"Bargain not with the Darkness: in time it will take us all."
Proverbs, The Chronicle of Shadows, The Book of Nod
                        KINDRED SOCIETY IN NIAGARA


The city of Niagara is a staunch support of the Camarilla.  With the proximity of Buffalo and thus New York � a city rife with Sabbat � the safety of the Camarilla appeals to all.


Since Niagara has been under the rule of Aaron every thing has been settled into a decorum of routine.  The most drastic thing to happen in the last 50 years was when the majority of the Gangrel up and left the Camarilla.  Indeed, having lost most of the warriors that are Clan Gangrel Niagara was on shaky footing for a brief moment, but only a moment.
     Everything has been maintained in a balance of peace, with nothing more than the usual vampiric back stabbing.


However, things were not always thus.  Under the rule of the Nosferatu, Prince Robert Shaw, the city was anything but.  In the last century alone, before Aaron took rule, the region was attacked by Lupines (1935-36), Sabbat (1945-50), and even had a couple of hunters through the region.   Hence, a dozen or so young licks (back when the area was populous with kindred)  took upon them selves to "liberate" the region.  The logic was that if the Prince wasn't going to protect them, they'll be damned if they were to be bossed around by him.  That was when Aaron took power (read Aaron's biography on the CAST page for more on this event).

     Various clans still have some residual anger from those times.  The majority of the Anarchs were Brujah unsurprisingly and a great deal of both Ventrue (due to their power within the Camarilla) and the Nosferatu (because of Prince Shaw), both of the attacked clans hold the Primogen to blame for not keeping the neonates in line.
     The Toreador and the Malkavians clashed many times over various art galleries and clubs before Aaron took power.  To this day the Malkavians feel cheated out of thing they eventually would have one if Aaron wasn't in control. 
     The Setites, well, everyone hates Setites.....


     The Camarilla at large views Niagara as a back water city for rejects and the young who are trying to achieve "power".  The only reason it hasn't slipped completely under the radar is due to its proximity to New York and Detroit and therefore has good use as a vanguard for Camarilla states within Canada.  There are those, however, that know Niagara to be a dangerous place to Kindred.  Flanked by both Sabbat and Lupines the region can be a very very dangerous place.....
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