The following is a small list of TV programs with 9/11 themes over the next few weeks.

All are Eastern Time. Check your local listings for times and channels

7pm (CNBC) America Remembers Connie Chung joins Brown for a two-hour special and Larry King anchors from New York at 9pm.

7:30pm (NBC Ch. 4) "9/11: The President's Team Remembers." First-person accounts from members of the administration about 9/11.

8pm (CBS Ch. 2) "60 Minutes II." Correspondent Scott Pelley exclusive interview of President George W. Bush.

8pm (Sundance Channel) 9 Views: 9/11, short films that reflect the events and emotions of the terrorist attacks.

On Dateline NBC (8pm), Brokaw also interviews air-traffic controllers in Washington, D.C.; New York City, Boston, and Cleveland who saw tragedy unfold on their screens. At 9pm, Brokaw hosts Concert for America, taped 9 September 2002 at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Performers include Placido Domingo, Aretha Franklin, Al Green, Josh Groban, and Enrique Iglesias. Lenord Slatkin conducts the National Sympohny Orchestra.

9-11pm Frontline: (WNET Ch.13) Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero. -- How did the disaster strengthen, weaken, and focus the beliefs (and doubts) of many? more

(NBC Ch. 4) "Dateline NBC." Airport traffic controllers from airports in New York, Boston, Washington and Cleveland reconstruct 9/11, the first day in U.S. history when all air traffic was shut down.

9pm (CBS Ch. 2) "9/11." Repeat of the acclaimed documentary feature by French filmmakers Jules and Gedeon Naudet, who captured the only known footage of the first plane's impact. Hosted by Robert De Niro.

9pm (Discovery Health Direct TV Ch. 279) 9/11 Babies Chronicle of nine babies born on 11 June 2002. 9pm (NBC Ch. 4) "Concert for America." Broadcast of an all-star concert memorial tribute commemorating 9/11, scheduled to take place 9 Sept. in Washington D.C. nation's capital.

9pm-11pm (FOX Ch. 5) The Day America Changed, a two-hour special hosted by Brit Hume anchors a wrap-up of 11 September memorial events with reports and interviews with survivors, rescuers and family members. Greta Van Susteren, Shepard Smith and Bill O'Reilly will participate.

9pm-10pm (ABC Family Direct TV Ch. 311) "Love's Legacy: The Babies of 9/11." Five women who were pregnant when their husbands were killed on 9/11 describe the anguish of losing their husbands and their joy at the birth of their newborn sons and daughters. Hosted by Syliva Chase.

10pm (A&E) A repeat of Portrait of a Terrorist: Mohammad Atta, the hijacking ringleader.

10pm (Ch. 21) "A Requiem for September 11." Giuseppe Verdi's 1873 Requiem, performed by the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and the Westminster Choir in remembrance of Sept. 11 as a musical memorial, taped at Liberty State Park.

10pm to 12 midnight (WNET Ch. 13) A Requiem for 11 September -- The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and the Westminster Choir, with guest artists, perform Verdi's "Requiem" -- a work composed in the spirit of music's power to console, comfort, memorialize, and foster meditation on the meaning of life and its passing. more

11pm (History) "Relics from the Rubble." Josh Binswanger hosts a special on personal items recovered from the collapse of the towers.

(A&E)"Minute by Minute: The Attack on the Pentagon." Repeat of documentary on the crash of American Airlines Flight 77.

(Cinemax) "Visions from Ground Zero." Two-hour anthology of personal accounts of the day, from artists and other citizens who lived or worked near the disaster site.

(Discovery) "Airport: On Alert." Two-hour documentary about the shutdown of San Francisco International Airport on 9/11.

8pm-11pm (Discovery Channel Direct TV Ch. 278) "Portraits of Grief." Based on the New York Times obituaries of victims.

Features video versions of 20 New York Times tributes to 11 September victims.

After 9/11:Rebuilding Lives Profiles people whose lives were shattered by the attacks.

Rebuilding Ground Zero (9pm) explores the debate over what to build on the Twin Towers site.

8pm (HBO) "In Memoriam: NYC 9/11/01." Repeat of the documentary first aired May 2002. This feature reconstructs the events of 9/11 through a combination of amateur and professional video footage. Features recollections from former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and other top New York City officals.

(ESPN) "SportsCenter Flashback." Collection of "SportsCenter" pieces aired on or immediately after 9/11, plus commentary on how the sports world reacted.

(ESPN) "The First November." Documentary about the 2001 World Series.

(History) "The Day the Towers Fell." Photographers talk about 9/11.

(History) "The World Trade Center: Rise and Fall of an American Icon." The birth and death of the towers.

(WLIW/ 21 Direct TV Ch. 887) "America's Place in the World" A live audience feedback program; guests include James Zogby of the Arab American Institute (from BBC's Washington bureau).

10-11pm (WNET Ch 13) New York Voices: New Yorkers Remember 9/11 -- The voices of myriad New Yorkers recall how their city and lives have changed since 9/11. Subjects include Muslim New Yorkers, kids, workers at Ground Zero, and a discussion about creating an appropriate memorial for lower Manhattan. 3am thur/fri (PBS Direct TV Ch 384 Heroes of Ground Zero -- Documents the aftermath of September 11 for those who were among the hardest hit -- New York's firefighters, who lost 343 of their own at the World Trade Center. The program captures the shock, despair, determination, professionalism, and hope they exhibited, and the arduous sense of loss and process of adjustment for those who survived.

11:30am-12 noon (WNET Ch 13) In The Mix: The New Normal: Living with Change The teen news and discussion series offers three 9-11 related programs this month. The series The New Normal," begins with Living with Change" which highlights how teens in New York and around the country responded to and coped with the events of the past year, and how it has changed their perspectives on life itself.

12 noon-1pm After 11 September: Reimagining Manhattan's Downtown. This hour explores the images, options, and ideas for how to best rebuild on the site that was the World Trade Center. Twenty of the architects comment on why the attack took place and how new construction should honor the site.

11:30am-12 noon (WNET Ch, 13) In The Mix: The New Normal: Get The News? -- shows how teens are watching and reading more news than ever since before 9/11, and the ways in which news in all media, including the Internet, has had an impact on how they cope with a very changed world.

11:30am-12 noon (WNET Ch, 13) In The Mix: The New Normal: Dealing With Differences Explores what schools, organizations, and individuals are doing to promote racial, religious, and cultural understanding at a time when a growing number of Arab-American and Muslim students are enduring special harassment and victimization.

Sources: TV Guide (Northern New Jersey); Newark Star Ledger; NY Times; Direct TV Guide; The Daily Record; USA Today
created 15 august 2002 by gabbaroo services.
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