December 2000

Issue #2

Inside this Issue

1Where the old have gone.
      The Monster Manual

Playtester Letters
The Book
Wanted: Artists
So you want to be a

The Jester's Bag of

Upcoming Events
New World News
Page 1     Page 2
So You Want to be a Dungeon Master

By the Editor

     So you want to be a Dungeon Master.  Well, you're in luck.  New World Games is looking for Dungeon Masters.  Dungeon Masters are a rare comoddity and Dungeon Masters who have experience back into 2nd Edition, 1st Edition, and even back to the original Dungeon & Dragons are hardly heard of anymore.  So, if you are interested in being a Dungeon Master for New World, send us your name, e-mail, experience, location, and schedule to:
[email protected] .
If you would like to find out more go to to New World's
Dungeon Master Page.
Upcoming Events    

Event Name:TBA

Event Name:TBA

Event Name:TBA
The Jester's Bag Of Tricks

By All

~ From Anonymous Sender
Warning: Lame Joke
   What the elves said to the trents as the lumber jacks came.
   "Run Forest Run!"
Forrest Gump:

~From an old issue of Dungeon Magazine
Player #1: (out of character) The DM hasn't go a map again!

(in charcter) There's the part of the dungeon I feel strangely compelled to

"Never insult a god with a rubber chicken," - Cabrum, god of Mischief

~ DM:
The minotaur grabs you in a bearhug, lifting you off the ground.  The rest of your party is out of hearing range, so it's up to you to get away.
   Wizard PC (out of character):
*Grins evilly* and quickly yells, "I'm casting firestrike on it!"

DM: After having made that decision, your character is now body-surfing at 400 miles per hour along the surface of the ocean toward the oncoming hordes...
Player: Ouch.
The Book
By Asrugan
Continued from page 1

     This book was created far far back in time; immemorial, and by who, it is unknown, but this book has the written history of all time in its pages.  Now, as I suspect you are thinking, you want to look into the book and see your future.  I once thought about it myself, yet the book will not do this.  As far as I can tell, the willfull only immortal to see detail that involve themselves.  Yes, this book does have a mind of its own and it will do as it pleases, not as is willed of it.  There is only one way to access the book, you must possess a Stalis, an Imperial Key.  The Stali, which served as keys for opening doors and mechanations of the Empire.  Beyond this though, the most powerful Stalis can open portal in time an even space itself.  But, I shall save that for another entry, for now the book
     One can use a Stalis of sufficient power on the book and then they must command the book to show them a certain time, person, or place.  At times, the book can willful enough to open to a place of its own choosing.  Sometimes, this is merely to show a time or event that needed to be effected to preserve itself.  The book even has power to open portal to those places itself, but rarely has it done so.  As a note to those who may someday find the book, anything seen or read fades from one's memory in two days.  I have scribed some of what I have read, in order that I might have record of it. 
     In my next entry I shall share one such entry with you...
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