"To do nothing about Net Evil is to endorse Net Evil."

The Net Rangers Worldwide Investigation Team


Net Rangers Worldwide is a grassroots cyber-protection group composed of internet users experienced in fighting cyber-crime. The primary purpose of our web site is to help illuminate the problem of Net Evil, and to direct victims of cyber-crimes to the best sources that can help them. Our secondary goal is to share ways that we can collectively fight Net Evil, through pro-active measures, so that we can better guard our children, our loved ones, our friends, our freedom, and our right to be protected from cyber-crime.


As the internet becomes globally accessible to more people in all countries and of all ages, the same crimes that plague people in the real world have found a dark life on the net. Internet mailing lists, chat rooms, news groups, and web sites have become an open hunting ground where malicious cyber-stalkers, scam artists, pedophiles, hate merchants, and terrorists prey upon the innocent, the unaware, and the unprotected.

We call this anti-social, unethical, immoral, and dangerous cyber-crime activity "Net Evil".  At the most basic level of defense, the victim of a cyber-crime is usually not recognized as being the victim of a cyber-crime - or any crime at all. This can be devastating for the victim, both physically and emotionally, as they fall between the cracks of the justice system and into the abyss of human indifference. There are few laws in place that effectively deal with cyber-crime, cyber-stalkers, and their global reach. There are not enough local, national, and international cyber task forces trained and equipped to handle the crisis in cyber-crime.

Because of the lack of a unified and effective effort to combat cyber-crime, most internet providers are left to implement their own enforcement protocols, which means that most providers have not positioned aggressive and pro-active programs to protect their customers from cyber-crime. And similar to what happens when cyber-victims seek help from uneducated and under prepared law enforcement agencies, a cyber-victim's complaints to their provider are not handled properly or with due respect.  Another weak defense link exists where parents and schools are not sufficiently educated in how to protect children who use the internet. Consequently, millions of internet users are exposed to cyber-criminals every day, and thousands become victims.


There are proven courses of action that can put a significant dent in Net Evil:
1. Create an internet-wide and international education program designed to teach internet users about cyber-crime, how to protect themselves from becoming a cyber-crime victim, and what to do if they are victimized; 2. Pass local, national, and international laws that recognize, define, and target cyber-crime; 3. Educate and empower local, national, and international cyber-crime task forces and equip them with the means to combat cyber-crime and enforce cyber-crime laws; 4. Embrace a spirit of cooperation between internet users, law makers, law enforcement agencies,
internet providers, and countries; and 5. Report a cyber-crime to the authorities, whether the cyber-crime is committed against you or someone else.


Cyber-Stalker Profiles
Vengeance, Obsessive,  Delusional Cyber-Stalkers

How To Handle A Cyber-Stalker
Law Enforcement Intervention Strategies

Third Party Intervention

Mailing List Conflict Meddlers

Cyber-Stalker Restraining Order

The Law
Federal Cyber-Stalking Laws

Help and Support
Cyber-Stalking Resource Links


John L. Reid
Net Rangers Worldwide
Investigation Team

[email protected]

Legal Disclaimer

Net Rangers Worldwide is not a law enforcement agency, does not track
down or prosecute cyber-criminals,  and is not a replacement for legal
counsel.  All information on this web site is provided as an educational
service and is intended to be accurate. However, due to the rapidly
changing technology of cyber-space and the internet, NRW cannot
guarantee the absolute accuracy of information contained on this web
site. Therefore, visitors to the NRW web site are responsible for insuring
that all information is accurate, complete, and current. Also, NRW is not
responsible for information contained on web sites that we may be linked
to, or that are linked to NRW.

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