Name of Inventor
Picture of Invention
Edwin L. Drake: Successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania, that removing oil from beneath the earth's surface became practical.
Henry Bessemer: Invented the Bessemer process in which this technique involved injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities. By 1880, American manufacturers were using the new method to produce more than 90 percent of the nation's steel.
Thomas Alva Edison: Perfected the incandescent light bulb-patented in 1880-and later invented an entire system for producing and distributing electrical power. He also established the world's first research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
Christopher Shole: Inventor of the typewriter in 1867.
Alexander Graham Bell: Unveiled one of the most dramatic invention, the telephone in 1876. This opened the way for a worldwide communications network.


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