Chapter Three
�Jacob, go away!� Haylie screamed from her spot on the floor.

�Haylie, don�t make me find another way in,� Jacob threatened.  �If I have to, you�ll be sorry.�

�Sorry my ass!� Haylie thought to herself.  �I�ve been sorry since the day I met you.�  She thought about all the times before that Jacob had flown off the handle, all of the bruises she had covered, the broken bones, all of the lies she had used to explain things to those who loved her the most.  However, the thoughts that crossed her mind most often were the ones of the two years she�d wasted and the opportunities that had passed her by.

�OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!� Jacob said, kicking the door so hard it shook.

�Jacob just go home, please,� Haylie sobbed.  �Please!�

�THAT�S YOUR LAST WARNING!� Jacob shouted.

Haylie again began to sob.  �Dear God,� she prayed silently, �Please help me.�  From the living room she heard the sound of shattering glass.

�Haylie,� Howie said nudging her arm.  �Where do you guys keep the broom?  Sara broke a glass in the kitchen.�

�Umm,� Haylie stuttered.  �In the laundry room, hanging up behind the door.�

AJ and Howie could tell by the look on Haylie�s face what had happened.  �Hay,� Howie began, �Do you want me to get Brian?�

Haylie didn�t answer.  AJ walked over to the couch and sat down next to her, her eyes were brimming with tears.  �Haylie, look at me,� AJ said, grabbing her hand.  �Remember that all of those horrible things are done and over with.  We�re far away from where all of that happened, far, far away.�

Haylie took a deep breath and squeezed AJ�s hand.  �Thanks, I�m sorry about that,� she apologized.  �Sometimes all of those horrible memories flood into my mind and it feels like it�s happening all over again, it just takes a little reminding sometimes, that it�s all over.�

Brian came into the living room and saw Haylie�s red eyes.  �Haylie, will you come out on the deck with me?� he asked.

Haylie looked up at Brian and he extended his hand, Haylie gladly grabbed it and got up from the couch.  They walked through the kitchen, where Sara and Kevin were cleaning up.  Sara looked up from the sink and winked slyly at Brian, and Kevin patted him on the back as he walked by.  Brian�s heart began to pound. He opened the sliding glass door and they stepped out onto the deck.

Haylie sat down on the steps leading out onto the beach; Brian sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her.  Haylie leaned back, falling deep into his embrace.  She loved the way he felt and smelled; those things made her feel safe.

Brian took a deep breath, slowly inhaling all that was Haylie, a mixture of Pantene and Plumeria.  He buried his face in her hair and thought back to much happier times, times before Jacob had entered their world.  A time when Brian and Haylie had first revealed their love for one another.  A time when they thought they were invincible, he thought back to a world that had recently been shattered.

Haylie turned around to face Brian; she wasn�t surprised to see his face streaked with tears.  She didn�t know what to say.  Brian got up and walked down to the step in front of Haylie and fell to his knees.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box, opening it to reveal a princess cut, diamond solitaire engagement ring. 

�Haylie, I know this is odd timing, but I couldn�t wait any longer.  You have been my best friend for over ten years and the love of my life for just as many,� Brian�s voice trembled with every word.  �And in the last two months I came close to losing you and realized that I couldn�t go on without you in my life.  You complete my soul and without you, then I�m not me.  I�ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I know that nothing on this earth would make me happier than you saying you�d spend the rest of your life with me.�

�Brian, are you sure this is what you want?� Haylie questioned.

�I�ve never been so sure of anything in my life,� he responded without hesitation.

�Even with things the way they are?�

�Haylie, we�ve been through hell and back in the past two months, and my love for you has done nothing but grow stronger day by day.�

�I love you more than anything Brian Littrell and there is no way on earth I�d give up the chance to be your wife.�  Brian carefully slipped the ring onto Haylie�s finger.  She stood up and wrapped her arms around Brian�s neck.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up.  They looked into one another�s eyes and for the first time in months saw the flame of passion that had once burned brightly.  Brian pressed his lips to hers, and slowly the innocent kiss turned into one full of yearning.

Haylie pulled away, her heart pounding wildly and her breathing heavy.  She looked over Brian�s shoulder and into the kitchen, behind the sliding glass doors Sara, Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Howie were smiling uncontrollably.  �Brian, I think we have an audience,� Haylie said burying her head in his shoulder.

The crowd behind the door couldn�t contain themselves any longer.  They all rushed out the door and onto the deck.  �Congratulations!� they all said in unison.

Sara ran over to Haylie and hugged her.  �Congratulations, I�ve been waiting for you to become Mrs. Brian Littrell.�

�Me too,� Brian replied from behind Haylie.  �Me too."

Chapter Four

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