1996, Year Of Bird Crossing

The tree of 'microbial' life changed in 1996 with sequencing of Haemophilus influenzae!

Up to 2003, it was commonly believed genes were passed along the tree's many branches....

Genes transmittd across family trees, crossing, was announced by Science in 2003....

Three years after Influenzae was sequenced in 1996, the Nipah Virus slaughtered fathers in the morning, sons in the afternoon:

1999...Over a million swine were killed off in rural Malaysia --

110 people died in a virulent plague! Genetic information, emerging viruses take flight....

By 1999, Deadly Organisms Common To Soil Threaten North America Soil Fertility!

Soil Event Horizon: 144 Hrs
27 bu/ac Increase! In 1983!
Dry, Crush, Send Your Bagged Soil Samples!
[email protected]
With a microbiologist, a molecular biologist, you're starting right!
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