Terrorists hi-jack four commercial jets
Two United Airlines flights and two American Airlines flights were hi-jacked on Tuesday, putting Attack on America! Tuesday�s catastrophe began about 7:52am Tuesday morning. All four flights were headed to Los Angeles, with the exception of one going to San Francisco. What was odd about these flights was that they started entirely normal. Once in the air, the first plane, departing Boston at 7:52, hit the World Trade Center! Go to ABC.com for the devastating video on all of this exciting news! Approximately twenty minutes later, a second plane, crashed into the other twin tower, the southern one. Less than an hour later, both buildings had collapsed, sending debris on top of building 20, the emergency response building. About an hour after the first crash, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. It went through one side, denting the other. On the right, the Pentagon had recently been remodeled, so it withstood the crash. The left, however, had not been remodeled. Fortunately, this side of the building had been evacuated. The fourth plane�s location was unknown until approximately 11:15am, when it crashed into a field in Pittsburgh killing everyone on board. It is believed this plane was headed for Camp David but never made it. No absolute numbers on deaths or wounds are available at this time, as many bodies may be buried under the rubble. Last Tuesday afternoon, building 7 was next to collapse, it was 20 stories high. The Mariott Hotel was evacuated and Rush Hour seemed to last all day around the city today. In Florida, even the Magic Kingdom at Disney World was closed today. The Mall of America never opened. Three planes did have to deviate to Austin Straubel Airport today, which closed after these flights landed, two Northwest, and one Continental. The planes that hit the buildings were Boeing 757s and 767s. Experts say that this operation required a lot of thinking. They say these flights were chosen possibly because large airplanes holding large amounts of fuel could act as flying bombs. President Bush says he intends to �punish the people of this cowardly act.� He says to �make no mistake of that!� The President was brought to a protection base first in Louisiana where he made his initial speech about 1pm, then took to Nebraska. About 6pm, President Bush returned to the recently evacuated White House where he would address the nation at 8:00pm. All bridges tunnels, malls, airports, skyscrapers, and theme parks across the nation are closed through Wednesday as a safety precaution. Anywhere people may be expected to gather, it�s closed.
�They�re blocking off many parking spots for security and won�t deliver packages because they might be bombs unless you�re expecting them,� Lori Ruedinger told News Happenings.
As you may have guessed, New York City hospitals are in serious shortness of blood and would appreciate any blood donations. Donations at Appleton�s hospitals today long enough to wait 2 HOURS! If you want to donate blood, it is recommended that you call your local blood collector and make an appointment so you can avoid long lines.
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