Website Design: Maneli Djamal
[email protected]
        Please understand that if you are trying to hear our songs, it is recommended that you download mp3's onto your computer for better quality play by right clicking on the target and click 'Saves target as..." .We had just recorded our first demo at Maneli's house, the quality on these arn't that professional since we just simply recorded a live version of all our songs. If you would like a copy of our new demo, come to our shows, pick one up and rock the house. We are thinking about recording professionally in a stuido once, we scrounch up some money we will definetly be recording a EP as soon as possible, hopefully by early September...
click on a song to download its full original version...
Nevergoinghome 2002 Demo
Blind By Beauty.mp3
-- lyrics
Under the Sea of Stars.mp3 -- lyrics
A Shadow Shoreline.mp3 -- lyrics
Always Your Eyes.mp3 -- lyrics
Burn Like the Sun.mp3 -- lyrics
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