Nutrient Energy Technology
Serving Universal Agriculture

A bit of genetic acid, protein....

With no energy of its own --

Not wanting to kill....

Wanting that which is missing --

A virus waiting to...become....

N.E.T.S.U.A. 22
Tracking Avian Influenza Before Heat +
1983 27 Bu/Ac Yield With Ped Event
Four Months Wind, Sun, Sparse Rain
1994 China Event Beats Old Soviet Tests
Soil Fungus, Bird Feces, Bird Lungs
1999 Grain Farmers Seed In Bird Belt
Examine The Bird Belt Soil Mycelium
2001 Alaskan Diabetes Rate Up 110%
North American Diabetes Pandemic Booster
'83 Soil Event Supplement Births Peds
Nutrient Evolved Technology Service
2003 University Text Cites Ideal Peds
-Protozoa, Fungi, Bacteria
2006 - China's Fragile Peds Burn Up!
Millions Sicken Drinking Polluted Water!
2006 - Australia Declares Ped Drought!
Nanotechno Like Survey Paramount!
Farmers Need Peds To Get High Yield


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