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Lawrence Village Sparkle Market Baggers

Bagger View

Summary: Obviously, baggers bag groceries for the customers the majority of the time. Baggers must also retrieve shopping carts from the parking lot and they have an obligation to clean the bathrooms. Below are the brave men and women who have served as baggers.

Name:A., Chris
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - October 28, 2000
Nickname:Mr. Roboto
Info:After concluding that he didn't like cashiering, he wanted to be relocated to a different department. He then became a bagger, keeping him in the front end area, allowing him, if necessary, to run on a register to elimate long lines on another register.
AOL IM:ca53blazingriver

Name:D., Mario
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:Mario was a bagger for a long time until he was promoted to recieving in stock. He was a kind and courteous man. He was always willing to help and had a good sense of humor. He did have a tendency to be outside most of the time working on retreiving carts.

Name:D., Mike
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - October 28, 2000
Info:Mike first started out as a bagger, till he was promoted to cashier. He liked retrieving buggies, but had a tendency to avoid cleaning the bathrooms. He loved doing go-backs and had an all around good time up front.
AOL IM:bzjj18

Name:G., Steve
Employeed Term:Spring '00 - Summer '00
Info:Steve was quiet almost all the time. He wouldn't speak up and it was hard to hear him. He was a good worker though, and in his remaining days worked in stock. I was moved to stock right after he was.

Name:K., Robert
Employeed Term:Fall '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:Robert was hired at Sparkle about 2 months after I was. He was hired as a stockboy, but was soon moved to a bagger position. He has been there for around 2 years, and has done a pretty good job. There were the times where I had to remind him to retrieve some carts, but other then that he's a pretty good worker. He is also the best at cleaning the bathrooms.
AOL IM:robii82

Name:L., Suzanne
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:Suzanne was at Sparkle before I arrived she's friendly and kind, and is the fastest price checker around.
Words of Advice:Slow down Suzanne!

Name:M., Connie
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '00 - October 28, 2000
Info:Connie! She may be up in her years, but she still is young at heart! She has come to about 4 of my Laser Tag games, and has even bought her own equipment! She is friendly and funny, and is a good worker.
Words of Advice:Don't shoot your own teammates!

Name:M., Steve
Employeed Term:Spring '00 - Summer '00
Info:Umm... Well... What's there to say about Steve? Sure, I can say stuff, but as many of you remember, he was Steve. If you can say something nice about him please tell me. I'll put it up. The only thing I can say is that he was... interesting. I can also say he worked there for about 2 months (how he lasted THAT long will forever baffel me) until he was canned.

Name:M., Leroy
Employeed Term:Summer '00 - Summer '00
Info:Leroy prefered Spike rather then Leroy because that's what everyone called him. He was a good worker, but realized he didn't like working as a bagger so he left.

Name:P., Karen
Employeed Term:Pre Spring '98 - October 28, 2000
Info:Karen! Karen was one of the originals too, and has stayed there till our closing. She is one of the quiet people, and the problem was understanding her. She was funny and always did her work.

Name:S., Jimmy
Employeed Term:Winter '98 - Summer '99
Info:Jimmy Sager was hired soon after I was. He was always a bagger, and was polite to everyone. Unfortunately, the unpoliteness from some customers started to pile up on him until one day he just walked out. He did apologize to Tony later, in an attempt to get his job back, but Tony said it was one of those life lesson things and he wished him luck elseware.

Name:W., Kylie
Employeed Term:Summer '98 - Summer '99
Info:Kylie was one of the ones that were there before me, but she left over a year ago to go to Giant Eagle as a cashier. She always though people were planning against her, and that she said they didn't want her as a cashier. Unfortunate to say, she would SOMETIMES come in happy, but by the end of the day everyone would know to stay out of her path. While only a couple of years younger then me, she had the temper of an old person.
AOL IM:scoob56125

Name:Z., Jimmy
Employeed Term:Fall '98 - Summer '99
Info:I knew Jimmy from high school before he was hired here. He was hired as a bagger and found it boring. The highlights of his day came when the "Sparkle Thiefs" would come in and try to take stuff. I would always see them come in, and from knowing they were caught in the past, had sent Jim to follow them and keep an eye on them. I usually had either him or Tom J. keep an eye on them. They tried to distract him till finally they gave up and went away.

Employeed Term:Winter '00 - Summer '00
Info:Joe was one of those stranger old guys. When he worked there, you could virtually spend your whole shift listening to story after story from him. I proud that he served our country, don't get me wrong, but when they don't end, shoot me. I stayed as polite as I could while he talked, and I'm sure the other cashiers did too. He also collected the fallen change around the registers when he cleaned. I guess that was his tips. He made $1.26 one week in fallen change.

Employeed Term:Fall '98 - Spring '99
Info:Matt was hired a couple of weeks before I did. He was a good bagger and we always had contests to see who could get done first: the cashier or the bagger. Let's just say it always ended up in arguments and draws (although I think I beat him most of the time).

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