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New World is a trademark owned by New World Games.  No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any mean, eloctronic or mechanical, including phtocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the explicit permission from the publishers, New World Games.  New World Games is owned by Jon Uzel.  All character, names, art, and similarities thereof are property of New World Games.  New World is a work of fiction.  Any likeness to actual people, places, events, or organizations is coincidental.
copyright 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000
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Where did New World come from?
The idea for New world has been up and coming for quite a while now.  Our plan was to create a world for players that would allow for greater freedom; where almost anything would be possible.
     We started as two seperate identities on the early when the internet craze began.  This was before we had color monitors, remember monochrome.  We thought it was, "just another" campaign that players could game in.  When we got together though, the whole idea went far beyond that.  We started to make decision that players and other dungeon masters alike could respond to.  From that, we we able to change and shape the game into what it is today.
    Welcome Dungeon Master.  Choose your beginning or perhaps your ending? Maybe you want to search throught the treasure trove of New World Games' Map Collection or perhaps you want tips on your next adventure.  Maybe, you just want to find out the latest news on the message board.  Choose your own path Dungeon Master for soon your player's must choose theirs.
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