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Just fill in your answer and click "Grade Me!" when you're done. Questions are sorted by season. Good luck!

Season One
1. In what episode did Gabrielle get her brown outfit?
A. Death in Chains
B. Hooves and Harlots
C. The Reckoning

2. What color was the Jewel on Prometheus's sword in the episode "Promestheus"?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue

3. In the Episode "The Black Wolf," who is the Black wolf?
A. Flora
B. Diomedes
C. Brigand

4. What was Orian's real name?
A. Polonius
B. Homer
C. Euripides

5. What was in the nutbread that Gabrielle ate in "Altered States?
A. Sumac
B. Icus
C. Henebane

Season Two
6. What song did Gabrielle play on some thugs head's in the Episode "A Solstice Carol"?
A. Silent Night
B. White Christmas
C. Jingle Bells

7. What Did Xena give Gabrielle as a Solstice Present?
A. A Whole Shirt
B. A Horse
C. A Wooden Lamb

8. Whose dress did Xena let Gabrielle wear in "Rememeber Nothing"?
A. Her's
B. Cyrene's
C. Lila's

9. What did Gabrielle give all the wounded men in the episode "The Price"?
A. Food
B. Another Wound
C. Water

10. According to Xena who killed Theodorus?
A. Callisto
B. Xena
C. Himself

11. On the 2nd Season Soundrack what is track 2?
A. Glede me Glede
B. Mother's Tomb
C. Xena kicks Bacci Butt

Season Three
12. Which of Gabrielle's shoulders is shot in "One Against an Army"?
A. Left
B. Right
C. Neither

13. Did Xena drag Gabrielle behind Argo in the "Bitter Suite"?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It was Gabrielle who dragged Xena

14. Gabrielle uses what as a chakram in "King of Assassins"?
A. Xena's Chakram
B. A wooden plate
C. Her staff

15. By the end of the season how many people did Gabrielle kill?
A. 3
B. I lost count after 15
C. 1

16. Who is Mnemosphene?
A. Someone Xena knew when she was a warlord
B. Someone Gabrielle knew from her hometown
C. Goddess of memories

17. Who told Xena that she needed to destroy the temple of Dayhak?
A. Gabrielle
B. Joxer
C. Ares

Season Four
18. What are Gabrielle's favorite flowers?
A. Roses
B. Daisies
C. Forget-me-nots

19. In the episode "Deja Vu All Over Again" who was Annie the reincarnation of?
A. Joxer
B. Xena
C. Gabrielle

20. In "Ides of March" who broke Xena's chakram?
A. Xena
B. Amarice
C. Callisto

21. In "A Family Afair" who does Hope pretend to be while in Potedaia?
A. Hecuba
B. Gabrielle
C. Lila

22. In "Paradice found" what did Aiden turn those with a pure heart into?
A. Stone
B. Blue Marble
C. White Marble

23. Finish this line-- "But you have neglected your most important duty...
A. My clippings!"
B. My spounge bath!"
C. The dishes!"

Season Five
24. In what episode does Xena discover that she's pregnant?
A. Animal Attraction
B. Succession
C. Fallen Angel

25.Who kills Joxer?
A. Livia/Eve
B. Gabrielle
C. Xena

26. Who came up with the name Eve for Xena's child?
A. Hercules
B. Xena
C. Solan

27. Which god is the first to die because of the twilight of the gods?
A. Discord
B. Posidon
C. Zues

28.In the Episode "Succession" who does Ares really want to take Xena's place?
A. Mavican
B. Gabrielle
C. No one

29.Who tricks Gabrielle into stabing Eve?
A. Joxer
B. Hope
C. The Furies

Season Six
30.What is Gabrielle's niece's name?
A. Sarah
B. Varia
C. Lila

31. In the episode "A Friend in Need" who did Xena teach the pinch to?
A. Akemi
B. Gabrielle
C. Akemi and Gabrielle

32. What is the name of the reporter that follows Xena and Gab around in "You Are There?
A. Nigel
B. Beowulf
C. Odin

33. In The Ring Trilogy how many people were in love with Gabrielle?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

34.What does Xena give Ares and Aphrodite so that they become gods again?
A. Ambrosia
B. Golden Apples
C. Golden Peaches

35.What did Xena give Gabrielle for a birthday present?
A. New scrolls
B. A kiss (don't I wish?)
C. A poem

Which episode had the dumbest plot line?
A. Married with Fishsticks
B. Key to the Kingdom
C. A Friend in Need part 2

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