Personal properties of Marilyn

Marilyn's house

Marilyn's house at 12305 5th Helena Drive,Brentwood,California

Marilyn's Kitchen

Marilyn's Sun Room

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Marilyn have been living in rented houses for years when, in 1962, she moved into her new home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive the inscription above her front door read; "Cursum Perficio" which is Latin for; I have completed my journey'. She remarked to friends that it was sad really to buy a house alone. She said that normally buying a house was something that one did with their partner. She bought the house, in Brentwood, California in February, 1962. The purchase price was less than $90,000, with a nineteen year mortgage of $37,500. Her monthly payments were $320. Although this is unsubstantiated, Marilyn had been seeing Joe DiMaggio again and it was rumored the two had agreed to remarry on August 8, 1962 and unfortunately that day was her funeral day.

Marilyn's Manhattan Apartment 444 West Fifty-Seventh Street

Marilyn's Manhattan Apartment 444 West Fifty-Seventh Street


Marilyn's Manhattan Apartment 444 West Fifty-Seventh Street

Living room

Marilyn's Manhattan Apartment 444 West Fifty-Seventh Street


 The Monroe-Miller kitchen, bedroom & living room in 1996.

Marilyn's mother presented her with this white piano in childhood. The instrument was lost when her mother was institutionalized for chronic mental illness. Marilyn searched for the piano in auction houses & eventually recovered it. Seldom attached to material items, Marilyn cherished the piano as a symbol of her lost childhood.

Marilyn's Memories

MM's Memories Wallapaper

Marilyn's belongings Wallapaper by Me

MM's belongings Wallapaper

Marilyn's Self Potraits and poems Wallpaper

MM's Poems and artwallpaper

Wallpapers 800x600 made by me

Marilyn's Self Potraits and poems Wallpaper

MM's Poems and artwallpaper

Marilyn's Poems wallapaper

MM's Poems wallpaper

Marilyn's Poems wallapaper

MM's Poems wallpaper


MM's Goodbye               A kiss and a goodbye MarilynFacts about Marilyn's death..(Click here)

         Marilyn's Funeral the last journey...(Click here)

      Marilyn Monroe's final days (Click here)

       Last Interview  Last will & Last photo session


Note:-Few pictures and information in this page are from other Marilyn Internet sources. If anybody finds any objection do let me know.


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