
The Universally Endowed Whole Partnership
of Female and Male for the Planet Earth:
The NEW Universal Earth Charter


We stand at a critical moment in Earth's story in the Universe, a time when humanity will simultaneously choose and receive its potential Endowed good future. Because of modern transportation and exchanges of all manner of resource and activity, the world daily becomes increasingly interdependent .  Equally important, it becomes more wholly aware as a result of  increased listening, literacy and learning of both women and men via shared local and global communication linking the people of Earth via various forms of technology. This is increasingly allowing  every person to communicate their thoughts with many others on issues of sustainability and peace. Yet much of the earth remains in conflict and tension. The moment at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward, a critical Loving Number and positive growing Balance of human and Whole Consciousness must and perhaps, now including You and You and You and You, does recognize, that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms, we are one human family made viable and sustainable by the partnership and cooperation, sisterhood and brotherhood, of all people, both female and male, and one Earth community with a common Endowed potential and  sustainable and peaceful destiny in the context of the Universe.

Because the Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts, that critical Loving Number , Balance and Shared Whole Consciousness need not start out as an official  or even public majority but can almost overnight become one, because it is syngergistically and catalytically  joining together something which is already extant in the enlightened global and indeed Universally Endowing Consciousness, Truth Force or Energy that many call by the many human names for the Deity, in Infinite and Miraculously Creative and Sustaining Nature, existent in all being and becoming, and in shared and received knowing and communication. The Whole in harmony, the balance of yin and yang, exists in the complex  interface of each individual's developing abilty to grasp overlapping mutuality and valued presence of self and other, and the collective mutual integration of both genders' as well as each individual's common and unique wisdom, as full partners in society , decision-making democracy, and ecological harmony, and all as Endowed creations and manifestations of Universal Nature and Presence.  In communication of this Consciousness, it brings forth, ushers in , realizes, fulfills and receives a sustainable global society founded on respect for  Universal Nature that is reflected in upholding Universally Created and Endowed  human rights, economic justice, a culture of peace based in the real partnership of women and men,  and safe and gender balanced democratic stewardship of  life of Earth, employing  maturing technology  with whole wisdom and full information, for the good of All.

This synergistic sharing  and transition unleashes cooperation of human beings with the Highest Power of Love.  It empowers sisterhood among women, brotherhood among men, more balanced, complete  and long-lived life spans and more loving family life for both female and male, and a sense of shared peaceful kinship and community among all human beings on Earth. Towards this end, it is  both celebratory and imperative that We, The Universally Endowed People, Female and Male, of the Planet Earth, declare our mutual responsibility to one another, to the human family, to the community of all life, to the Universal Love that brought us to this threshhold and is Within, Between and Among Us All, and to the new generations, including ourselves, that we all, female and male, can  both help sustain and steward at  this shared moment of renewal in Wholer consciousness, balance and fairness.

Earth, Our Home Planet

Humanity is part of a vast endowed, evolving and ever developing Universe. Earth, our home planet, is alive with a unique community of life and dynamic equilibrium, and the only planet we currently know of that hosts human life, which is naturally Endowed to be about one half female and one half male, and is naturally sustained by the potential and everdeveloping mutual relationship and respect of male and female. The forces of nature, of the Love and Life miracle of the Universe itself,  have made existence a viable adventure on our planet. In earlier times, brute force could appear to marginally succeed with lesser intelligence and egoism instead of Love, but with  increasingly greater understanding of complex forces both massively powerful and delicately subtle, and the renewed possiblity right now for cooperation of daily increasingly listening, learning and literate women and men as mutual and loving equals,  our existence can and may well right now become one of new and great potential far greater intelligence, ease, longevity and harmony. Our planet at this moment is inevitably preparing for a higher mindset; a more perfect union of the global with the Universal; a voluntary insight and transition of natural growth; a quantum leap.

Earth has both been provided with and provided the conditions essential to life's evolution/development toward fulfillment. The resilience of the community of life and the well-being of humanity depend upon restoring and preserving balance and harmonius equilibrium within human nature as a prerequisite for humanity as a part of Universal Nature, a community of life and love: a healthy biosphere with all its ecological systems, a rich variety of plants and animals, fertile soils, pure waters, clean air, ethics that unhypocritically love and respect both self and other,  appropriate technologiies and technological implementation that serve but do not dominate, and a sacred sense aware that all of this is interconnected and interactive.

Loving nurture, grateful spirit and belief, scientific understanding and technological creativity are all aspects of humanity's endowment.  Yet, mistakes of gender-imbalance in decision making in the past created unloving disasters of  incomplete understanding, using more primitive technologies that deprived humanity of  the gifts and fruits of  its own endowed foresight and ethical intelligence, and killed thousands, then tens of thousands, then millions. More sobering still,  mistakes of gender imbalance in decision-making now could result in misuse of even more impactful technologies that could  immediately or eventually kill billions and destroy most or all life on earth. The global environment with its combination of both finite and universally endowed renewable balances and resources is a common gift to and critical concern of all people, female and male. The protection of a Universal Earth's balance, vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust.

The Global Situation

Humanity is at a critical threshhold. It seeks to enter spacetime exploration with understanding while enjoying and securing global peace and prosperity on the home planet. Already hundreds of millions if not billions of females are now as literate as males, and hundreds of millions if not billions of men love and respect the Endowed equal human rights of  their and all  mothers', wives', sisters' and daughters' and females as much as that of people of their own gender, and  welcome womens' contributions of intelligent caring and democratic participation to benefit the human condition.

Many officialdoms, parties, organizations and men as well as women of prosperity and peace culture, on every continent now,  have lead and obtained  true human  representation with levels within a natural range of deviation near or at actual 50-50 balance of gender in democratic decision-making. Hundreds of millions if not billions of citizens have expressed interest in or desire for gender partnership in representation, and humanity's most famous utopian and civic thinkers, and great leaders in every generation, advocated for it.  Yet at this moment, several of the most materially wealthy and/or militarily equipped proto- or pseudo-governmental officialdoms with influential seats in united international/global proto- or pseudo-governmental officialdoms have, for the moment,  less than 15% women in office; i.e. the most militarily overstocked and hypocritical currently  has about 13%, less than the world average, and even more importantly,  far below the at least about 75% balanced or at least 37.5% presence of both genders needed globally in decision-making and balance to infinitely renew and sustain Universally Endowed peace and provident prosperity and longevity born of the empowered good will of All. Only this balance can ensure that advanced knowledge and  technology serves and does not destroy, and reflects the Naturally endowed Whole and not just a dominating part. There is no national or regional  monopoly on this insight. There are women and men in every place on earth that know or sense it and sense or know that this knowledge is part of their sacred and created Endowment on Earth.

Yet, billions of human beings still confuse the nature of  Power - confusing the "mometary and unsustainable advantages of powers over" of small subsets of humanity to control and manipulate others,  destroy, make death and impose egoistic will - with the Greater and Gentler Ultimate Universal Power of Love and expanding Growth. This is the Power With,  of human nature in harmony with Universal Nature - the power to decide in whole Endowed  re-Presence - in democratic representation - of the Endowed spark of the Divine withinn All, the power to build and create, to mutually affect, to creatively and generationally sustain life of ethical as well as material quality and dignity, that exists in the Endowed Universal potential, and within every person and collectively in a living, self-and-other loving, gender balanced democratic Whole.  A Critical Number now understand this Power. It  is the embodiment and way of True Government, which has already arrived and begun on Earth.

Still, in most places on earth, the old, more primitive-technology, based in overhierarchical or dominator male-dominant patterns of  decision-making, production, consumption and misunderstood accounting of value, have been causing large scale human political invisibility of multitudes, and overblown self-delusion of a few. Some men, out of anachronistic habit, and even some women, continue to dangerously legitimize all-male officialdoms, or those with token improvements in official gender balance -  levels of regional "representation" that pretend self-government by mostly male proxy - a dangerous, imbalanced and unsustainable situation in a world of powerful and still developing technologies.

These old patterns caused and continue to breed Earth's family, community and social disruption, alienation, conflict and substance abuse;  human exploitation of other humans; illiteracy and/or public misinformation; environmental devastation; the depletion of resources; implementation of technologies without democratic decision-making and oversight;  international and interregional conflict, and  massive destructions, extinctions and potential extinction of species, including our own, throughout the planet. Families including extended families and communities, as well as the sense of a shared community of good will among all humanity, have been periodically and cumulatively undermined to the point of horrific losses of equilibrium, and massive losses of human life in the form of man-made catastrophes,  wars and famines. Only a small number of each generation has lived to contemplate the exploration of the vast Universe of which Earth is a living and precious part.

Despite many examples of  highest ecumenical religious, legal and scientific agreement on the need for gender equality in community and public decision-making, women - and men who recognize the importance of women's presence as full partners in decision-making - have never been fairly represented in most of  Earth's local,  regional-national and now so-called "global" proto-or pseudo-governmental officialdoms (that are certainly not global since globally women are still remarkably underrepresented in them). Women's vast sensitively intelligent and nurturing child care, other kinship care and village/neighborhood sustaining and community work,  and profoundly significant work of this kind by men as well, still far more often than not, is grossly un/undercounted, underestimated and undervalued, as well as unrepresented when "decisions"are made. It is estimated that eleven trillion dollars worth per year of women's work  remains unconsidered in the outmoded but most common still dominant economic models and accountings. This habit of misrepresenting and miscounting has now been occurring for thousands of years; it has reached the end of its sustainability.

Significantly as a result, the benefits of development have not been balanced with human kindness, multitudes remain exploited or  in self-deluded planet-endangering "privileged"disconnection from the Whole that now endangers their own children and world. The gap between materially rich and materially poor, all the children of un- and underrepresented women, is widening. Even many of the materially wealthy live in spiritual isolation from  the Divine spark within other inhabitants of their shared planet, and all - materially poor and rich - share a sense of potential impending global regression, terror, war, insatiable insecure greed in the midst of collective loss or environmental devastation, instead of awe-filled gratitude and faith in a sustainable future.  Injustice, poverty, ignorance, and violent conflict are widespread and the cause of great fear, worry and suffering. In all this mayhem, the full flowering of the intelligence and divine Presence within  human beings has been sacrificed to systems of slave-like drudgery and exploitation, emnity and inability to cooperate based in ignorance, and periodic catastrophe.

In some places, an unprecedented rise in human population among the poor, the children of  the most silenced, unrepresented, exploited and oppressed women,  has overburdened ecological and social systems, while in other places even many materially secure women and men, adult children of families caught in still dominator-male-defined political-economic systems,  reactively resort to divorce, disallusionment and alienation of the genders rather than consciously risk repeated painful experience of  the politico-socio-economic pressures toward domination of one gender over another within their home context.  Responsible  marriage and family, community and political life that is equally fair to both genders in mutual, interdependent yet transcendant partnership and cooperation, still remains a dream rather than a reality for billions on earth, and so, not surprisingly,  after so many thousands of years of gender skew toward the dominant males in decision-making affecting all aspects of life, the foundations of global security and basic social and environmental cohesion are threatened. Even the dominant males and their enablers are threatened as what goes around finally threatens to come around to them, in the form of Earth's profound social and environmental deterioration and potential destruction, as much as those they have dominated for so long.

These trends are perilous but not inevitable, and a critical number of millions of human beings, male as well as female, and several key and catalytic officialdoms at all levels of public self-governance,  have already begun the change toward a more cooperative and creative course of gender partnership and mutual good will at the political level. This is simultaneously already a harbinger of the balanced integration of work and family life, as well as lifelong education and imaginative and creative contribution, for women and men, and their both boy and girl children.

Personal computer and other communication technologies are rapidlly making it commonly possible for millions and soon billions of women and men both to raise families and sustain communities while working creatively at home, opening a path toward easier partnerhip of husbands and wives as both workers and parents, and loving neighbors as thyself -  that rebuilds local as well as globbal community.  Long hours to earn a basic livelihood are potentially decreasing. The creative possibilities of  love-thy-local-as-well-as-global-neighbor-lihood -  mutual friendships of local and global attitudes of cooperation and stewardship are everywhere.  Loving and more ethical human standards as well as safer technological breakthroughs that can improve the quality of life and cooperation for those near, that can be easily communicated to, and learned  mong those afar, potentially abound among common people.  It is literally now commonly possible for women just as well as men, as citizens and public decision-makers, to do much of their work and communication from or near home, with their beloved children in the next or even same room, their local communities of neighbors nearby and visiting, and their global communities of neighbors on the phone or onscreen, juxtaposed with satellite pictures of their shared one Earth seen from space eve as they look out their window to see the sun, moon and stars in the visible sky that only hints at the vastness of the Universe.

As attitudes of gender balance and love for the Whole Earth spread along with technology, any woman and any man of peace from or seeking a gender balanced  region can reach their counterparts in other regions in less than a minute, just to say hello and let's make a sustainable world of  peace and prosperity together . They can share a call or an email that says, here's what me and my neighbors are doing to esteem, hug and nurture our children, save energy, farm or garden and eat healthily, end hunger, treat all people with love, and look up, with you,  at the moon and stars near and far,  in our Earth's shared heaven. With  rapid  gender balanced political empowerment and a global "Marshall" plan of literacy, listening, love and participation of women as well as men, such technology can bring forth equal local and global sisterhood and brotherhood for all,  and a blessed and wise humanity fulfilling its intelligent and loving endowment that would be welcomed to visit any planet.

It is not a coincidence that worldwide, women astronomers are now about equal in number with men astronomers.  Certainly, a loving earth seeking to understand the Universe is humanity's better future, and not a monstrously mechanised self-as-well-as others destructive Big Brotherhood run by a few whose home planet's children learn local and global  greed, exploitation, domination or ignorance , heartlessness or hatred at home and whose spacetime exploration, and even very existence on a Universal planet, meets with increasing  impediment and disaster. The critical difference is the understanding of the necessity for gender balance and mutuality  in decision-making, both in the home and in democracy, and how this balance  fulfills the promise of Heaven on the Universal Earth.

The Challenges and Potential Ahead

The choice is ours: form a global partnership of the genders and cooperation of each person with all others as political and spiritual equals, to care for Earth and one another as we explore and understand the Cosmos; or risk the alienation and destruction of ourselves and the balance, equilibrium, intergenerational cohesion and diversity of life, and die out as a planet even before we have seen much of the stars. Fundamental changes are needed in much of humanity's values, institutions, and ways of living. Humanity must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development is primarily about understanding and being more, not hoarding more, because partnership, mutual interest and cooperation reveal that the Loving , Provident Whole Is Both Inclusive of and Always Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts. Humanity has the knowledge and technology to provide for all and to reduce our impacts on the environment. The emergence of a  gender balanced global civil society and many gender balanced officialdoms  is creating new opportunities to build a democratic and humane world for females and males in mutual respect instead of disrespect, fear, domination or avoidance. Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual challenges are interconnected, and together we can forge and become graced with inclusive mutually empowering solutions that lift both genders to Empowered Love and Universally Expanded Knowledge born of understanding.

Universal Responsibility and Universal Love

To realize these aspirations, we must decide to live with a sense of universal awareness of appreciation as well as responsibility, identifying ourselves with the Whole Earth community , female as much as male, and with Universal Love. This  Love is  much larger and more balanced than our local or regional-national communities if defined according to the half-life of either Big Brother global patriarchy or anachronisms of self-preoccupied nationalistic patria-isms. This  Love emerges in the Universal Earth's Whole life of gender interdependent balance and shared decision-making. We are most commonly called citizens of different jurisdictions, and yet, as any view of Earth from Universal space reveals, we are in fact  inheritors and stewards of one world, an interrelated family, in which the local and global are linked by Nature and Universal Light, and the past is evolving into the future via gendered generationality as well as creativity and imagination that may soon find the longevity of every endowed family and community matures into human life that is no longer simply "the life of man,  solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short", but the life of whole humanity, female and male in balance, in community, spiritually as well as materially wealthy, joyful, noble, beautiful, wise and very long-lived,  enjoying the Whole planet as One Home Planetary Land in security and peace culture while learning light year travel and many to-be-discovered worlds in addition to our own.

Yet, today, multitudes,  especially women, and men who are not materially privileged, feel they are global citizens in search of equitable real democracy and lasting peace yet generally and all too often unable to find it, generation after imbalanced, frightened, shortened and violent generation.  Yet,  All the People, EveryOne on Earth, has the spark, the Presence, of Divine Universal  Love within, and shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of the human family and the larger living world that exists between and among us all. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of our own and all being, gratitude for the gift of life, hopeful and more harmonius humility regarding the human place (and especially a gender-balance redeemd hierarchical male's human place) in Nature, and belief and accountability for our potential for non-hypocritical good will toward each other as females and males, with equal care, representation, and mutual empowerment and respect for all people, from infancy into expanding naturally vibrant age, best realized in shared decision-making, of females and males.

We, All the Endowed People  of a Universal Planet Earth - female and male,  urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for our world's emerging community and cosmic promise.   Good women around the planet are rising together to share the Universal Earth with good men, and Good men around the planet are helping them, such  that the gender balanced True Governance of this world already has emerged and exists.  Yet, too many influential gender imbalanced regional-national and global officialdoms and media have hypocritically failed to articulate this yet in their words and deeds. Therefore, together in hope, We, the Universally Endowed female and male human beings of a becoming restored and fulfilled Universally Endowed sustainable paradise on planet Earth, affirm and offer the following interdependent and especially gender interdependent principles -  for a sustainable and Providently blessed way of life as a common way and standard by which the conduct of all individuals, families, communities, and  officialdoms and institutions of would-be true government of local as well as provincial-state-national-regional, intercontinental and global, generational and now space stational and spacetime explorational, can assess, evaluate, know, understand, connect, sustain and love themselves and each other.



1. Respect our Universal Earth and life in all its dynamic balance and diversity.

a. Affirm faith in the inherent dignity of all human beings, female and male,  and in the creative, democratically political, ethical, intellectual, mutually loving and spiritual potential of humanity.

b. Recognize the universal human presence and importance of both genders in shared decision-making, for the sustainable interdependence, equilibrium and mutuality of human society, and insure that neither gender enforces or practices either purposeful or residual domination over the other, but both are true and fully present partners in the collective well-being of society and human progress, as only this is a true reflection of Universal Love.

c. Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value beyond its momentarily apparent worth to yet also developing human beings, and that a
culture of mutuality and partnership enhances our ability to understand all life.

d. Respect Earth as a unique, precious and gemlike home in a much larger Universe
that awaits and beckons understanding and celebration.

2. Build democratic societies that are just, reliably representative and participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and restore and provide everyone an opportunity to realize and repressent her or his full potential, as well as the potential of all as sisters and brothers of a Universally Loved Earth.

b. Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that values all effort fairly and is ecologically responsible.

c. Gently privately and publically let go of blind allegiance to, recognition of,  or faith in gender imbalanced models, parties, and officialdoms that can not work and sustain, and refrain from corruptingly-cooptive gender marginalism and tokenism, because marginalism and tokenism can dangerously disguise the urgency of the need and planet-saving transition and restoration to whole and mutual reasonably full balance of gender in democratic and truly representitave self-governing office of, by and for all the people of Earth.

3. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love.

a. Accept that with the right of any person or persons, even as an organized entity, to "own", manage, and use natural resources, comes with the duty to perform this in accountable stewardship to prevent environmental harm and to protect the rights of people and life affected directly and indirectly by its activities, ultimately including all the people
and the life of the planet.

b. Affirm that with official title of ownership or authorization comes increased responsibility to promote the common good.

c. Monitor the presence of and meaningful and informed accountability of both genders to each other, and to their communities. in being allowed to hold and share, and in holding and sharing, titles of ownership or authorization.

d. Understand that successful stewardship of the earth and its balances and resources is
inherently gender balanced, and that bringing forth providence and understanding of Universal spacetime as it unfolds on Earth and throughout the Universe is an act of heart, of loving spirit in connection with the interactive Whole, as well as
physical or material  information.

4. Redeem past and current generation's injustices to secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations.

a. Recognize that the "freedom" of action -- or irresponsible delay, inaction, and incomplete action -- of each generation is qualified by the suffering as well as good potential and needs of all generations, including several present younger, and future generations, and that generationality involves both female and male of  a Universal Earth's family of humankind.

b. Recognize the extreme magnitude of  past and current generation's discrimination against women (and against the most enlightened men who always supported women's political and civic equality),  by both women and men of all races, especially in the less literate and less communication-assisted past, and recognize the danger of comfortable complacency, satisfaction with marginal, token, hypocritical and pandering and dangerously partial and insufficient gains, and long term denial about the impact of gender imbalance
in promoting all forms of human oppression, lacks of all forms of equity and compassion,
and the total cumulative world effect, until gender balance is achieved.

b. Transmit to future generations the best of old and new values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities, and cherishing of the home planet, and both its major genders, as an underlying qualification of the ability to successfully explore the Universe. The young must respect the old, but the old must also timely learn from and heed the less aged and young, and the truly new.

c. Respect that Nature has built gender partnership into the natural creation of each human generation; and incorporate this model into political decision-making that affects current and future generations both locally and worldwide.  It is not too late, in fact, the time for the quantum leap into partnership, peace and prosperity is unfolding right now.

In order to fulfill these four broad commitments, it is necessary to:


5. By achieving gender balance and shared intercontinental, racial and ethnic trust and balance among those making the decisions on Earth, protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, diversity and the natural processes and balances, including good will, to sustain life.

a. Adopt at all levels of gender balanced democracy, the sustainable development plans and regulations that make environmental conservation and rehabilitation integral to all development initiatives.

b. Establish and safeguard viable nature and biosphere reserves, including wild lands and marine areas, to protect Earth's life support systems, maintain biodiversity, and preserve our natural heritage.

c. Promote the recovery of endangered or discriminated human groups as well as species and ecosystems.

d. Control and eradicate non-native or genetically modified organisms harmful to native species and the environment, and prevent introduction of such harmful organisms.

e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life in ways that do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health of ecosystems.

f. Manage the extraction and use of nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels in ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmental damage.

g. Understand with consciousness and gratitude that the delicate physics, biology and balances of life on Earth are manifestations of Universal subtlety and infinite Power reflected in the power of the sun, our nearest star, the balances of water, wind and life afforded by the moon, and other aspects of all humanity's endowed and fortunate place among Universal neighborhoods.

6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, insure gender balanced input, and apply a precautionary approach.

a. Take action to avoid the possibility of serious or irreversible environmental harm even when scientific knowledge is incomplete or inconclusive.

b. Place the burden of proof on those who argue that a proposed activity (or hypocritical, marginal or regressive inactivity, including on gender representation) will not cause significant harm, and make the responsible parties liable or publically accountable for environmental harm.

c. Ensure that decision making is inclusive including gender representative to reflect and respect humanity's embeddedness in the mutual generation of and care for life, and addresses the cumulative, long-term, subtle, long distance, generational and global consequences of human activities.

d. Prevent pollution of any part of the environment and allow no buildup of radioactive, toxic, or other hazardous substances.

e. Avoid military activities damaging to the environment, and as soon as possible, transform armies of war into gender balanced loving arm-ies and universities of peace-keeping and peace-making: of conflict resolution specialists,  teachers and professors and their students in every discipline, nurses and doctors,  social workers and all skilled healers and empowerers, farmers, construction workers, corporate, political and caregiving community wives. sisters, daughters and women as much as husbands, brothers, sons and men, and all professions, workers paid and unpaid and manner of love and skill sharers,  as a truly global Peace Corps effectively using online and peaceful technologies of communication to link common literate citizens of good will and peaceful intent around the world.

7. Adopt patterns of valuation, production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth's regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being.

a. Reduce, reuse, and recycle the materials used in production and consumption systems, and ensure that residual waste can be assimilated by ecological systems.

b. Act with restraint and efficiency when using energy, and rely increasingly on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, that also may teach us a great deal about renewable and safe strategies of energy throughout the Universe.

c. Promote the development, adoption, and equitable transfer of environmentally sound technologies and understand that the technological development and scientific understanding necessary to sustain the Earth and successfully explore Universal spacetime require a balance of sensitive and mutuality-talented yin and independent thinking and energetically curious yang internalized in each person as well in the structure of society, and thus women and men as democratic equals and partners, in more mutual human communities of family, science that respects Nature and  faith that respect female as well as male aspects of creation and intelligence.

 d. Internalize the full costs of goods and services in the selling price, and enable consumers to identify products that meet the highest social and environmental standards.

e. Ensure universal access to health care and healthy life styles that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction and parental, intergenerational  and community commitmen, and whole health.

f. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material sufficiency on a finite yet always potentially provident world, guided by concepts of  infinite universal  laws of equilibrium and concern for others and the whole as well as the part or the self.

g. Count or estimate womens',  and all peoples' domestic, nurturing and community  work and creativity in true, whole economic measurement, along with all forms of production, work and creativity, and where possible, review and revise old mismeasurements to prevent residual impact of misinformation and incomplete,  innaccurate and misleading accounting.

h. Affirm that universal literacy for both genders and reasonably gender-balanced political decision-making of literate women and men promotes the most rapid, complete, advanced, whole and integrated understanding of science, technology, natural resources, and human nature in peace and provident sustainablity.

8. Advance the study of ecological  and  social sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of the knowledge acquired.

a. Support gender balanced international-interregional and metanational global scientific and technical cooperation among women and men on sustainability, with special attention to the needs of developing communities and peoples.

b. Recognize and preserve the traditional knowledge and spiritual wisdom of women and men in all cultures that contribute to environmental protection and human well-being.

c. Ensure that information of vital importance to human health and environmental understanding and protection, including genetic information, is understood from a complex nature-nurture perspective that includes both kinship and larger community standards and equities or inequities in functioning, respects the rights of privacy, and is not used for exploitation or domination at the expense of the public domain or well-being.

d. Hold mass media companies and professionals, including women as well as male journalists,  at every level, accountable for failing to obtain, withholding, minimizing the importance of or distorting  important available information, including on gender representation as both a local and global issue, and especially for prepackaging or passively following gag orders to limit political opinion and dialogue; reempower all journalists to respect truth and inform more deeply, including underlying concepts
as well as event headlines, and to grasp that the human talents of speech, writing and technology are meant to serve all of a Universal Earth, and not the tools of attempted
domination or exploitation of the many for the alleged or short-term benefit of
a self-deluded or momentarily privileged but ultiamtely equally endangered few.

e. Motivate family  and community relationships of love and encouragement along with  publically accessible pro-social radio, video and internet and advanced communication to rapidly develop intellectual as well as emotional literacy of women as well as men  in a context of gender balanced  and whole participation in society, to benefit from the gifts of all human intelligence, ethical bonding, mutual respect and listening, learning and meaningful literacy of human caring and knowing at every level.


9. Eradicate gender discrimination and political gender imbalance, and its symptoms of prejudice and poverty, as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

a. Share, Preserve and Guarantee the right to potable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation, allocating the national, international and global resources required.

b. Empower every human being, female and male, with the nurtured self and other esteem, education and resources to secure a sustainable live-lihood and love-lihood in sustainable family and community life, and provide social security including available rehabilitative and safety nets for those who are unable to support themselves.

c. Recognize the ignored, protect the vulnerable, serve those who suffer, and enable them to develop their capacities and to pursue their aspirations.

10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.

a. Promote a concept of wealth that is based is love and happiness of both self and others, and ethical and spiritual as well as material, and promote equitable recognition, valuation, nurturance, production, contribution and potential providence and enjoyment of wealth within all jurisdictions, among lands, regions and continents, and among all people as an interrelated community on a shared earth

b. Enhance the intellectual, educational, financial, technical, and loving social resources of developing communities' and/or nations' women and men, and relieve them of onerous local or international debt.

c. Ensure that all trade supports sustainable resource use, environmental protection, and labor and management standards that protect both family and work.

d. Require multinational corporations and international financial organizations to act transparently in the public good, to insure gender balance and a partnership mindset among stockholders, management and stakeholders male and female and their families, and to hold the men, women and couples associated with corporations and organizations accountable for the consequences of their corporate communites' activities and statements about their activities, and to implement economic models that value women's and all important work.

e. Understand that extreme dominant-male-dominant hierarchies of external force temporarily managed hoarded scarce material wealth under conditions of  illiteracy, geographical isolation, primitive technology, and slow communication, while heterarchy and gender balanced internalized loving sisterhood and brotherhood brings forth and sustains provident material and spiritual wealth for the whole world under conditions capable of ease of connection, more advanced technology, literacy and rapid communication.

f. Responsibly inform men as well as women that the failure to implement gender balanced democracy and economic models  result in a culture of and regression toward  increases in violence against men as well as women, environmental destruction and decrease in life span for multitudes, and possibily even worse, planetary death. Historically, in wars and shortened life span, probably more men have died earlier as a result of the discrimination against women and lack of peace culture than have women, and now the imbalance directly threatens both genders with cultures of violence and big brotherism, and planetary death.

g. Inculcate the importance of a local community integrity as much as global understanding, that respects the long term human intergenerational and friendship bonds of community and neighborhood while linking them effectively to global developments and possibilities.

 11. Repair long-term political inequality and affirm gender political ethical equal partnership in decision-making between females and males as the critical prerequisite to
to decreasing the violence and suffering of the world and achieving sustainable development.

a. By achieving the balance of genders in political office and elections via good information about its critical importance to the survival and sustainability of the Earth, via good leadership, and via collective, consensual and democratic endorsement, model and secure the human rights, peaceful empowerment and restored full dignity of women and potential of girls,  at the highest and most influential levels, and embody the decision-making that will allocate the resources needed to quickly end all degradation, invisibilization, harassment and violence against them, and against all children male and female, whose too long tolerated abuse and neglect also derives primarily from gender hierarchy instead of partnership in the political and economic structuring of society and culture.

b. Assist the human ability of all people, especially many men reparatively and boys, to express emotion and will peacefully non-violently, to form bonds that are not based on domination/submission or destructive overcompetition, and to utilize conflict resolution and non-lethal approaches instead of destructive violence or war to express manhood or solve problems. Regard war and methods of force as symptoms of the lack of experience of true gender balanced government among combatants and international/global institutions.

c. Appreciate the complex and collective creative and intimate as well as reproductive/intergenerational, and community and soceity binding and sustaining value of subtle gender difference among all, while equally human, as a providential aspect of nature, and as a manifestation of complex balances of energies of the Universe to promote cohesive and sustainable life of increasing intelligence, grateful spirit and consciousness, flexibility,
enjoyability, diversity, complexity, capability and vibrant longevity, understanding that it is the quality of generational life and preparation for the future of all in peace, not just the production of it or selfish concern for a few, that will become the hallmarks of an
advanced Earth population undertaking space travel.

d. Affirm the importance of females and males to each other in assisting shared love and balance as well as generative, regenerative, creative and harmonius nature and nurture, human development and unique identity that is complemented in mutual esteem for self and other in marriage and family life as well for people of both genders
in civic life and decision-making.

e. Promote access to age-appropriate nurturing and esteem by family and community of both genders to all girls and boys.

f. Achieve universal access to education, health care, and economically valued and counted service and opportunity to females and males.

g.  As an indicator of true government, officially observably count, self-and-mutually monitor and measure to achieve the active presence in office and election tickets of women (and men, and thus both genders valuing the presence of each other) in an observable numerically measurable range of fairness that does not fall below 75% of 50-50, or thus at least about 37.5% presence of each gender, women as well as men, in office, in all jurisdictions - local, state-provincial, regional-national and global, as already achieved and exceeded by many countries' constitutions, many party practices and successful laws of women's reservation, gender balanced tickets, and reward of gender parite, and as summarised  in the Universal Declaration of Gender Interdependence, as a definitional criterion of the presence of representative democracy, peace culture and true government as distinct from unsustainable and self-and-earth-destabilizing proto-or pseudo-government, in any officialdom, or would-be representative or executive offices or decision-making bodies, assemblies or jurisdiction, from local to global.

h. Strengthen families and ensure the safety and loving nurture of all family members, by seeing to it that females are equally present with males in legislating, enacting, reviewing and making official public judgements and/or voting in referenda regarding marriage and family law and all law as it has or will impact families and the global human family

i. Publically ensure and reliably deliver females, males, students and families access to up-to-date information on the representation and well-being of women, men, boy and girl children and families throughout the all the jurisdictions of the world as well as their own local, regional, national or continental jurisdictions.

j. Differentiate between female gender tokenism (which coopts women to covertly enable patriarchal elites that endanger the Earth) and real gender balance which best serves the collective good of the vast majority of men materially and all men spiritually, and discourage unaccountable and non-democratic ruling elites among either women or men. Understand that in a time of crisis, gradualism can become destructive and distractive of the need for conceptual clarity on the issue of Universally Endowed balance that benefits both genders and the Whole Earth, and is the hallmark of real democracy and true government.

j. Promote and achieve the active participation of women, and thus both genders, in all aspects of economic, political, civil, social, and cultural life as full and equal partners, decision makers, leaders, and beneficiaries.

k. Recognize the dangers to Earth of, and gently refrain from participation in, cooperation with or unreserved recognition of, gender imbalanced  parties and pseudo-elections, respectfully express doubt in the positive impact, meaningfulness or sustainability of any officialdom or political, electoral or public media practice that is not gender balanced; discourage a lesser of two evils mentality about cumulatively self-and earth-destructive and gender hypocritical, democracy-profaning gender imbalanced tickets, and transform it to a mentality of the greatest good and sound spiritual and sustainably practical  partnership of both genders
together in reasonable balance on all political tickets.
It is better for the people of the planet Earth to defer from participation in or full recognition of any election until its tickets, processes, and results are gender-balanced, than to legitimize pseudo-elections that are dangerous to democracy and the Earth. A vote for a gender imbalanced party or ticket is a vote for corruption and the death of the Planet. Encourage, and motivate existing male officials and their female colleagues, wives and other family members of proto- and pseudo-governmental officialdoms to advocate and accountably lead in producing gender balance law, and achieving at least about 75% gender balance in their current terms by voluntary emergency delegation or by gender balanced tickets of all candidates, prior to or during upcoming local, state/provincial and/or regional-national elections, and help them to realize this is as much a matter of self-interest for their own children and families as it is for all the billions of citizens anywhere on Earth, because it protects and brings security and sustainability to the entire Earth, and provident quality of life to all.

l. Regard and encourage all women both locally and worldwide to regard themselves and other women as essential co-leaders whose connection transcending regional-national boundaries and world consciousness is needed to make democracy work and sustain the Earth, and understand that women as well as men, especially those in public life or already known to the public, who are failing to define balanced gender representation as a defining aspect of democracy and true government, and who continue to residually accept male-dominator-filled political officialdoms and assemblies and pseudo-elections tickets as representative, are weakening and delaying democracy, neglecting real security with quality of life in their own communities and potentially endangering the Earth.

m. Regard male office-holders and candidates of political systems stuck in gender imbalance
as confused quasi-adult children of families and social networks too embedded in what succeeded in a more primitive past to meet the needs of present and future, that have thus far failed at achieving partnership of men and women in iheir own generations, who are clinging to old and outmoded patterns of pseudo-leadership unfit for generations exploring the Universe and equipped with advanced technologies, and as yet lacking in the mature and most loving understanding of their time and their own loving potential as well as lacking in understanding of Universal Power that is both spiritual and material in Nature. Have compassion on these men as individuals, but do not enable the Earth-endangering delusion that they offer real or sustainable leadership to any people on Earth or hold office in a manner acceptable to the Universal consciousness, unless and until they, their spouses and families, parties and colleagues, and regional-national as well as global networks urgently self-transform to gender balanced partnership in political-economic office and decision-making as described in Article 11.

12. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual self-esteem and well-being, with special attention to restoring the rights of women, indigenous peoples and minorities.

a. Restore and uphold the political equality, including the right to vote and hold office with restored representative balance, and human rights of all people;  eliminate public discrimination against or exploitation of any human being such as that based on gender, race, color, age, language, and national, ethnic or social origin, and so on. Reduce and replace attitudes and acts of hatred, fear, intolerance, discrimination against, nondemocracy and authoritarianism, callousness, exploitation, ignorance and oversimplification, stereotype, disdain or inhumanity based on past or current differences of religion; creed; habit and custom; political association; consensual adult sexual attitudes, norms, pressures, expectations and practices including regarding education, selection, ceremony, choice,
preference, locality, and legality while remaining mindful of the importance of emotional and spiritual relationship, intimacy, mutuality, commitment, personal, social and generational effect on partners and society in marital, reproductive, parental, child-raising, and other kinship and work, family and community practices and balances;  attitudes toward disability or illness; toward obesity, malnutrition, food and diet; toward plants and animals and natural resources;  toward standards of material wealth, social status, educational and technological access; concepts of justice and mercy, rehabilitation, conflict resolution; attitudes and expectations toward military and/or non-military peace-keeping, peace-making, or other public service or priorities, or other complex aspects of personal opinion, history and behavior, with attitudes of inherent mutual respect for both self and all others, shared and gender-mutual local as well as global awareness and concern, learning and deeper understanding, conflict resolution, tolerance, empathy, healing, compassion, common humanity, logically and consensually informed both-gender-representative democratic decisions, and human regard for minority and majority, with mutually preservative latitude for the individual and exceptional as well as sustainability of the well informed whole and the general, and the good of self, others and the Whole Earth, as women and men become more fully equal partners in social and political decision-making in the balance of freedom and endowed shared self-governing stewardship of peacefully endowed life with love. Tensions regarding diversity, variance and spectrum as well as the search for common ground on issues and values have been indications of an underlying need to progress toward more inclusive decision-making and fairer gender equilibrium between female and male in many times and places. The many tensions, problems and controversies of the past and present, under new conditions of political gender balance, can become a guide to the importance of appreciation and nurturance for each child's and her and his family's and locality's Universal as well as unique gifts, and to help all people, female and male, learn safely and peacefully from each other to achieve wholeness in common humanity on Earth. Because opinions and behaviors are in large part products of each person's and all people's complex social and personal upbringing and ongoing context, information and development, seek dialogue and respectful exchange about diverse views and attitudes mutually to understand and resolve differences, and bring forth the best natural potential of each person individually and peaceful, sustainable society as a Whole. Some beliefs and behaviors originated in or were reactions to a context when most womens' voices, writing, thoughts, views, and especially, the value of their work, voting and office-holding, and those of men who respected them as equal to those of men's, were suppressed, often resulting in related suppressions and conflicts by race, ethnicity, nationality, creed and so on. Now, as a critical number of humanity no longer engage or wish to engage in such suppression, devaluing and lack of fully present representation in office of the female half of Endowed humanity as well as the male, the hopes for harmony, mutual respect, successful conflict resolution and a richly and variously gifted, healed, free yet stewardship-capable Whole humanity,  are no longer impossible or far off dreams, but realizable realities for each person, female and male, all their - Our - children, and All the People of Universal Earth.

f. Acknowledge the difference between discrimination against, as contrasted with affirmation and reparation for, those who, based on gender, race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, or  other socially defined category, were seriously prevented from adequate participation or compensation over many past and current generations, and strive to balance individual and current rights with the extremity and magnitude of unrepaired collective wrongs against countless individuals who are no longer present to speak for themselves, and their descendants; recognize that gender balance in politcal and civil life brings forth simultaneous Providence for all races, nations-regions and ethnicities, as a united human race,
discovering the global "country" of peace everywhere on their home Planet.

b. Affirm the right of indigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods.

c.  Honor and support the young people of our communities, enabling them to fulfill their essential role in creating sustainable societies, and assist family and community life to support this goal for both boys and girls; assist adults to balance their adult individual rights
with caring and concern for the young and the future.

d. Protect and restore outstanding places of cultural and spiritual significance, and
promote their voluntary transformation, as needed, as places that honor all aspects of community and creation, both female and male.

e. Research and expand the development of altruism, empathy, compassion, prevention, rehabilitation, truth and reconciliation, public apology and redress of grievances, restitution, forgiveness, mutual gender respect and representation, informed logic and creative thinking,
collective as well as individual responsibility, and ethical and mutual empowerment
as the most effective deterrents to anti-social behavior and serious human error,  including high and white collar crimes and  official misdemeanors or malfeasance.


13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation including gender partnership in decision making, and access to justice.

a. Uphold the right of everyone to receive clear and timely information on environmental matters, including both genders' global political and social balance and environment, and all development plans and activities which are likely to affect them or in which they have an interest.

b. Support local, regional and global civil society, promote the meaningful participation of all interested individuals and organizations in decision making, and affirmatively redress long-term barriers and gaps in participation via truth and reconciliation.

c. Protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, association, and dissent.

d. Institute effective and efficient access to administrative and independent judicial  procedures  in gender balanced courts and conflict resolution centers, including remedies and redress for insufficient representation and related environmental harm
and the threat of such harm.

e. Eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions.

f. Strengthen local communities, enabling them to care for their environments, and assign environmental responsibilities to the levels of government where they can be carried out most effectively.

g. Differentiate between officialdoms of proto- or pseudo-government,
which are mostly male-dominator-officed or male-dominator-female-token enabled, and true government(s) which is(are) wholly human and gender balanced at the level of at least 75% gender balanced, with at least about 37.5% seats held by women as well
as at least about 37.5% seats held by men, and embody the Universal principles that can protect and
sustain the Earth locally and globally.  Important aspects of gender balance, democracy and peace are detailed in Article 11.

14. Integrate into formal education and lifelong learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.

a. Provide all, especially children and youth, both girls and boys, with educational opportunities that empower them to contribute actively to sustainable development;
and also offer and encourage reeducation and new learning to executive and productive workers and their families, and also to older adults, both female and male.

b. Promote the contribution of the arts and humanities as well as the sciences in sustainability education and Earth and Universal awareness.

c. Publically monitor, redress and repair the role of the mass media in raising awareness of  gender balance and democracy, and social, ecological and global-universal challenges,
from gender and economic models in the elimination of poverty, violence and crime
to the understanding the benefits of exploration of space.

d. Recognize the importance of loving and esteeming experience, especially in childhood, and
throughout life, as well as moral and spiritual education for sustainable living.

15. Treat all living beings with respect and consideration and avoid both authoritarianism and hypocrisy.

a. Prevent cruelty to animals kept in human societies and protect them from suffering.

b. Protect wild animals from methods of hunting, trapping, and fishing that cause extreme, prolonged, or avoidable suffering.

c. Avoid or eliminate to the full extent possible the taking or destruction of non-targeted species.

d. Understand that humanity's inhumanity to humanity predisposes a lack of good stewardship toward all life, while humanity's authentic love and respect for both genders predisposes toward living in harmony with all creatures.

16. Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace.

a. Encourage and support mutual understanding, solidarity, and cooperation among all peoples and within and among all jurisdictions without turning a blind eye to hypocrisy, cruelty or discrimination against the human rights and representation of their inhabitants.
Supply information rapidly to overcome ignorance, misinformation and prejudice about the intellectual and creative achievement of both genders as both materially and spiritually beneficial and fulfilling to all in society, to males as well as females. Encourage all areas of the earth to practice and achieve true gender balanced government rather than adhering to regressed or hypocritical proto- or pseudo-government, especially at the expense of women, minorities or younger or future generations.

b. Implement comprehensive strategies to prevent violent conflict and model and implement collaborative and gender balance-assisted problem solving to manage and resolve environmental conflicts and other disputes.

c. Demilitarize national security systems to the level of a non-provocative defense posture, and convert military resources to peaceful purposes, including ecological restoration.

d. Eliminate nuclear, biological, and toxic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

e. Ensure that the use of orbital and outer space supports gender respect and partnership, environmental protection and peace.

f. Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons of both genders, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.


As never before in the human story, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these more gender interdependent Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we need simply open ourselves to gently let go of outmoded  errors and insufficient measures of the Whole, and receive the coming blessings, and quantum leap of faith in Love already occurring and articulated by the gender partnership and ecological endowed awareness described by the New Universal Earth Charter.

This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of Global interdependence and Universal possibility, responsibility and endowment. We can imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally, and together expand our understanding of Universal spacetime. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision, but we must never allow sustained or ingrained cruelty, discrimination, tokenism, apathy or hypocrisy, or even residual low self-esteem and
voiceless timidity, or a diminished sense of responsibility or  empowerment after centuries of adjustment to misinformation, imposed illiteracy or intimidation, to be confused with real and truely Loving culture that befits and can protect and sustain a Universal and fully Loved and Loving Planet embarking on the exploration of spacetime as well as the discovery of our own and all people and children's endowed potential.

We deepen and expand the global and universal dialogue to revise the Earth Charter to one that speaks for women and men in partnership, and we all have much to learn from the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom. We must all listen to and know that we are all heard Wholly by the Whole voice Within, of the Divine Universal spark and Presence in all its human incarnations - of the inner Risen Loving Mothers and Aunts, Sisters and Daughters as well as Redeemed Loving Fathers and Uncles, Brothers and Sons of every age and generation now ready for  Peace on Earth and Good Will toward All, of the inner infant Children of Innocent Wisdom and Peace, now Girls as well as Boys, in the classrooms and chatrooms of education and friendship and the workplaces of collegiality and respect by and for each and both genders labors and visions,  in the True Marriage of men and women as equal friends as well as lovers as Husbands and Wives, as educated parents and partners in learning, listening to and loving each other and bringing a culture of love and peace to their children, families, local and global neighborhoods and to all people, in the knowledge that all on Earth are (not so very) distant cousins who are all close friends in cooperation to preserve their home planet while fulfilling their living future destiny in the Cosmos;  in the females and males that all are Endowed to be Restored and Redeemed as increasingly loving and politically mutually empowered spiritual Sisters and spiritual Brothers of global and Universal kinship
on a sustainable, Universal Earth.
All together must, do and will steward a sustainable Universal Earth.
All were, are and always will be Equal in and Equally Within the Universal Love.

Life often involves periods of tension and transition between important values. This can mean difficult choices and quantum leaps of faith. But these can be rewarded with new, heretofore unseen gifts. We must and will find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals
of longevity and spacetime understanding. Every individual, couple, family and extended family, organization, and community has a vital role to play, recognizing that the Whole is Inclusive of and Always Greater than the Sum of its Parts, and Whole Providence arises from this. The arts, sciences, religions, schools, universities, colleges and educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, true governments and self-improving officialdoms from township to regional-national, intercontinental and all Earth terratory,  families and neighborhoods local and global, are all called to restore and embody creative gender balanced leadership. The restored and empowered partnership of females and males of the human family at home, school, business, civil society, in political office, and in local and global connection linked by global communication of love and peace, is essential for effective, true and transcendently Universally acceptable self-governance.

In order to build and receive a sustainable global community, the people of the world must renew their commitment to transforming or reestablishing institutions from empty and/or thus far only partially-filled promises and good intentions such as those of  too many national-regional officialdoms and even still largely often residually male-dominated  self-divided international organizations such as the United Nations and  the Interparliamentary Union, and related assemblies and organizations. All the people must come to understand that they have and exist within the Power  that will renew and help transform all bodies of global decision-making with Presence and Balance, of female intelligence and endowment as well as male. They - We - must allow them - ourselves -  to become Universally blessed global citizen-officialdoms, organizations and assemblies that are both humble and empowered enough to articulate and embody true gender balanced democracy that is already present  and reemerging among the Natural citizenry, and actually achieve naturally defined Whole Presence and standards of gender partnership, environment and development, and what is responsible and truthful behavior for officials
of true government(s) at all levels,  of a sustainable
planet inhabited in restored freedom and love, by both genders
of the multicolored diverse rainbow of humankindness of a Universal Earth.

Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life on the Universal Planet Earth, the firm resolve yet simple receptiveness to achieve and receive sustainability, the quickening of the fulfillment of sisterhood as well as brotherhood for the whole of humanity in worldwide kinship, justice, harmony, peace, whole intelligence and consciousness, and the joyful celebration of Life and Love in a Cosmos
that is Universally Endowed and Balanced
Within Mutuality, Between Natural Partnership and Among All.

The above is a Revision of an earlier Earth Charter, which invited Dialogue.
For more information on why Revision is offered, read the Foreword
The New Universal Earth Charter can be freely reposted and copied in its entirety. It Belongs to All the People of the Universal Planet Earth, Female As Well As Male

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