
�I cannot believe you!�  I screamed.  �All of the times you told me you love me, they were just complete crap, weren�t they?�  Tears began to stream freely down my face.  �Weren�t they?  Kevin, answer me!�

�No!  I love you and nothing could ever change that!� Kevin replied.  �Anslie, everyone makes mistakes, you�ve got to understand that.�

�I understand that everyone makes mistakes, but you fooling around on me with a groupie was more than a mistake!  How can you not understand that?�  I took in a deep breath, �And if you really loved me, it was a mistake you wouldn�t have made.�

You buried your head in your hands.  �If I didn�t love you, I wouldn�t have told you.  Anslie, we�ve always been honest with one another and this was eating away at me.�

�So now that you�ve gotten all of this off of your chest, I can start letting it eat away at me?  Kevin, I honestly don�t know what to say to you, I didn�t think you�d ever put me in this position,� I didn�t want to finish, but deep inside I knew that I had to.  �But you did, and as much as I don�t want to, I have to ask you to leave; permanently.�  My stomach was in my throat; I didn�t know how much more I could take.  I turned my back to you, so you couldn�t see my tears.

�Anslie, think about what you�re saying.  We�ve got too much to just throw it all away.�

�I can�t believe you have the nerve to say that to me. You should have thought about how much we had before you did what you did.�


Always before, I had loved hearing you say my name, you always said it so lovingly, but now it made me cringe.  �Don�t Anslie me, just leave.  Please don�t make this any harder than it already is.�  I walked through the living room to the front door and opened it for you.  I didn�t look up until I heard your car door slam, I couldn�t watch you walk away from me.


As I drove away, I didn�t really know where I was going, I just drove for what seemed like an eternity.  I eventually ended up in front of Brian and Kailen�s house.  I knew that if there were any way for me to earn your forgiveness, Kailen would know what it was.  I got out of the car and knocked on the door. 

�Kevin, what are you doing here?� Brian asked as he answered the door.  I couldn�t answer; I just broke down.  �Kailen, come here,� Brian called as he led me into the living room.

When Kailen came into the room, she sat down next to me on the sofa.  �What happened?�

�I told Anslie and now it�s over,� I sobbed.  I know I had to look like and idiot, crying like I was, but I felt like I was dying inside; I couldn�t control myself.

�Told Anslie what?� Kailen asked confused.

�Oh no,� Brian said, running his hand through his hair.  �Did you tell her everything?�

�I had to, she deserved to know the truth,� I replied.

�You two better tell me what�s going on here, right now!� Kailen exclaimed.

I looked at Brian, there was no way I could go through the entire story again, it hurt too much.  �Kevin messed up when we were in Canada,� Brian explained.

�Messed up?� Kailen asked.  �How exactly did you mess up?�

�He fooled around with some groupie,� Brian replied.

�Kevin, I cannot believe you!  Anslie loves you more than anyone on this earth and you did that to her!� Kailen screamed. 

�I know!  It kills me to think about how much I�ve hurt her.  I love her just as much, if not more.  Kailen, you�ve got to help me,� I pleaded.

�I don�t think I can help you.  You screwed up beyond belief and I don�t think there�s anything you can do to fix things.  You betrayed her trust, the one time she couldn�t go with you.  I just cannot believe that.�

�Kailen, isn�t there any way you can help him?� Brian asked.

�I don�t know, I can try talking to her, but I don�t know how much good that�s going to do.�

�Please, if you think it might help in any way at all, please talk to her.  Kailen, I don�t know if I can handle being without her.

Chapter Two

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