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 February 2001

Issue 9

A Vision of Leaving Church

- Alan Senecal

In December 1997 I awoke to a vision and God said it was for 1998. I saw a city (built by men) in which there was a great cathedral type temple (built by men), the city was encompassed by a great wall with many gates (built by men).

There were people leaving the city from every gate, in small groups, families and individuals. Away from the city, all over the countryside and beyond were what looked like houses, some small and others that were larger, some much larger like inns or hotels. What I began to notice was that the light from the windows of these houses was shining brightly like little beacons all over the countryside as far as you could see.

Then I noticed that the city was crumbling, the walls, the buildings and the temple. The people that were still inside the city did not seem to know what to do about it, some didn't even seem to notice and others tried not to notice, ignoring what was happening all around them. Some of the people tried to repair the walls and buildings and the temple but it appeared that they did not have the right tools nor did they have the correct recipe for the mortar. As a result, everything continued to collapse around them.

This created a cloud of dust over the entire city so that any light from this great city appeared as a dim, hazy, barely visible light. I realised that many of the people would never leave, the numbers of those leaving grew fewer and fewer.

As all of this unfolded before me, the lights from the houses scattered across the countryside began to glow brighter and brighter and God said, "I am calling my people out. I am calling them out of the structure and the system that has been made with the hands of men. This is the year of The Calling Out of My People. I am calling them out to Myself What is about to take place will take place outside of the church system of men it will take place outside the gate outside of the walls. I will tear down the work of men and use those that are called out, those who hear My Voice, those who truly love Me and know me as their Father, I will use them to build and plant and reap a harvest. For they will be the Living Stones that I will use to build My City, My Temple, My Kingdom."

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