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Trivia 39, "The Trivia Invasion": April 11-13, 2008

Team Name: "Never Trust a Baby with a Mustache"
Mustached Baby Central: Dan and Rachel's apartment, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Awarded: Flava Flav Award for 57th place out of 433 teams.
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Team Roster. Team Pictures, Team Notes, or Team Quotes coming soon.

Team Roster:

Old Man Scotty
with special guest help from:
Aunt Cindy
Mom and Dad S

Team Pictures:

Click picture for larger size!

From the Trivia Movie:

Dan and Rachel flash their best Colgate grin outside the theater for the Trivia movie.

Marissa and Art all too pleased to be freezing for the benefit of Trivia.

Is this guy for real?

The Dan look of disapproval.

Would you all please shut the hell up?!


Ta-da! We made it!

From Trivia Weekend:

This was the setup for Trivia 39. Five desktops upstairs and all the coolers, food and beer; eight laptops downstairs running wirelessly. Worked like a charm.

Cara can't hardly believe all the snack decisions availible.

The upstairs pod. At times, especially in the early hours of the morning, this was the only pod operational.

Marissa was so proud of this Mustached Baby Cake, made from the finest imported babies.

Captain Rachel shows off her sweet leadership/ninja skills.

Captain Greg strikes a pose definately more appropriate at Trivia 38.

"I'm trying to hear the goddamm question!"

Arnie and Kelly check the Action Board to see who is presently scratching their gentiles.

Que pelo simpatico!

We recruited Super Mario to join the team. No word from Luigi.

I can has mustache?

Dan after a rough shift.

"I'm In!"

Callie gives the Look of Death(tm) for invading her house again.

Arnie has the 10,000 yard Trivia Stare action going on.

By the end, maximum fun had, indeed, been reached.

From Mustached Baby South:

Pa and Ma S. listen in while sampling some pizza and Point.

Team Notes:

We had great success this year. While it would have been difficult to keep up with our total last year, we set our goal to be Top 50, and we weren't far oof the mark. We implimented two radical changes to our team structure: the team captain, and shifts. Previously, most decisions were made in a Oijia board style, and people came and went as they pleased. With a little organization, searching went far smoother. We got a number of the trivia pictures with the decisive efforts of Art. The Trivia Stone this year was cancelled due to heavy snow on Friday night. We had internet help again, which worked out much better this year than last because there wasn't much lag, and they were able to provide much needed confirmation and some good guesses that gave us several key answers. Our team was about as well rounded as it has ever been, as well, and once again we doubled the number of computers in use, to fourteen, up from seven last year (and four the year before.)

All in all, we believe we might have worked many of the kinks out of the system, and moving forward, we might have set a benchmark for ourselves in the years to come.

Team Quotes:

"I need a break from Google before I am Googled out from the weekend." Marissa, on Thursday when Art asked why she wasn�t searching for picture clues.

"When Did we become hardcore?" Marissa.
"It just sneaks up on you. One day you look around and you�re hardcore. And you�re pissed." Rachel.

"Trust your instincts." Kelly.
"I did, it didn�t work." Greg.
"Okay then, don�t trust your instincts." Kelly.

"Next year pneumatic tubes. You are sitting there typing and get blasted in the face with coffee." More of a suggestion about how to caffeineate everyone better than a quote.

"Wow, that was an awful lot of excessive panic for nothing." Dan, after we thought song 1 was song 2.

"How did Art find that?" Kelly, about Art's Trivia finding abilities.
"Because he is F'ing Art!" Greg.
"It�s like he has a magical connection with the internet." Arnie.

"Ha ha! You don�t know the differnce between thirty and thirtieth ... wait, ... I guess thirteenth..." Greg, after DJ Albino mis-read a question.

"A new regime is coming in! It�s Rachel time!" Rachel, at shift change.

"What?" Marissa.
"I�m just yeah-ing our shift." Rachel.

"I like how you�re encouraging and scolding at the same time. You can tell you work with children." Arnie, to Rachel about her leadership style.

"Back to my black cowboy." Bethany, about her Trivia Picture boyfriend.

"It�s so much funner when you type it." Kelly, dicussing how everyone was in the same room Instant Messaging each other.

"What is he supposed to scratch? Scratch his �gentiles�?" Greg.

"Bethany�s Phone-Fu is strong." Arnie.

"'Your Mom: she�s a great ride.'" Dan�s answer to �What bike brand adds "merry" to "Christmas".�

"Perhaps you want a pre-owned Alma and Button?" Art, to Rachel, about a toy found while answer searching.
"It�s called Pre-loved." Christ.

"Our goal next year is not to see how many questions we can answer, but how many questions we can get thrown out." Dan.

"Well we should just do that. Answer them right at the begining." Rachel.

"Well, I�m reading about the Ebola virus, so it kind of puts things into perspective. My anus is not being ripped out of my body like a sock." Emily.

"I need to move my car so there�s going to be a lot of shake-ups." Emily.

"Sadly, DJ Albino survived." Arnie, upon the news of Tom Daniels� death.

"This is the trivia of downers." Dan.

"Dan did you know Stevens Point is listed one of the top 10 places to live on relocate America?" Arnie.
"Yeah. Don�t move here." Dan.

"I�d like to think he�s crying, but albinos are heartless." Dan, about DJ Albino.

"It�s hard for him to lurk when he�s highlighter white. Or, I guess, �neon white�." Rachel, on DJ Albino.

"If you�re not going to bring it to the end, then don�t bother bringing it." Rachel.

"You need to be positive if you�re here, or I�ll kick your ass out." Rachel.

"The babies are everywhere, trying to earn your trust." Rachel, about all the mustached baby decorations.

"You can taste when it�s imitation baby." Greg while eating Marissa�s �baby cake�.

"American babies are idiots. German babies have much more intelligence." Dan, while comparing the difference between the German baby song and the American version.

"Does it concern anybody else that we�re surrounded by mustached babies?" Greg.
"We�re trying to build up our immunity." Rachel.

"Why would you think that Lunchables were binoculars?" Dan.
"Because they have fries in them." Greg.

"In this country you are innocent until proven skanky." Greg, about skanky Karaoke bars.

"It�s something, but I wouldn�t classify it as genius." Dan.

"Flavor Flav beer flavored beef sticks." Our answer to some question whose answer was not "Flavor Flav beer flavored beef sticks."

"Then you added the �beer flavored� and it sent me over the edge." Marissa, after she spit out a mouthful of water out her nose due to laughing.

"The stop asking questions at midnight, in case you didn�t know." Rachel to Greg, rather sarcastically.
"Let�s keep going." Greg.
"Let�s just make up our own questions." Rachel.
"Yeah. We�ll call it �Trivia Afterparty�." Marissa.
"Only we�ll call Oz and ask him questions." Art.

"Those were the event, you dingus." Rachel to Dan.

"Reminds me of the good old days at UW Eau Claire when we drank Rum and Cokes out of styrofoam bowls. Smacks of class." Dan.

"I was thinking she could talk a little quieter and a little bit faster so it would be impossible to understand her." Greg, on the Trivia DJ's uninteligible voice.

"Your life is one big movie quote." Rachel to Dan and Greg.

"It�s a Trivia Miracle!" Rachel, after we totally guessed "Vicks-Vapo-Rub" and it was right.

"If that�s F'ing it, Art, we�re going to be in first place!" Dan, about the Impossible Last Question.

"I can�t believe we got that." Marissa, about the Impossible Last Question.
"Art got that. We didn�t do shit." Dan.

"In 56th place with four thousand ten points is 'Never Trust a Baby with a Mustache.' That sounds like a good piece of advice." Jim Oliva, Trivia Oz.
"You shouldn't trust a 62 year old man with a mustache, either." John Eckendorf, referring to Oz.

90fm Trivia 40 (April 17-20, 2009) starts in exactly last updated May 22, 2008.
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