Nanny Gortzak, IBCLC, lactation consultant and nutritionist in Orange County
Breastfeeding support and help in Irvine, California

Nanny Gortzak is an Irvine based International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with a background in human nutrition. Nanny has extensive experience in supporting families in both The Netherlands and the United States. She believes that every parent is doing every effort to offer their babies the best start, part of which is breastfeeding. Most parents that contact Nanny find that they need more information about breastfeeding in order to make the right choice for their baby. Nanny offers this information through home and office consultations, telephone help, contributions to a parenting website, e-mail lists and fora and breastfeeding classes tailored to new parents and parents to be.

Nanny also moderates the Orange County Breastfeeding Forum, where mothers can exchange their experiences in breastfeeding (see link Breastfeeding Forum)

Nanny is a member of the Orange County Breastfeeding Coalition, ILCA, La Leche League and other international breastfeeding organizations.

To contact Nanny for breastfeeding help, class information and breastfeeding products, call 949-8563058 during office hours (PST)
Links to some breastfeeding related pages:
Breastfeeding class for working parents Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding class
Breastfeeding links
For information and appointments:
Name: Nanny Gortzak, MSc, IBCLC