Mac's Fan Fiction

Title: Altoids and Pumpkin Pies
Rating: PG
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Things have been strained, a friendship nearly forgotten, first meetings remembered, and Thanksgiving is drawing near.

First Meetings

She's doing it again; hiding behind a mask of happiness. I know it and she knows I know it. We've known each other for so long that it is impossible for either of us to hide things from the other.

We never used to be this way. I was working a case when I first met her a few weeks before she began working at the lab. We talked for a bit and I found that behind her looks was a mind of steel. I told her about an opening in the day shift lab and didn't hear from her again except for a thank-you card that showed up in my mailbox a couple weeks later.

Our first meeting as actual co-workers a few years later didn't send up any fireworks. Okay, I'll be honest. We both had a strong disliking for the other; some may have called it hatred. But over the years, as we worked together and got to know each other, we changed. I'm more introverted now and she; well, she's more cautious.

We didn't have the typical run-into-one-another-and-go-for-drinks-after-work meeting that some friends have. I had only heard rumors about this woman, who was as smart as she was beautiful, that had transferred from days. A few days later, I literally ran into her on my way to the morgue. We were both engrossed in our own cases and BAM! We knocked the papers out of each other's hand. Neither of us said anything at first as we picked up and sorted the papers out. I think I mumbled an apology of some sort and she just glared at me.

We managed not to work with each other for two months after that. Although, now I don't know why, but back then I was grateful for that. The first case we worked on was a piece of cake and took very little effort or time to solve. After that, the shift supervisor started to pair us up more often.

With every case, we learned something new. Sometimes it would be something about each other, but most of the time it would be something inconsequential that would later help out on another case.

During the months after that first case together, we kept our distance, refusing to be anything more than co-workers. Slowly we warmed up to each other enough to become friends. It was a real rarity, at least for me, to be considered her friend in those early days. Now I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything. In many ways, she reminds me that we can have a passion for our job and still have a life outside of the lab, even if I'm not totally comfortable with that idea.

She shifts position on her stool reminding me that I'm not alone in the lab. We've been pouring over microscopic evidence for an hour, trying to find something to make our night more productive. I try to concentrate on the fibers before me, but I keep looking over at her, worried that the shoe will drop soon.

I can tell she's tense. Something is worrying her, which worries me. The fact that she hasn't said anything to me for the last few months outside of work is starting to unnerve me. Of course, it could be a taste of what I've been doing to her.

She knows that there is something wrong with me. I can see it in her eyes. She's been trying to figure out the problem ever since the Haviland case. And all I've done is continually team her with anyone but me. Occasionally we work together, but only if the entire team is involved in some way.

I guess I'm afraid that she'll solve the mystery before I'm ready to divulge that I have a problem. With the others, I can hide it; I can keep my secret from them longer.

I'll admit that I haven't exactly been the hallmark of what friends are supposed to be like where she is concerned. I've kept her in the dark about many things lately. It's a wonder that she hasn't come into my office and yelled at me or anything else.

Trying to focus my mind on the matter at hand, I mentally review this month's roster. Nick, Sara, and Warrick have Thanksgiving night off- hmm, that's strange. Catherine usually takes the family orientated holidays to be with Lindsey. I wonder why she didn't this time.

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