Confidentially Confidence
Scarred For Life


A couple of comments came up about my self-confidence levels, and because of these comments I fear I may have not made myself clear enough on the issue.  My self-confidence troubles are in the areas of actually approaching women, and being the one to start conversation.  Basically...  being the flirt-initiater.  For me to approach strangers I do not know and begin conversation, I have to have the "home turf".  Meaning, it has to be some place where I am comfortable with my surroundings.  Let's just take the example of where I work...  at work, if a new employee starts, I will introduce myself and set up my workstation next to theirs and talk to them. 

I guess its just that large groups of people make me uncomfortable.  And that is why picking up chicks in bars just isn't my thing.  I really prefer small groups...  six people max.

But back to the self-confidence...  in my work, in some of my social aspects, I am very confident in who I am, what I stand for, and what I can do.  At work, if a special order comes in, it is usually passed off to me, because the managers know that I will do an excellent job with it.  That's great for my confidence at work...   I get the special items when no one else does, because I can do it.
I just wish I could translate that confidence when going out.
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