-Join Form

Roleplay Board
-OOC Board
-IWW Spotlight

-Suicide Card
-Suicide Results
-PPV Card


Here are the few and simple rules that you must follow in the IWW.

1) Be original. Please, don't waste our time with characters that are an exact copy of any WWE, WCW, or ECW wrestlers. You will be promptly turned down.

2) If no one roleplays for a match, it is not written. Once again, we shouldn't have to waist our time writing a match no one obviously cared enough about to roleplay for.

3) If you do not roleplay for two events in a row, an e-mail will be sent out to you. If you do not follow the instructions in that e-mail, you will be removed from the roster.

5) The Roleplay Deadline for all events is midnight, Alaska Daylight Time, before the event. This means that the Suicide RP Deadline is Tuesday at Midnight, and for the PPV's it's Saturday at Midnight.

6) You must post your name with any and all messages you post on either board. This is just my pet peeve.

World: Vacant
I.C.: Vacant
Hardkore: Vacant
Hosted by