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 July 2001

Issue 10

Thank you for sending Azusa Street

- Jo, Wanaka, NZ.
I have just finished it and I am oppressed by the terrible contrast between our day and those wonderful days. We seem to be living in a pit of darkness in comparison. I suppose it is a height that cannot be maintained for long.... It certainly requires deep humility and death to self. He has many things to say that are the same as what we have all been coming to for some time now. Truly it is an insight with how our God can and did work. What a privilege to live in such times. Could you please send me 4 more copies.
"Azusa Street" is on the Book List. It emphasized what God really wants to do - that is - really present Himself knowingly amongst us. A concept many of us have only dreamed about. But we believe He will do it when our soulishness dies at His feet. Thats the cost! Ed.

Encouraged By It's Contents

- Bill Huggett, Victoria, Australia
I just received a copy of New Wineskins. To say the least I am encouraged by its content. I have been involved in the unstructured Church movement of the Holy Spirit here in Victoria for about 12 years. God led me to write a book that covers the basics of Christianity along with leadership as per first century type Christianity. If you would like to read it, publish it, or share the web address for it, please feel free to do so.
The web address is http://www.geocities.com/huggy53/Get-Real-With-God.html

My email address: [email protected]

Attention Californian Believers

- Wayne Millheim, Atascadero, USA
I got your package yesterday - What a pleasure! I was like a little kid at Christmas as I read your newsletters and letter. You have a heart for the Lord - I hope you stay encouraged as you do His work. Through my friend here Wally Duguid, I was made aware of your writtings - plus those of John Beaumont and Hadyn Olsen. Could you give me Hadyn's mailing address if you can? I believe the address I have is not correct. I'd love to write to him. His 'ISM' books are simply outstanding. I also thoroughly enjoyed John Beaumont's 'Revalatory Adventure' - a magnificent book. By the way, if you are able to help me get in touch with any believers you know of in California, please let me know. I give you my OK to give my address, phone number and e-mail to anyone who might want to communicate with me. I live in the middle of California, right on the coast.
Phone: 805-466-6764

E-mail: [email protected]

The Spirit-Led Life

- John & Barbara Hopper, Matamata, NZ.
Thank you for the book that you sent - they will help to further the Spirit-led life down here! We have read the 'God Chasers' - as I recollect Tommy Tenny speaks a lot about the 'manifest Presence of God'. 1 Sam. 21:6 (Living Bible) speaks about the Bread of the Presence which I found very interesting! We don't want to know about Jesus, we want to know Jesus! I fully agree with you it is NOW - as you say 'for some of us may yet know our God present among us as our active Head daily'. In New Wineskins (No. 9), Barbara and I really enjoyed the article, 'To Church or not to Church. That is the question... or is it?' and also the article 'What does Church really mean?'

"Get over it - Whatever it takes"

- John & Mary Beaumont, Christchurch, NZ.
You will be pleased to know that in an e-mail last week Stan Firth told us that at last he is making good progress with his book which follows on from 'Custom and Command'. I read an interesting question recently, 'Are traditions neutral?'. When one looks at the comments of Jesus about that then it is easy to see that they certainly are not. In fact I've been listing in my mind, reasons why tradition is deadly. Saw a bumper sticker the other day that stated Get over it!. If one adds the motto of Ashburton, Whatever it takes, makes a powerful statement, doesn't it? There are times when one is prone to hold on to what should be let go, and to let go of what should be held on to!

"Something of The Tone"

- Donald Wilson, Bongaree, Qld, Australia.
Recently I was given a copy of your publication. I was impressed with something of the tone of your paper as you seek to break free of doctrines rooted in apostate tradition. It took me 40 years to do that - to hear His voice, particularly on such matters as true salvation from sun and the true faith by which this is possible - right-about turn from doctrine originating from medieval tradition which still holds Christendom in moral bondage. The booklets enclosed will give you an idea of my experience that has very really set me free and on fire. "My Candid Testimony" gives details in a greater depth than the others do. Please feel free to do with them as you wish, in part or in whole. My wife and I enclose a donation towards the expense of your publication.

"To Be" with God is the First Thing

- Carolyn, Rockingham, Western Australia.
I am glad to hear that you post the Wineskins to people in so many countries; God is truly working, isn't He. I was sorry to hear that some of your subscribers cancelled because of a disagreement with an article. Perhaps it sorts out the weeds from the good seed! That sounds awful, but its a feature of a lot of people's mindsets today, to take offence at every opportunity, and we can't be any use to the Lord while doing that. "To be", with God, is the first thing. "To do", is for Him to say. And yes, I agree with you that it doesn't really matter whether we will see in the flesh, the outworking of God's plan, because before Him, the preparation is vital, and to be a part of that is the greatest blessing I can imagine. I feel personally that He is working within me and will keep me in this place, spiritually, till He is satisfied; and that's exciting enough! I used to want to have everything understood in my mind, now I am content to just listen and learn, and to leave things that I can't understand or even reconcile yet, to Him to develop or not as He wishes. Some things I feel I shouldn't even share, because my understanding may be faulty yet, and may stumble others; but it's fantastic to be able to see possibilities and just wait till they become clearer, or are discarded. Having been brought up in a terribly strict church environment, this freedom under God is like continual fresh water from a mountain spring!

Piggy in the Middle

- Lyn, Porirua, NZ.
Thank you for New Wineskins. So good to receive good Christian meat! It's good to be part of the remnant, Amen. It can be a curture shock though or more to the point - piggy in the middle when other Christians in buildings point the finger. Ah! I am so tired of having to explain myself. I have stepped out and I'm organizing a get together with other like-minded women at El Rancho Christian Camp at Waikanae for a day and night, to have fun, fellowship and relaxation. Great, hey! Most don't go to structured churches, and it will be good to share, uplift and be with the Lord. There are so many that I have come across, Christian and non-Christian, who are so sich and hurting. And the Christians who have been hurt in churches aren't going anywhere, nor going on with the Lord. It's so sad. I'll be in touch. Shalom.
P.S. Send 'New Wine'. Thanks.

The Body of Christ Teaching

- Bob & Mavis Knight, Qld, Australia.
I really enjoyed your article 'To Church or Not To Church' and heartily agree with you regarding the Body of Christ teaching, that unless we find our place and purpose for being a functioning member, we shall arrive in heaven bereft of any rewards (1 Cor. 3). As you say it is time to seek the Lord with all our heart and then, and only then, can we expect to hear from Him, 'This is the way, walk ye in it'. Jesus said, 'My sheep hear my voice, and a stranger they will not follow'. It certainly behoves us to spend time waiting upon Him for without Him we can do nothing. What you are sharing in the article has only been what I have experienced, and seen, and enjoyed over a period of 30 years. I am convinced more than ever that unless we come back into 'God's Divine Order' which only He can accomplish, we shall continue to see the chaos and corruption which is throughout Christendom today. As you also say in the many passages you quote from Rom.12 and Eph.5 there is more than enough Scripture and evidence to prove that God desires a functioning Body. One that will grow into maturity, as it ministers by and through the power of the Holy Ghost with every member operating, just as our own natural body operates. Glory!

Finding God in Church?

- 'G', Silverdale, NZ.
Your item of 'The Wilderness School of Repentance' came at a perfect time for me. I also relate very well to the letter from 'Sue of Whangaparoa' and her comments on the 'Custom and Command' book and I would like to meet her some day. I have only attended Church (other than weddings and funerals) about twice, plus Sunday School. Each time I have been in a Church I have felt uncomfortable, even embarrased, and felt 'someone' was saying to me, "not for you, not for you'. Then I would feel ghastly because I was supposed to find Him in one of these establishments. I now realise that one doesn't have to attend Church to become bound. Others can make you feel guilty for non-attendance. But I also now realise that people can only do that if you allow them to.

Loving can get messy

- Barbara, Whakatane, NZ.
A friend sent me this, just when I needed it. I was trying so hard and just kept messing up. Who said loving was easy?
Six-year old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the bench, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour container, spilling it on the floor. He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left in it by his kitten. Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very special for Mum and Dad, but it was getting very bad. He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on top of the stove; in fact he wished he knew how the stove worked. Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push it away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs getting his pyjamas white and sticky. Then he saw his Dad standing at the door. Big tears welled up in Brandon's eyes. All he wanted to do was something good, but he had made a terrible mess instead. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a politically incorrect spanking. But his father just watched him. Then walking up to his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own pyjamas white and sticky in the process. That's how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess and we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything else to do. That's when we turn to find God ready to love us and forgive us, even though our mess gets all over Him. But don't stop trying to make pancakes for God or for others, because like the father, sooner or later, they'll see that you are doing it in love.
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