.
Deliberate, accurate, and reliable.
Patient, adaptable, and tactful.
Fun-loving, spirited, and casual.

32. When involved in an intimate relationship, if I feel threatened by my partner, I:
Fight back with facts and anger.
Cry, feel hurt and plan revenge.
Become quiet, withdrawn, and often hold anger until I blow up over some minor issue later.
Distance myself and aviod further conflict.

33. For me, life is most meaningful when it:
Is task-oriented and productive
Is filled with people and purpose.
Is free of pressure and stress.
Allows me to be playful, lighthearted, and optimistic.

34. As a child, I was:
Stubborn, bright and/or aggressive.
Well-behaved, caring, and/or depressed.
Quiet, easygoing, and/or shy.
Too talkative, happy and/or playful.

35. As an adult, I am:
Opinionated, determined and/or bossy.
Responsible, honest, and/or unforgiving.
Accepting, contented, and/or unmotivated.
Charismatic, positive, and/or obnixious.

36. As a parent, I am:
Demanding, quick-tempered, and/or uncompromising.
Concerned, sensitive, and/or critical.
Permissive, easily pursuaded, and/or often overwhelmed.
Playful, casual and/or irresponsible.

37. If my friend was in trouble, I would be:
Protective, resourceful, and recommend solutions.
Concerned, empathetic, and loyal-regardless of the problem.
Supportive, patient and a good listener.
Nonjudgmental, optimistic and downplaying the seriousness of the situation.

38. When making decisions I am:
Assertive, articulate and logical
Deliberate, precise, and cautious.
Indecisive, timid, and reluctant.
Impulsive, uncommitted, and inconsistent.

39. When I fail, I feel:
Silently self-critical, yet verbally stubborn and defensive.
Guilty, self-critical, and vulnerable to depression- I dwell on it.
Unsettled and fearful, but I keep it to myself.
Embarassed and nervous - Seeking to escape the situation.

40. If someone crosses me :
I am angered, and cunningly play ways to get even quickly.
I feel deeply hurt and find it almost impossible to forgive completely. Generally, getting even is not enough.
I am silently hurt and plan to get even and/or completely avoid the other person.
I want to avoid confrontation, consider the situation not important enough to bother with, and/or seek other friends.

41. Work Is:
A most productive way to spend one's time.
A healthy activity, which should be done right if it's to be done at all. Work should be done before one plays.
A positive activity as long as it is something I enjoy and don't feel pressured to accomplish.
A necessary evil, much less inviting than play.

42. In social situations, I am most often:
Feared by others.
Admired by others.
Protected by others.
Envied by others.

43. In a relationship, I am most concerned with being:
Approved of and right.
Understood, appreciated and intimate.
Respected, tolerant, and peaceful.
Praised, having fun, and feeling free.

44. To feel alive and positive, I seek:
Adventure, leadership, and lots of action.
Security, creativity and purpose.
Acceptance and safety.
Excitement, playful productivity, and the company of others.

  Red:       Blue:  
White:     Yellow:  

To see what these numbers mean, click on the word or picture next to the largest numbers. Most people are not completely one of these colors. There may be a general spread, or a larger amount of blue and white than red and yellow, or some other combination. In which case, feel free to read all of the corresponding color explanations to see which attributes you have.
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