Chapter Two
�Haylie, honey,� Brian said banging on the door.  �I forgot my key.�  Haylie got up from her spot on the floor, and opened the door, her face wet from tears.  Before she even said a word, Brian knew what was wrong.  �Come here,� he said as he wrapped Haylie in his arms.  She buried her head in his chest and began to sob.  He had been living with these episodes for the past month and a half.  �Baby, it�s going to be all right, I promise you.�  She continued to sob.  �Let�s go upstairs and I�ll run a warm bath for you,� Brian suggested, �Maybe it�ll help calm your nerves.�  Haylie didn�t say a word, just mechanically followed Brian up to their room.  She sat down on the bed while Brian started her bath.

As Brian watched the bathtub fill with water and bubbles, he couldn�t help but think about Haylie.  She had been through so much and she was only twenty-two.  Brian thought back to how strong and independent she had once been.  Now, she wouldn�t leave the house by herself, wouldn�t stay home alone for long periods of time, and would only go out at night if Brian were with her.  He turned off the water and called for Haylie.  �Babe, your water�s done.�  He waited a moment and there was no reply.  �Haylie?�  He went into the bedroom and saw her sitting where he left her on the bed.  The sight of Haylie sitting on the foot of their bed staring off into space, made Brian�s heart wrench.  He knelt down in front of her and looked deep into her eyes.  She used to be so full of life, but now at times it seemed as if she were a zombie.  There were often days like to day when she couldn�t even function, days when she was haunted by her memories.

�Haylie, come on let�s get you into the tub,� Brian said, trying to sound enthusiastic.  He took her into the bathroom, carefully helped her undress, and then picked her up and sat her in the tub.  Brian was helping her wash her hair when the phone rang.  �Honey, I�m going to get that, okay?� Brian asked.  Haylie nodded her head and laid back into the water.


�Hey there!� Sara greeted Brian.

�Hey,� Brian responded in a weary tone.

�Are you guys still coming over for pizza and movies tonight?� she asked.

�Nick is still coming, but I don�t think Haylie�s up for it.�

�Is something wrong?�  Sara asked.

�No, she�s just having a bad day.  It seems as if they�ve all been bad days lately,� Brian replied.

�Well, just tell Nick to be here about seven.�

�Okay, I�m really sorry we can�t come,� Brian said, his voice cracking.  �You know that she just doesn�t have control anymore.�

�Umm,� Sara started, on the verge of tears.  �I know, I know, umm, just remember to tell Nick.  I should probably let you go.�

When Brian got off the phone, he went back into the bathroom.  Haylie had gotten out of the tub and was sitting on the steps around it, wrapped in a towel, she was crying again.  �Bri, I�m so sorry,� she sobbed.  �I don�t see why you put up with me.�

Brian walked over to her wrapped his arms around her tightly, and looked into her eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.  �Haylie, I don�t ever want you to say that again.  I don�t put up with you and you have nothing to be sorry about, nothing.  I love you more than anything on this earth,� he said, tears still falling down his face.

�Brian, I love you too, more than I can even comprehend.  I just don�t want you to feel obligated to��

�I don�t stay with you because I feel obligated, I don�t take care of you because I feel obligated.  I do all of these things because I love you, and I don�t want you to ever forget that.�

�Oh, Brian, I don�t know what I would do if I didn�t have you,� Haylie said, running her fingers through her hair.

�That�s something you�ll never have to worry about,� he said, clasping her hand in his and kissing it softly.

�Promise?� Haylie asked.

�I promise,� he said, softly kissing her lips.  �Now, why don�t we go into the bedroom and find something comfortable for you to put on.�  Brian smiled as he picked her up and carried her into their room.

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