The novel

  The heroes

  The chapters


  The paper-cuts


Song Jiang

He is the chief of the outlaws.
Timely rain, he is an honest civil servant famous for his sense of justice and quickness to repair the faults of corrupted administration.
He suffers in silence of the arbitrariness and corruption of the imperial justice.
Infinitely modest, he has no cease to deny any authority among the Outlaws of Water Margin, who recognize him as a chief, and to propose that responsability to every man he admires.

Deeply respectuous of the Emperor's authority, he suffers from the clandestinity he is obliged to bear, because of the not-willing murder of his lover, an unfaithful prostitute.  
He killed her accidentally because she was up to denounce his friendship with
Chao Gai, the Heavenly King, and other outlaws.
He is the unwilling hero of the novel.

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