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Lawrence Village Sparkle Market Bakery Employees


Summary: The bakery department was in charge of making all the baked goods. I knew some of them well, but some I didn't.

Name:C., Kelly
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - October 28, 2000
Info:Kelly left Sparkle for a brief period, and when she came back, we no longer needed cashiers. So Kelly was put in the bakery.

Name:D., Catlin
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - October 28, 2000
Info:I knew Catlin from school, and I know she had a good time at Sparkle. Justin W. and her would always go hang out together on their 1/2 hour breaks.
AOL IM:cait65lin

Name:D., Patty
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:I did see Patty a lot, but never really got the time to talk with her. She normally worked mornings, and as I being evenings, never did really meet. There were times when we would chat, but nothing more.

Name:M., Amy
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - Fall '00
Info:She was a recently hired bakery person but because Sparkle closed, I never really got to meet her.

Name:T., Charles
Employeed Term:Fall '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:I saw Charles several times during my employment at Sparkle. He seemed like a nice old man.

Name:W., Wanda
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:Wanda was a morning worker and I did see her a lot when I came in and she was leaving. I startled her when I took her picture.

Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - Spring '00
Info:Jean used to complain all the time. She went to Shop and Save because of the extra money.

Name:Kathy Jo
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - Spring 2000
Info:Kathy Jo left Sparkle and went to the brand new Shop and Save. She had just given birth to a baby, and needed more money. I had many long talks with her.

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