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Issue 3

Life outside the structure

- Eric & Val. Hawkes Bay

"Many thanks for the back issue of New Wineskins and the first parts of 'Stop the Church - I Want to Get Off'. We actually got off some years ago, or should I say, - got spewed out - to be more accurate.
It is nice to know that, yes, the Lord really did tell us to leave the church. And also that we are not just among a few rebellious radicals, and that many others like us were dismayed and disturbed at what passed for church life, and left it behind.

Being taught directly by the Lord through everyday experiences has been exciting as we saw His hand in them. At times things have been painful and lonely. Also, very necessary - as we have learned the reality of the road to the cross.

We now know that much work had to be done on us, that otherwise wouldn't have happened in the church structure.

But still the doubts lingered. Should we be part of church now? Why are we so different? etc. Anyway your publications have been a great confirmation that we are not alone. And we are now looking forward to the get-together over Labour Weekend. Hopefully with other like minded believers.

Sparks Appreciation

- Jack & Margaret Northland

"Many thanks for the second issue of 'New Wineskins'. It is good to know that there has been a lot of encouraging response to the first issue.
"Pioneers of the Heavenly Way" was one of the first Austin Sparks writings that came my way. What excitement to find the things in my heart at that time - so clearly articulated! It was a wonderful confirmation of what God had been speaking. I trust that more receiving 'New Wineskins' will be equally blessed."

Comments on Gatherings

- Stan & Mavis, UK
"We have felt warmly towards the sentiments of your letter. You said that your gatherings centered around "What does the Lord want here?" rather than "What do we want?" This is exactly the area in which we feel the Charismatic movement in this country, which otherwise brought so much blessing, has gone somewhat astray. Instead of seeing the gifts of the Spirit as resources for accomplishing the Lord's purposes, and blessing others - people seem to value these gifts for their 'excitement potential'. To put it rather crudely, many seem to be looking for thrills rather than looking to move in the good works God has prepared for them to walk in. Your New Wineskins magazine makes many points which we have found also true in our experience. It is amazing that the Lord seems to be saying the same thing to widely scattered believers - quite independently of each other.... May the Lord continue to bless what you are doing to make His purposes known."


- Jo, Central Otago
I have just read your two books having been lent to me by Norman & Lillian Flocton. I have so identified with what you have written that I would like to have my own copies, to re-read and also to lend if I find anyone who I think would read them - or perhaps I should say, if the Lord tells me to lend them to someone. This is a concept I am not temperamentally inclined to, but I am very much wanting to move like this, and can tell how absolutely normal and orthodox it is. Thank you for writing them and I will be glad to read the coming instalments...
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