
. . . for Ruth and all the lovely hobbits . . .


by Robert Roy Smith

Updated October 23, 2008

Click here to download a PDF version
of my novel DOWNSTEP

Click here to view a video describing

The Principle of the Downstep

In these troubled days, the UFO/ETI disclosure is well underway.

We have waited impatiently and with great frustration for this moment for at least sixty years.

Government insiders are presently coming forth at last to tell what they know. Many interviews are being given. Much is being said and much of it is complete disinformation. But, the long held secrets can no longer be kept, and so the disinformation is mingled in to obscure the issue and it has been very successful in doing so.

Of course government "insiders" are not the only ones experiencing the UFO/ETI phenomena. They are only a small portion of the thousands of people on planet Earth, some of whom as conscious contactees, have had their own direct experiences with the various extraterrestrial intelligences, although considered unvetted and unprovable by linear thinking standards.

Nevertheless, the UFO/ETI phenomena is an overall cultural meme.

Each of the government "insiders" (who are considered to be more credible than the rest of the population), at best, can only tell what they know, even if they have been propagandized or mind-controlled by their controllers which is almost a given considering the agencies they emerge from and the oaths of National Security which they all must take.

A synthesis of all the known information, whether from government "insiders" or not, needs to emerge, and hopefully, what I am saying here will help that process. Ultimately, one must discern for themselves what is true.

The information coming out of government circles has been so compartmentalized that each person has only had access to a very small portion of the overall UFO/ETI phenomena and each small part is just one piece to a collosal and ultimately VERY UNIFIED puzzle.

The solving of this puzzle is a process that will greatly aid the mental, physical and spiritual transformation of the entire human race on planet Earth. The planet herself faces transformation. We are even undergoing a genetic "punctuated equilibrium." We can never be the same - and that's very positive indeed. It means real progress. Rapid progress. This in spite of the fact that such tremendous changes will bring turmoil in varying degrees.

My own very small part in this disclosure grew out of my ongoing experiences with the ETI. I call it The Principle of the Downstep.

Here is an explanation of it:

Extraterrestrial Intelligences come in many bioforms. They not only come from the planets and stars we are able to see, but can travel between dimensions and across time. Some of these ETIs are time travelers from our own various future timelines. The whole ETI experience transcends time and space.

Some of them are millions of years further advanced along the path of evolution than are Earth human beings.

They exist in other dimensions which our biominds cannot yet comprehend much less access.

These extraterrestrial entities originally designed this planet as a biological laboratory, and what's more, a LIVING LIBRARY. Earth is a living library for ALL the biological entities throughout our Universe to come and pause and think and contemplate the wonder of it all.

A cosmic meditation globe and chamber.

This is the positive aspect.

Others view it as a "prison planet" with outside "wardens." In my view, that is a projection of a situation the people of our planet themselves have produced and we have been living as the basic status quo earth paradigm for several millenia.

The idea that Earth was designated from "on high" as a prison planet to incarcerate criminals and even political dissenters is an assumption and a projection based upon the erroneous view that ETI is just like us and ruthlessly competes for universal supremacy.

The Laws and Directives of Creation are built in and endemic to every quanta of the whole.

All of the ETIs now interacting with the peoples of this planet teach personal responsibility and no external control is possible, unless we abdicate that personal responsibility.

But, when we know and live the truth of who and what we are, we wake up to the fact that we are soverign entities and at the same time interconnected to all that is. Thus our personal responsibility extends far beyond our limited bioform.

I believe that this "control paradigm" on planet Earth is now in its last days and taking its final breath. It has only been able to exist and perpetuate itself through secrecy, deception, violence and mind-control to form totally false enculturaltions and social consensus realities. Now, these are in their last dying moments. Therefore, exceptional brutality is a last deperate attempt at maintaining their status quo and selfish vested interests.

In my view, ETI is confirming that homo sapiens sapiens is the careGIVER of this Living Library, which was the original intention of the creation of Mother Earth in the first place. But humankind on planet Earth is only just now awakening to that fact. This place we call "Earth" is a unique and very special jewel in space. We only need to become aware of that fact and also aware of the holonomic reality of the Divine Cosmos.

As we awaken to who and what we are, where we originate, and what this planet is, we will take our place as loving caregivers, instead of suicidal despotic destroyers which was developed according to a long establish cultural programing based upon ignorance, greed and self-deception.

Those tyranical controllers who now think they own all the $$$ and power over us are in their last days. They are very angry and fearful about that and thus we can expect varying degress of intense political turmoil during this transition where the old is perishing while the new is arising.

Such change and transformation is the basic principle of Creation in its incessant evolutionary yearning.

From what has come forth about ETI, we are learning that what the would-be controllers of this planet assume to be their power over others, is a complete fabrication and easily disentegrates once the illusory nature of it becomes known. That awakening is happening at this very moment.

The vast majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth desire peace and the fullness of life, coupled with awe, compassion, appreciation, understanding and humility. Humility and valor of the heart is required for this.

Only a handful of idiotic invisible controllers behind the scenes are the promoters of fear, violence, chaos and self destruction. Like parasitic vampires, they feed off those emotions and, like the metaphor of Count Dracula, they dissentegrate when exposed to the light of day.

Fear, terror, horror, war and despair produce energies that they feast upon and they encourage others to do likewise, in fact insist that they do likewise, because they mistakenly think that is where their own life energy comes from. It is because they are unaware of the Universal First Source within themselves and ALL Creation -- INFINITE energy and intelligence. They have no respect for the web of life because they cannot see their own interconnectivity with it and thus, also have no respect for themselves.

They are now in their death throes.

People all over this planet, regardless of their culture, religion, wealth or language, inwardly want the exact same thing - just to love and be loved. And, to work with their own two hands with an enthusiastic vision of discovery, never before imagined, that offers much hope.

They want a bright future for their children and grand children.

ETI has been with us since our creation.

They have a big stake in how the present insanity on this planet is resolved, because not only are we learning from them but they are learning from us also. Since the Universe is Holographic, what happens here effects the whole Cosmic Plenum within the Unum.

However, since extraterrestrial entities normally exist in entirely different dimensions, which we are only now beginning to find out even exist, and since they have many millenia of conscious evolution behind them, their natural form is incomprehensible to us at this stage of our development, although, at the core of our being we are exactly like them. In fact, they are our higher self.

It has been said through insight, from the viewpoint of the holographic reality, that there is only ONE BEING. ONE ENTITY, yet fragmented by the necessary duality of Creation into individual soverign entities, each with its unique energetic signature and frequency.

Extraterrestrial entities are the dimensional harmonics of our individual being trying to get though to us, in order to wake us up, that we might change the longtime destructive course of our blind ignorance and tunnelvision.

WE must do that ourselves. No one can do it for us. This is our own responsibiity and not of any other. However, what we do here effects the whole Universe and so, reminders are now in order. And, that is exactly what the UFO/ETI phenomena is all about.

Therefore, in order to communicate with us, they use the Principle of the Downstep.

They Downstep into metaphors to which we can fully relate. They are, by Joseph Campbell's definition, a MYTH.

To understand those metaphors requires HOLONOMIC THINKING instead of the linear thinking we have all received from our many enculturations and social concensus realities which are actually far removed from reality all together.

This Downstep happens when they materialize into our frequency from the normal dimensions in which they live their lives at home. They materialize into our four dimensional reality (three of space and one of time) as living beamships carrying entities that communicate with us telepathically and sometimes even face to face in human languages. This is a considerable Downstep for them because our dimensional frequency is very heavy, cumbersome and gross to those who normally dwell in much higher frequencies.

As mentioned before, to put it another way, the UFO/ETI phenomena produces a myth. The word myth does NOT mean a LIE, as many who have allowed themselves to be dumbed down in the English language wrongfully suppose. A myth is a metaphor, a parable, an allegory, a story using symbols and pictures which convey a Universal Truth through a TRANSFORMATIVE PROCESS of unveiling many different layers of meaning. These layers of meaning, like the skins of an onion, must be peeled off by our own insights. ETI, like all the great souls who have visited our planet, teach and demonstrate PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

The depths of this phenomena cannot be uncovered merely by our normal everyday linear thinking. Our minds and our very consciousness must expand in order to understand.

To use an analogy, it is the same with great poetry. One can not uncover the depths of a poet like T.S. Elliot by reading his poetry like one reads Popular Mechanics or The National Enquirer.

ETI is a poem, a metaphor, presented to us by the infinite energy and intelligence of Creation itself. The Great Creation is fully committed to every creature because what happens to any part of this huge hologram effects ALL OF IT and the ripples of our present self-destructive thinking travel out to the entire Creation.

One can think of the UFO/ETI phenomena as a Universal Broadcast containing trillions of frequencies and we tune into the various frequencies we as individuals relate to, according to our inner state of conscious awareness.

How we as an individual INTERPRET that poem depends upon what we ourselves bring to it and how our very limited rational minds put it all together.

We all do this differently because we all have different experiences, education, religious backgrounds, fears, hopes, dreams, prejudices, social concensus realities, enculturations, life traumas, etc.

Our own individual biominds assemble our "reality" from these elements and more. Whatever our �reality� appears to be, it is an assemblage of the information and concepts contained within our indivual biomind's mental processing grids.

We get whatever we call upon from the inner core of our being according to how far our individual awareness extends toward that inner core and the Source of All That IS.

ETI is a mirror reflection of our own inner intentions. Our FEARS are realized and materialized. Our hopes and dreams are also materialized. For some, who stop searching with all their hearts, minds and souls, it means despair. For others it means joy unspeakable. And the meaning of it can be anything in between, including the fact that some simply do not care and are almost at a standstill.

Others attempt to make the extraterrestrial intelligences into "gods" and thereby repeat the same error mankind on planet Earth has been perpetrating for many millenia.

Now, an entirely NEW Paradigm of thinking is required for our evolution to prevent our negative self-annihilation.

It all depends upon how willing we are to let our present illusions go and not cling to them, and how willing we are to allow the valor of our hearts to undertake the biggest adventure of discovery ever unfolded to humankind on planet Earth.

The Universal Cosmic Plenum within an Unum, which many, such as the physicist David Bohm and also the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP, elborate upon, are the explicate, implicate and superimplicate realms.

This is infinite energy and intelligence. It is INTELLIGENT INTENTIONAL ENERGY. It is ONE.

However, within this ONE are zillions of greater and lesser distortions of duality. A Multifarious Plenum of duality within an Unum which ultimately is a singularity.

The Universe is now revealed by the new Life Physics, and their working model, to be Idiomaterial. Thought-Matter, not just matter as monist science for several centuries has insisted, while almost ignoring thought altogether and sometimes even referring to it as an "artifact" of physical matter.

Each dualistic distortion within this Plenum of Creation is a slight or great variance from the Unum. All Creation is made up of these distortions away from the Singularity of pure potential. The Plenum is expressed in frequencies innumerable.

Duality itself is a distortion away from the ONE, and yet, duality is absolutely essential for creation to take place at all. However, duality can exist without the loss of the consciousness of the ONE. So, within the Great Creation are varying degrees of these distortions and varying frequencies of duality.

Planet Earth and her multitude of bioforms, considered as a whole, is just one of those distortions of the ONE BEING. The innumerable ET worlds of time and space are others.

However, the Universal Intelligences, that are the multidimensional ETs we are experiencing, are quite a bit LESS distorted from the ONE (UNUM) than the set of vibrations we presently call our third density existance. That is, FOUR dimensions. Three of space, one of time.

Time and Space exist in various ratios. Therefore arises the term density.

One view of "Density" has to do with quantum particles and their varying ratios between time and space. Physically, we are very dense on this planet, so to speak. The ETIs now visiting us via this UFO/ETI phenomena, normally dwell in worlds of less dense frequency with regard to their physicality.

However, there is another way to understand "density." That is, to view it as a density of consciousness.

The more density of conscious awareness, the less physical density of material particles which make up our bioforms. We are presently in third density conscious awareness. The next step in evolution is a punctuated equilibrium from third density conscious awareness to fourth density conscious awareness and on and on. There are seven.

We are on the threshold of a huge and sudden leap in our evolution due to the cyclic cosmic convergence. It is the end of an age (tens of thousands of years long) and the beginning of an entirely new one.

Our physical human forms change also, becoming more energetic and less "solid" as our conscious awareness increases. Many of the ETs engaging us are already in such physical forms but even these are a downstep from the incomprehensible in order to engage us at our own level of understanding.

With regard to the ratio between time and space, we are about to experience less of the "space" aspect and more of the "time" aspect. Energetically, the time domain is far more actively powerful and intense than is the space domain. One can look at it this way: the particles in the space domain are more dormant and potentialized than the particles in the time domain.

The time domain consists of faster moving particles than the space domain which is solidified in varying degrees of manifestation. The time domain is more on the level of free thought energy rather than the frozen potential energy of matter. Matter is more solidified energy than thought.

It is a matter of the difference between frequencies -- low, high, slow, fast.

One can think of ETI's telepathic communications with Earth humans as a continual Universal Broadcast of THOUGHT ENERGY sent forth with specific vector intention. Energy, in varying frequencies, that can be consciously tuned into - an infinite number of frequencies. We usually only access a very tiny portion of those; however, we already have the built in neurological ability to access many more.

Ingo Swann, in his great contribution to the understanding of human consciousness, makes this more than clear.


What we experience of ETI is a DOWNSTEP.

Recently, a new book has emerged called Alien Interview This is a purported transcipt of what the ET, found alive and walking around after the Roswell crash in 1947, had to say. This report was given by several involved in the Roswell investigation.

These interviews were carefully recorded by the Military Intelligence of that time. Both taped and written. I predict that the day will come in this present Disclosure when the original tapes resurface from the government black vault of secrecy into the light of day.

When viewed through the eyes of our common linear thinking, Alien Interview seems utterly fantastic and even smaks of disinformation or hoaxery. However, when one realizes that this is a communication in METAPHOR and accesses the information gnosively with holonomic thinking, some basic principles begin to emerge which only the ETIs are capable of communicating to us at this point in our evolutionary becoming.

What I see in the Alien Interview is such a Downstep. A myth, a story, a parable, an allegory being metaphorically communicated through telepathy. This is ridiculous to the linear thinking mind, like so many other reports of ET contact. However, when viewed from the viewpoint of holonomic thinking, it can be seen as a kind of gateway or portal into the huge cosmic information cumulus which, through the work of the Life Physics group and many others involved in quantum theory, is now becoming understood from a scientific perspective. It is a stretching of our conscious awareness toward accessing this cosmic information cumulus, as is ALL genuine ET contact.

The FORM ETI takes is sometimes what has been called the Greys at other times they look human like us, such as the Pleiadian/Plejarens, the Tall Blonds and the Tall Whites.

What we see of them are cognizant interpretations of them according to how our minds process the energetic information. Sometimes they appear angelic. They appear in a form which matches our inmost intention.


How they look to us depends upon US. That is, WE GET WHATEVER WE CALL UPON. WE determine the physical form and the manifestation they take. THEY ARE US. They are representative, not only of our conscious mind, but also of our subconscious and superconscious mind harmonics. ETI IS A MIRROR IMAGE OF US. Their physical form may or may not appear entirely organic but is entirely PLASTIC/MORPHOGENIC at the same time. One could use the term shapeshifters but not in the ordinary "evil" sense.

ETIs are neither good nor bad only varying degrees of distortion of the ONE BEING, just as WE are also, although we are only now, in this transformational point of linear time, reawaking to that fact.

In a holonomic sense, we are them and they are us. What we see and experience of them is a metaphor and archetype. A mythology of real beings whose home worlds exist in the multifarious frequencies of time and space innumerable, like grains of sand on the sea shore. It is WE ourselves that do the shapeshifting, according to our OWN perceptive concepts of ETs coherency, by what we are calling upon from our inmost being and intention. By that, I mean our true energetic signature not disguised by our false face ego/personality.

Fear is a great magnet. So is love. So is deception. So is greed. So is a desire to expand awareness. So is an intention to heal. So is a desire to serve other beings. So is a desire to CONTROL other beings. So is a desire to exploit and vamparize the energy of other beings.

The energy coming from the ETI bioforms enables US to materialize THEM in our own image. ETI is a MIRROR. WE SEE OURSELVES. Ugly sometimes, but at othertimes, we see our innermost soul's deepest yearning, hope and intention. Sometimes, both at once.

The government wanted WEAPONS and TECHNOLOGY to make themselves the top dog in their international games of oneupsmanship, and that's the energy they called upon out of their inmost intention. That's the frequency they consciously operated on and the frequency they tuned into and the communication they received. That's what they got.

Afer the seminal event that happened in Roswell, they got beings who, like themselves, were deceptive liars who made promises promises but broke them � very much a reflection of our own history in dealing with people of different cultures. But, at the same time, the official human authority at Roswell, and especially the Army nurse who interviewed the alien, had an inner curiosity to know about things such as spirit, life, reincarnation etc. THEY GOT THAT TOO. They got information in METAPHORS they could process and understand according to their mental limitations of intellect and the self-understanding of their own spiritual beings.

Others are not interested AT ALL in weaponry but in seeing our planet and human bioforms evolve out of this present suffering and angst.

One of those was Billy Meier. So, he TOO got what he called upon according to his innermost intention. Like many contactees, his was a prebirth arrangement which had to be gradually remembered. Billy's mission, for which he was vigorously prepared from a child, was in the form of the Pleiadian/Plejarens, their beamships and their utterings about our spiritual relationship with Creation and appreciation for the web of life. These also are metaphors of ETIs communication. These must be deciphered and decoded the same way all mythology must be approached in order to know the meaning beneath the metaphors.

The so-called alien technology is a materialization of THOUGHT. It is both outward and inward technology, both physics and metaphysics merged.

The intelligence people at Roswell in 1947 were dumbfounded to find out that the craft themselves were LIVING BEINGS but also hardware at the same time, totally interconnected to those who flew them.

And HOW did the entities fly them? BY THOUGHT. The earth humans trying to understand the UFO/ETI phenomena were amazed to see that there was very LITTLE hardward inside those ships. No apparent instruments, controls or monitors. Eventually, after hearing the alien's own information, they discovered, that, yes indeed, the chairs or seats of those craft energetically interacted with the ETIs MINDS to transverse not only space but TIME AS WELL.

We are no longer in Kansas Todo.

So, this brings up a very important question.

HOW in hell could they possibly explain this to the ignorant public? Well, they couldn't because they didn't understand it themselves. The more they found out, the stranger it became. This frightened them greatly and they became QUITE PARANOID because, it was the beginning of the cold-war era which eventually produced the depairing idea of Mutually Assured Destruction, (MAD) you know - and also they knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that THEY were no longer in control, not only of our air space, but no longer in control of other nations nor in control of mankind.

All their ambitions and activities suddenly became meaningless. They felt fully vulnerable to something which they didn't even begin to understand.

This is the reason for all the paranoia and OVER THE TOP secrecy and also because, in their extreme effort to maintain controlling supremacy, they committed mnay many crimes against Americans and the whole planet. The secrecy was to save their own hides by preventing their criminal activities and petrified hearts being exposed and thus loosing their assumed power and control over others.

However, since Roswell, the very best and most creative minds on this planet have engaged in developing some understanding of this phenomena.

But for those whose minds are less creative and are set on attaining positions of control via ruthless competition, they can only make a vain attempt at hanging onto the old world Empire-minded control paradigm, which we have had going on now for several millenia, and has been passed down generation after generation through the vain traditions of our fathers.

The revelation of ETI eventually brings a COMPLETE END to that control and competition mind-set because of the paradigm smashing INSIGHTS that the understanding of ETI, now being revealed, will eventually bring to the whole world.


Some of us YEARN for this planet�s complete healing. Some of us long for the basic sanity of our world. Others simply want to put a bandaid on a sucking chest wound so as not to LOOSE anything their egos so fervently and desperately cling to.

With these new insights and complete CHANGE in our world thinking -- we can then become a type 1 space-faring civilization. Not until then. Why? Because it is a PREREQUISITE so as not to present an ignorant threat to the myriads of ET life forms we will then be encountering.

So, ETI is ONE, not divided in any way whatsoever as many assume. They appear to be divided because of our lack of holonomic thinking. Yes, they are individual entities but unified of purpose and emerging from the One Source of All.

The so-called benevolent and malevolent aliens are reflections of US. ETI is neither good nor bad. Neither angles nor devils.

ETI has an ongoing TRAINING PROGRAM for ALL who wish to willingly particiate on planet Earth, beginning with those who call and begin to experience ET directly.

What do we call upon?

As for me, I CALL UPON THE ONE -- the First Source/First Thought/First Intention. Some call that the invisible "God" or the "Great IAM" and call the outward expression of that, "THE CHRIST" or "CREATION" or "THE TAO." Regardless of whatever name is used, it is ONE, omnipotent, omnicient and omnipresent -- a transcendence beyond all dimensions and densities of time and space and yet fully present within all of them simultaneously, everywhere and everytime. It is so close and so present as to be invisible yet fully expressed in all of Mother Nature for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the hands to touch and the heart to interface.

The government called upon WEAPONRY and SUPERTECHNOLOGY out of fear and a power trip. What we CALL upon determines our EXPERIENCE of the phenomena. It can literally be ANYTHING. There are an INFINITE number of energetic frequencies.

When we call upon the ONE, we get ETI help (mentoring) in that direction and an understanding of what holonomic thinking is all about. Otherwise we get a compartmentalized partial segment, according to our particular limitations, prejudices and the personal agenda of our inmost intention. This produces a cognitive dissonance designed to provoke us into holonomic thinking.

Does ETI exist in many different bioforms?

YES BY ALL MEANS. A bioform carries a spirit/soul. A body is a soul container. All spirit/souls are distortions of the one into individuality -- fragments of the ONE but containing ALL of it holonomically at the same time. WE are far more than just our physical bodys. The body is a soul carrier - a container - a vessel. A TOOL for the expression, play and discovery of the soul/spirit toward the fulfillment of its innate endemic yearning to BECOME.

As the Alien interviewed at Roswell so well said, "we are all IS-BEs." The ETI interviewed at Roswell demonstrated that fact very graphically to the nurse who telepathed with that ET. That's what many of us are involved in right now. We are direct experiencers and participators not armchair theorizers.

Some, if not all, of the ETIs now contacting earth have consciousness of that fact and recognize themselves as a degree of distortion away from First Source. Some, like the people's of earth have NO CLUE as to this and, when they see the UFO/ETI phenomena, project their own very limited views upon it and ASSUME things which are just that - assumptions. This is because they interpret everything linearly instead of holonomically.

They ASSUME that ETI bioforms are separated from the ONE and they assume that they are separated from the ONE also. Not true but only a false preception. There is no separation, only lack of consciousness of that undeniable interconnectivity. Unlike humankind of planet Earth, ETI is fully COGNIZANT of the ONE and the divine interconnectivity within the Plenum.

Up till now, only a FEW humans have been so enlightened. Messengers, prophets, saviors or whatever you wish to call them (avatars such as Buddha and Yeshua) have incarnated here to bring us this insight. Their message was distorted and subverted by defiled manmade religions through being controlled by priestcrafts, either greatly or partially.

The ETIs have been with homo sapiens sapiens FROM OUR CREATION. In fact, they were COCREATORS of us and mingled their own DNA with ours. This happened more than once.

By Directed Panspermia, they became COCREATORS with the Great Creation and the ONE SOURCE, which is the First Source of the VERY FIRST THOUGHT AND INTENTION. The causality beyond the Thought Boundary called �Ein Soph� (the unknowable) by the ancients. First Source. A singularity. The Divine Potential, invisible and unknowable, beyond the Thought Boundary. Transcendental. Entirely theoretical to us. But, however, a logical assumption from the limited human being's point of view.

At the first movement of this Divine Potential, duality comes into existance. Creation bursts forth in its Divine expression.

Some cultures on planet Earth call this The Christ. Others call it The Tao. I refer to it here as the Great Creation, the visible fruit of an invisible, incomprehensible, unknowable tree, but every tree is known by its fruit.

All we really can know with our minds is the Great Creation and its Laws and Directives contained in every quanta of it.

At this point in our cycle we are about to undergo TRANSFORMATION to an entirely DIFFERENT DIMENSIONAL AWARENESS. A new "DENSITY." This coincides with our entry into the Aquarian age by holonomic synchronicity.

Outwardly, this is our solar system's CONVERGENCE with the new and unknown cosmic energies now beginning to bombard us from the Milky Way equator as our solar system and planet Earth PLUNGES down through those intense energies in its crossing. The intense energies, we are already beginning to encounter, are changing us at the energetic and DNA levels. DNA and consciousness are two different aspects of the same thing, so we are undergoing a shift in conscious awareness.

The UFO/ETI phenomena being revealed at this time is no accident. It is a synchronicity.

It is an entirely NATURAL event. All that has been called SUPERNATURAL ISN'T SUPERNATURAL in any way. That term supernatural only reflects the limitations of our ignorance as to HOW FAR MOTHER NATURE extends in the Great Creation.

As our insights increase in our awareness (conscious understanding), we are literally TRANSFORMED mentally, spiritually and physically. It has been called a "harvest" because some are not yet ready for it and will have to undergo another round to be prepared. A rather long one considering the rarity of this unique opportunity.

Planet Earth's new paradigm will certainly not be perfect but considerably more sane than the present one and headed in an evolutionary, rather than involutionary, direction.

However, many ARE ready for it. In fact, those who are considering and pondering this UFO/ETI phenomena are being prepared for it RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT.

How? Simply by mulling it around in their minds and intuitively beginning to grok (gnose) it - Holonomic Thinking is being developed.

We are voluntarily under ETIs training program of perparation in our understanding. We can TAKE IT or LEAVE IT. It is in NO way mandatory. Thus we have PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY which is a route anyone can take who is made too uncomfortable about these revelations and would simply rather cling to the familiar old way.


Because, as the seals are removed (as in the book of Revelation) DROPPING all the baggage of our present civilization is required because it is about to BURN UP. Some will CLING onto it because that is all they know and they mistakenly think that the elements and institutions of our civilization, and our present way of life, is what energetically sustains them.

This is our common ignorance. It is the ignorance that is being dispelled by these new insights.

So, it means the entire fading and disentegration of our old civilization. Not just some of it - but ALL of it. Se fue. This is what has so many folks paranoid and terrified. They feel it happening. They fear loss and are not yet able to recognize any replacement, although it is right under their very noses.

They intuitively KNOW this event of events is upon them.

So, on the one hand, we can expect growing chaos in our outside environment and on the other hand we can expect an entirely NEW way of thinking to rapidly emerge.

The most creative minds on the planet are now fully engaged in this discovery.

This change is happening more rapidly as things progress and become more intense which IS already the case. Yes, both the destruction of the old and the birth of the new are currently well underway and the ETI is facilitating that by these very revelations.

They will not step in and DO ANYTHING for us, but are only making this "training program" accessible for any who are ready and willing to embrace it.

And, it should be pointed out, that the so-called ALIEN AGENDA is just ONE THING. Not many agendas as some falsely suppose. ONE THING. That is, the revelation of this unveiling of how things ARE and what Creation is and HOW it has always operated and OUR place and purpose IN IT.

EVERYTHING about ETI is to that ONE purpose.

That's what many of us are involved in right now. Everything I write about or share is to that end.

All the fears are projections of the ignorance that exist RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT on planet Earth due to the illusory thinking of many millenia.

Others of us look forward with great awe and expectation and have NO fear whatsoever. And, there are varying degrees of these emotions in ALL.

This frightens the would-be controllers GREATLY. You can understand why. Their time of deception and overcontrol is now finished.

Robert Roy Smith 9/18/2008 - revised 10/27/09

There is much more to this. Many additional points can be found by reading the sci-fi novel "Downstep" I am presenting here, and also the papers in the links at the bottom of this page.

Peace be upon the earth and among all beings!



Watch this video:

Proof of Global Consciousness Effects

The color of this dot representes the world's thought coherency. For an explanation of this go here: Global Consciousness Project

October 11, 2008 Welcome to my website.

Here, among other things, I present Part I and Part 2 of my science fiction novel DOWNSTEP for your enjoyment. The whole novel is now up. Let me hear from you if you have a comment.

I do hope you get some kind of laugh or thrill out of this work.

While penning DOWNSTEP, I had continual help and input from my beloved wife Singingwolf, who is the best editor on planet earth and a very wise person when it comes to ideas that make the great and powerful archetypical stories of the dream-time. She is also very good with grammar and spelling. Nuff said.

I also had input from several wonderful Hobbits who took the time to read my original first draft, and write very constructive critiques.

I did use about 99% of their suggestions in my second draft.

I especially want to thank Michael, Allyson and all the Hobbits who each influenced this more than they know, just because of who and what they are.

My deepest love and appreciation to them all.

In the Spirit they are all my precious children.

And to Ruth, my precious daughter, to whom this work is dedicated. Thanks for incarnating here amongst us in such a timely fashion. This work "Downstep," is 61 chapters long.

It was completed in 2005, but has been undergoing refinement ever since.

Perhaps as you read this, you can ... SEE IT?

Yes, you are right. It IS a movie or will be ... wishful thinking perhaps ... but ... I certainly hope Jodie Foster is still alive by the time it is made into a movie because she is PERFECT to play the part of Pheledra.

And so now, I present the main title song to this future movie:

"Offering Hands" by

Michael Garfield

Clicking on the picture or Michael's name will take you through a portal to his My Space. Michael is also a fine artist who does scientific illustrations and some very spontaneous creations while being inspired at music concerts. I invite everyone right now to watch Michaels latest VIDEO.


(Click the play button below to hear "Offering Hands.")


A quick annecdote --> I had already named Pheledra's star-ship FIREFLY long before the excellent TV series by that name emerged.

I do understand how certain mental archetypes tend to float around in subspace and people intuitionally receive the same ideas without knowing anything at all about each other.

That is called "telepathy." A phenomena now proven.

For those who possibly have not yet realized it, here is a quote from Albert Einstein (who my third grade teacher said was the "smartest" guy in the world):

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Righto! So is humor, I might add.

Humor can heal what ails you.

"Knowledge" is just book learning and theory ... until ... it is experienced into wisdom. "Imagination" is creative intuition manifested and can far transcend time and space. :O)

[email protected]

Oh, and in case there be any less than upright folk out there that might be starting to feel desperate, because of the economy, and about to have a moral lapse, be it known that this work IS copywrited (copyrighted too) and registed.

Writers Guild of America -- West
Confirmation # 1059447
Registered 04/21/05 @ 5:50 PT

P.S. I do have five cats. That's Satchel in the photo with me above and also the one on the right below playing ping pong in the Kitty King Tournament. He won!

He also pilots my own personal flying saucer.

We have a new video for your entertainment.

You can access it here:



Convergence 2012


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Introduction by the Author
Ch.1-The Mission Ch.2-An Astral Roach Ch.3-The Conspiracy of Light Ch.4-The Kultaki
Ch.5-His Pestilency Ch.6-Brain Storm Ch.7-Feline Processing Ch.8-Red Alert
Ch.9-The Day of Days Ch.10-Empathic Agony Ch.11-Oldtime Melodrama Ch.12-Orange Flies
Ch.13-A Boots Assist Ch.14-Vision Delivery Ch.15-Sudden Capture Ch.16-Cat Torment
Ch.17-The Horror Ch.18-Cobi and Ana Ch.19-Playing Doctor Ch.20-Open to My Soul
Ch.21-Self Sufficient Monkey Ch.22-Total Destruction Ch.23-Alone in Space Ch.24-New Plans
Ch.25-Prepare for Contact Ch.26-Dhati Knows Best Ch.27-Healing and Peace


Ch.28-Internal Conflict Ch.29-Much Confusion Ch.30-Go Within Ch.31-Blue Apple Key
Ch.32-On Avengarone Ch.33-Crash and Burn Ch.34-The Indictment Ch.35-Some Decisions
Ch.36-Abduction Defections Ch.37-Her Testimony Ch.38-Friendly Persuasion Ch.39-Galactic Judgement
Ch.40-New Tensions Ch.41-Boots and Orange Ch.42-Clear Directions Ch.43-Our Connectedness
Ch.44-Some Surprises Ch.45-The Celestial Savior Ch.46-Fine Teamwork Ch.47-Fruits and Nuts
Ch.48-A Cold Chill Ch.49-Friend Fryd Ch.50-Oneness Consensus Ch.51-Fly on the Wall
Ch.52-Uncommon Valor Ch.53-At Mavira Ch.54-Pious Fraud Ch.55-Boom Boom
Ch.56-The Epiphany Ch.57-Shoot The Messenger Ch.58-The Consequences
Ch.59-Super Prize for Cruelty Ch.60-Mother Miraba's Rebirth Ch.61-Beyond Words

This website is dedicated to my beloved wife,
my mirror and greatest inspiration.

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