Final Fantasy 8 GF Guide

In this section you will find out how to get every junctionable Gf and where and when to get them during the game.

.GF Name:Shiva
Location: Access Squalls study panel
after Quistis finishes talking in the Classroom

GF Name:Quesicotl
Element: Thunder
Location: Access Squalls study panel
after Quistis finishes talking in the Classroom

GF Name: Ifrit
Location: Fire Cave next to Balamb Garden

GF Name:Siren
Location: Draw from Elvoret in Dollets
Com Tower

GF Name: Diablos
.Location: Anywhere after you have recieved
the Magical lamp from Cid. It is a difficult
monster to defeat so i suggest you wait until
further on in the game. To defeat it draw
cast demi and set up reflect on every
character but even then he can still
use Gravja and physical attacks
that are powerfull so get healing items

GF Name: Brothers
Location: Disk 1 when you are in Deiling City.
and you are told to go to tomb of the unknown
kings.Start by every right turn Possible.
Defeat Sacred.Then again take every rightturn.
Release water gate.Go to the left of the tomb
and take every right turn..then use the lever for
the water wheel.Go to the left tip of the Tomb
and walk ahead to the second intersection.
Then go right and left twice then straight
forward and then defeat Sacred and Minotaur.

GF Name:Carbuncle
Location: Draw from the monster Iguion
in Deiling City at the end of disk 1 .


GF Name: Leviathan

Location: Draw from Master Norg on
level B1 on disk 2

GF Name: Pandemona
Element: Wind
Location: Draw from Fujin in Balamb
Town on Disk 2.

.                            .

Gf Name:Ceberus

Location: In the middle of the hallway
in Galbadia Garden. It is difficult but
if you have high HP and..High level
magic you should have no problem as

.long as you dispel its Double/Triple.

GF Name:Bahumut
Location: Deep sea research Center. Defeat him
by casting Aura on Squall because if you have
the Lionheart (see Magazines) it will take
a great deal of HP off him when using the
Renzokuken but if your your HP gets low
Cast Bahumuts Courage.


Element: Holy

Location:Draw from Edea on the Second encounter with her in Galbadia Garden in the...Auditorium on..Disk 2.........................


Gf Name:Cactaur
Location:Cactaur Island on disk 3 or 4
when you have the Garden go to Cactaur
Island and you will see a green Cactaur.
Run into him to Initiate Combat. He also
has a lot of HP so make sure your
characters are prepared.

                                                                                                                                     GfName:Tornberry                            Location: Centra Ruins when you have
control of the Ragnarock
Battle about 20 Tornberries and then you
will be faced with the Tornberry King.
He has high HP so do it when your level
is higher when you and get the Lion Heart first
so you will take more HP when using the
Renzokeken on it.Defeated him and he will join
your party.



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